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Data collection and conclusions

table data
Intepreting linear algebra
which of the following is closest to the probability that a right-handed student selected at random is female?  
linear algebra word problems


In the xy, the line determined by the points (2,k), (k,32)and passes through the origin. Which of the following could be the val

Center, spread, and shape of distributions

date inference

system of linear inequality words problems

scatterplot : upward,downward rule

An insurance agent sells an insurance policy with an out-of-pocket maximum of  $5,000. Out-of-pocket expenses include an

 y=a(x-h)^2+ky=a(x−h)2+k -->>vertex (h,k)

ent has a deductible of $250. This means that the client has to pay all of the first $250 of expenses insured by the policy. After that, the
om IS female?

ured by the policy. After that, the client has a 20% percent co-insurance, meaning the client pays 20%, percent of the insured expense
percent of the insured expenses and the insurance company pays the remainder. Which inequality represents how much the total insured
ts how much the total insured expenses,  x, could be if the client has not yet reached the out-of-pocket maximum? answer 240000
mum? answer 240000
less/more goes with than NOT compared to

advocate (for) Ving

parellism: they did less works than (others) did others

always remmeber the main points,don't go for what sounds fine

ensure: to make something certain or safe

assure:to tell someone in a very strong and definite way that something will happen
insure: to buy or provide insurance

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