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Task 1.

Personal problems (с устной защитой)

You are a journalist of the youth magazine. You’ve received such a letter:
“Last year, my girlfriend wanted to take a business course but she didn’t have enough money. Her parents
couldn’t help, so I lent her the money. Now she’s finished the course, and has found a good job, but she
hasn’t offered to pay me back any of the money. I’ve mentioned once or twice, but she just laughs and talks
about something else. I love my girlfriend, but I want my money back too”.
Now think over this problem and give a writing answer of this problem in your magazine to this young man.

Task 2. It is usual in America to stick some notes and cards on the fridge. These are the variants of two
notes. Read them and create your own “Family rules”. Write about 6 sentences. (письменное задание)
“Family goals”
– We want to be a loving family.
– We want to be alert at school and work, etc…
“Family rules”
– We will always be home by 10 o’clock.
– We will not do anything that will lead to immorality. Etc…
Task 3. Our mood can be different in different days. It can change like the weather. Try to describe your
mood, as if it is one of the seasons of the year. Write about 6-7 sentences, using adjectives concerning the
Task 4. “Ten the most intelligent animals” (с устной защитой в форме диалога/монолога)
Do animals think, or do they act merely from instinct?
These questions have been debated by many people. Dr. Blair has worked with animals for many years.
What does he think?
“It is my judgment that all animals think”, said Dr. Blair, formerly director of the New York Zoological Park,
who has spent many years as a companion of animals. “When we see animals showing affection,
sympathy, jealousy or anger can we doubt that there are thoughts accompanying these feelings?”
Dr. Blair believes that the ten most intelligent animals are:

 the chimpanzee;
 the orangutan;
 the elephant;
 the gorilla;
 the dog;
 the beaver;
 the horse;
 the sea lion;
 the bear;
 the cat.

Imagine that you are speaking at the scientific conference.  Choose one animal from this list. Try to give
many arguments as you can, proving the idea that this animal is really the most intelligent.

Task 5. Match the names of some popular British and American dishes (column 1 with their description
(column 2)).

Соедините названия популярных Британских и Американских блюд (1 колонка) с их описанием (2

колонка). (Письменное задание)

1 Hot cross bun A - It is a dish of chunks of roasted marinated chicken (chicken

tikka) in a spiced curry sauce.
1. Tikka Massala B -It is a savory pudding containing sheep's pluck (heart, liver,
and lungs), minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt,
mixed with stock, and cooked while traditionally encased in the
animal's stomach though now often in an artificial casing
2. Custard C- It is a spiced sweet bun usually made with fruit, marked with
a religious symbol on the top, and traditionally eaten on Good
3. Haggis D- It is a meat pie with a crust or topping of mashed potato.
4. Shepherd’s Pie E- It is an American dessert pie made of Key lime juice, egg
yolks, and sweetened condensed milk in a pie crust.
5. Key lime Pie F- It is a variety of culinary preparations based on milk or cream
cooked with egg yolk to thicken it, and sometimes also flour,
corn starch, or gelatin.

Task 6. Restore compliance: the famous writer and his words. (Письменное задание)

Найдите соответствие: известный писатель и его слова.

1. MARK TWAIN A- One should make his own mistakes in his life.
2. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE B- man is known by the company he keeps
3. JACK LONDON C- You can’t wait for inspiration; you have to go
after it with a club.
4. AGATHA CHRISTIE’S D- All the world’s a stage and the all the men and
women merely players.

Task 7. Produce a sequence of presidents in the USA. Begin with the earliest. (Письменное задание)

Поставь президентов США в порядке последовательности их правления. Начни с самого раннего.

A- Abraham Lincoln
B- George Washington
C- Thomas Wilson
D- Barack Obama
E- Thomas Jefferson
F- Theodore Roosevelt
G- Donald Trump
H- Benjamin Harrison

Task 8. Answer the questions: yes or no. (Письменное задание)

Ответь на вопросы, в ответе используй слова да или нет.

1 Is Coca- Cola the most popular drink in the USA?
2 Has the UK the largest fashion industry in the world?
3 Is fish and chips traditional British food?
4 BBC is British national TV and broadcaster.
5 The Americans like to drink a lot of tea, do they?
6 Is Wimbledon famous for football?
7 The Beatles and the Queen are well known musical bands in the
UK, are they?
8 Is blue the color of famous London buses?

Task 9. Read the information about well-known films and match them with the actors making these films.
(Письменное задание)

Прочитайте информацию об известных фильмах и соедините с именами актеров, которые в них


1. Quentin Tarantino goes back to the 1969 Tinseltown of his dreams with  Once Upon a
Time in…Hollywood, a reverie for that bygone moment when the culture and
counterculture collided. On the downside of this equation is faded TV Western star Rick
Dalton and his loyal stuntman Cliff Booth , whose navigation of this rapidly changing
environment crisscrosses with the ascendency of Rick’s neighbor Sharon Tate (Margot
Robbie) and her husband Roman Polanski (Rafał Zawierucha) – all as the Manson
Family assumes its soon-to-be destructive position on their horizon.
2. James Mangold’s Ford v Ferrari  may not redefine its field in the way that the Ford
GT40 revolutionized auto racing, but it’s nonetheless a muscular example of big-budget,
star-driven Hollywood entertainment. Elevating its conventional storytelling through
mega-watt personality and fast, screeching track action, Mangold’s based-on-real-
events film rides alongside former champ Carroll Shelby and his rough-around-the-
edges driver Ken Miles as they attempt to build a car for Henry Ford II (Tracy Letts)
capable of besting Ferrari’s legendary vehicles in 1966’s 24-hour Le Mans contest. 
3. The term “awe-inspiring” may be overused in critical circles, but it roundly applies to
Todd Douglas Miller’s Apollo 11, a definitive documentary about the United States’ first
trip to the moon. Premiering on the 50th anniversary of that momentous event, it utilizes
a treasure trove of recently discovered 65mm footage and audio recordings to afford an
up-close-and-personal view of the preparations for launch, the men and women toiling
behind the scenes to ensure its safety, the crowds gathering to witness history, and the
outer-space flight itself, shot by cameras accompanying (and sometimes manned by)
Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins.
4. Greta Gerwig establishes herself as one of world cinema’s finest directors with Little
Women, an adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s novel that’s bursting with effervescent life.
Led by a collection of outstanding performances thrumming with adolescent liveliness,
longing, regret, resentment and resolve, the film revisits the diverse ups-and-downs of
the March sisters. Independent writer Jo conservative actress Meg; prim painter Amy;
and unwell pianist Beth.
5. John Wick dispatches adversaries in a frantic knife-throwing fight, on horseback
through the streets of New York City, and with a library book in Chad Stahelski’s latest
go-round – and that all happens in the first twenty minutes. No franchise dispenses
more crazily choreographed violence than John Wick, in which savagery is carried out
with both concussive force and dancer-like grace. 
6. Divorce is a cataclysm that destroys the past, present and future—as well as forces
one to reconfigure their very sense of self—and Noah Baumbach’s Marriage
Story captures that upheaval with stinging authenticity and insight. The separation of
Brooklyn theater director Charlie () and actress Nicole () begins with amicable intentions
but soon devolves into a costly and traumatizing legal war that’s carried out by cutthroat,
self-interested lawyers (Laura Dern, Ray Liotta), and strands the couple’s young son
Henry (Azhy Robertson) in the middle of a figurative (and, at one point, literal) tug of

Leonardo Dicaprio, Matt Damon, Tom Hanks, Florence Pugh, Keanu Adam Driver,
Brad Pitt Christian Bale Kevin Bacon Emma Watson, Reeves Scarlett
Eliza Scanlen, Johansson
Saoirse Ronan.

Task 10.   Speak (write) about what you will be like in 20 years/Расскажите или напишите о том, что вы
будете представлять собой через 20 лет. (задание с устной защитой)

Task 11. Проблемные ситуации (задание с устной защитой)

1.     The Earth may become a desert because of cutting forests down. What is the way out?
Земля может превратиться в пустыню из- за вырубки лесов. В чем выход?
2.     Grown- up children often do not have enough time to take care of their old parents. How can we change
the situation?
У взрослых детей часто не хватает времени, чтобы ухаживать за старыми родителями. Как мы
можем изменить ситуацию?
3.     Obesity is a common problem of many Russians. What should we do to solve the problem?
Ожирение – распространенная проблема среди россиян. Что нужно предпринять, чтобы разрешить
эту проблему?

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