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Thank You for Choosing Loopmasters

The One shot samples from this pack contain Tagged, Ready For Native Instruments Maschine, which
will help locate the sounds once imported into the user Library.

To Use the Sounds Within Maschine:

 Unpack the collection and place the Entire folder to a safe location on your hard drive.
 Open Up Maschine and use the browser Disk window to locate and select the Sounds And Fx
folder of sounds you wish to import
 Click Import and then Ok.
 Maschine will locate all the tagged sounds and add them to your library (note it only copies
the location path so you must not move the samples once you have done so)
 Select the Sample option in Maschine's browser you will now see the bank Named
“Loopmasters “and the relevant Genre Type Tag.
 To browse through the sounds simply select the tags from the browser and any samples
from that pack will appear in the results list. They can be easily identified as the samples
carry a short Prefix in the name unique to each pack for example, SM_Shaker is from the
Loopmasters pack-Steve Mac – Mac’s House

The Loopmasters Team


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