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Name : Osama Mohammad Salaymeh

ID : 2013888094

Section : # 3

Experiment : #2 " Center of Pressure "

Instructor : Jumana Batoush

Date : 20/10/2015
To determine the magnitude of the force and it position exerted on the Plane
immersed in Water, which is called (Hydrostatic Force) either it's partially
immersed or fully immersed in water.


F  p.A 
F   l . y.sin  .A
p   l .h   l . y.sin  

p = Hydrostatic Pressure at depth (h).
γl = Specific Weight of the Fluid.
δA = Infinitesimal Area. y
δF = Force exerted on the infinitesimal Y

After integration over the whole area (A):

F   l .sin  . y.A.

  F   l .sin  . y. A.

But :  y.A  y. A 
A 
To find the Line of Action :
ycp  y  CG
y. A
Where :
y  Center of Area.
I CG  Second Moment of Inertia around the Center of Area.
For Rectangular Surface on the Vertical Position (Partially Immersed):

F   w .sin 90 . y. A

y 
 F   w .b. y.
2  L

y 1 .b. y  3
ycp   y12
2 2 .b. y 
 Water Surface
2 
 ycp  . y
3  y d

For Rectangular Surface on the Vertical Position (Fully Immersed):

 d 
F   w . y  .b.d 
 2  L

 d 2
d  a
ycp   y   
 2  d 
12  y    Water Surface
 2 y d

To find F(practical) we compare the moments acting on the surface :

1) Partially Immersed :
mg.L  F . y cp Thus : m.L  ρ w .b. (a  b  13 y )
2) Fully Immersed :

m.L  ρ w .( y  d2 ).b.d . a  d2  12( dy  d 2 )

APPARATUS & Materials :

Quadrant Clamping Screw Pivot

Beam Level Adjustable
L Counterbalance

Balance Pan 90 Scale
End Face
10 Drain Cock

Spirit Level Leveling Feet

The arrangement of the Apparatus to be used in shown, it consists mainly of a

Torrid contained in a container that will be filled with water.


Barometric Pressure = 715 mm Hg.
Temperature = 20o C.

* Height of the Rectangular Surface: d = 100 mm.

* Width of the Rectangular Surface: b = 75 mm.
* Distance between the Balance Pan and Pivot: L = 275 mm.
* Distance between the Top of the Rectangular
Surface and the Pivot Level: a = 100 mm.
* Density of Water (ρw) : ρw = 1000 Kg/m3.
Data Collected:

Partially Immersion :

Trials 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Weight on 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
arm (gram)
Depth of
Water (y), 21 30 37 44 48 54 57 60
,Practical 0.139 0.283 0.431 0.582 0.733 0.889 1.04 1.199
,Theoretical 0.165 0.337 0.513 0.726 0.864 1.09 1.22 1.35
difference 0.05 0.08 0.14 0.136 0.2 0.18 0.151
between #3
& #4
Depth of
Center of 20 24.6 29.3 32 36 38 40
Ycp (mm)

Fully Immersed :

Trials 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Weight on 275 285 295 305 315 325 335 345
arm (gram)
Depth of
Water (y), 121 124 126 130 132 135 139 141
,Practical 4.6 4.77 4.94 5.13 5.31 5.5 5.67 5.85
,Theoretical 7.1 7.4 7.6 8 8.2 8.5 8.9 9.1
difference 2.63 2.66 2.87 2.9 3 3.23 3.25
between #3
& #4
Depth of
Center of 85.2 86.9 90.4 92.1 94.8 98.3 100
Ycp (mm)
Slope for the (Partially Immersed Curve) = 0.89
Slope for the (Fully Immersed Curve) = 0.625
Original Slope for these two cases = 1.00

 We Find that the center of pressure is deeper than center of area.
 Because we are dealing with static fore not with dynamic force, the
derivation in the first eq didn’t depend n the viscosity of the fluid.
 The depth will be less than correct one if the water surface was not
perpendicular , so the calculations of hydraulic force will not be that
correct because the bouncy force affects.
 Taking the reading (level of water) is considered as a major source
because of the surface tension.
 Other errors can be due to approximation of balance situation and the
readings itself.
 Depth of water affects the center of pressure, so when we increase the
water level the center of pressure increases (i.e. direct downward), but
the center of area is constant, so the difference between the two centers
will be increasing when the water level increases.
1. The body will rotate upward or downward or stay rotating till infinity due to the
properties of the body that the location of the center pressure depends on.
2. The forces of the torrid will act vertically because all outer and inner surface
will pass from the center of that torrid
3. The hydrostatic force acting on the immersed body can be assumed as the
weight of the above water of that body.
We can estimate from the elevated body that the bouncy force forces all to go


 Fluid mechanics and hydraulic laboratory manual

 Fluid Mechanics .Clayton. Crown , Donald F . Elgar and John A . Roberson
, Mustafa Amasi .
 LAB sheets and hand out.

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