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Use ScrollLock to toggle this script on/off



Progress, B1 w400 cwFFFFFF fs18 zh0, Use ScrollLock to toggle the script`n
On/Off, , , Arial
Sleep 3000
Progress, Off

if ( GetKeyState("ScrollLock", "T") ) ; this will be 'true' if ScrollLock is
toggled 'on'
Suspend, On
send {}

~Enter::Suspend, Off

;double kick
if ( GetKeyState("ScrollLock", "T") ) ; this will be 'true' if ScrollLock is
toggled 'on'
{send, {x down}
sleep, 10
send, {x up}
sleep, 25
send, {x down}
sleep, 10
send, {x up}
sleep, 300
else send z

;rapid fire (4 kicks in succession)

if ( GetKeyState("ScrollLock", "T") ) ; this will be 'true' if ScrollLock is
toggled 'on'
send, {x down}
sleep, 5
send, {x up}
sleep, 5
send, {x down}
sleep, 5
send, {x up}
sleep, 5
send, {x down}
sleep, 5
send, {x up}
sleep, 5
send, {x down}
sleep, 5
send, {x up}
sleep, 5
else send c

;startup for RED


{ 1000
send {Right Down}
sleep, 700
send {Right Up}
send {Down Down}
sleep, 1100
send {Down Up}
send {Up Down}{Right Down}
sleep, 1630
send {Up Up}{Right Up}
send {Left Down}{Down Down}
sleep, 100 ;200
send {Left Up}{Down Up}
; The Fake ^
send {Left Down}{Up Down}
sleep, 50
send {Left Up}{Up Up}
send {Up Down}
sleep, 52
send {Up Down}{Right Down}
sleep 190
send {Up Up}{Right Up}
send {Right Down}
sleep 10
send {Right Up}
send, {x down}
sleep, 1
send, {x up}
send {Right Down}
sleep, 500
send {Right Up}
send {Right Down}{Down Down}
sleep, 400
send {Right Up}{Down Up}

;startup for BLUE

sleep 1000
send {Left Down}
sleep, 700
send {Left Up}
send {Down Down}
sleep, 1100
send {Down Up}
send {Up Down}{Left Down}
sleep, 1630
send {Up Up}{Left Up}
send {Right Down}{Down Down}
sleep, 100 ;200
send {Right Up}{Down Up}
; The Fake ^
send {Right Down}{Up Down}
sleep, 50
send {Right Up}{Up Up}
send {Up Down}

sleep, 52 Down}{LeftDown}
send {Up
sleep 120
send {Up Up}{Left Up}
send {Left Down}
sleep 10
send {Left Up}
send, {x down}
sleep, 1
send, {x up}
send {Left Down}
sleep, 400
send {Left Up}
send {Left Down}{Down Down}
sleep, 100
send {Left Up}{Down Up}
send {Left Down}
sleep, 500
send {Left Up}

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