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Covid19 SoPs for Students to follow while on campus:

 Campus entry without face mask will Not be allowed. Please continue to use facemasks
all the time while on campus.
 Avoid handshakes, hugs and touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
 Please observe social distancing in departments, offices, Labs (Computer/departmental),
Library and at reception etc.
 Off-class large social gatherings or meetings will not be allowed.
 Please repeat a diligent hand-washing of at least 20 seconds while on campus.
 If you or any member of your family is not feeling well, please avoid coming to campus,
better seek the assistance of a doctor.
 The campus premises has been disinfected thoroughly. This activity will be repeated
with regular intervals.
 Hand sanitizer will be available at entrance points near gates and in multiple locations in
departments and corridors. Soap and water will be available in washrooms and Ablution
(WUZU) areas as per already routine practice.
 Cover the cough or sneeze with tissue or a shoulder or elbow. Repeat hand & face wash
with soap and water after a cough or sneeze.
 Repeat the hand wash after the contact with any frequently-touched surfaces such as
door handles, machines, handrails, coolers, computers, telephones, fax machines
keyboards etc.
 If anyone starts feeling unwell while on campus, s/he should immediately inform the
administration and leave the premises.

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