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It includes procedures that help the firm select individuals of integrity with the capacity to develop
the capabilities and competence necessary to perform the firm's work.
Ans: Recruitment

2. It includes tracking the progress of the engagement and considering the capabilities and competence
of individual members of the engagement team.
Ans: Supervision

3. It includes discussion with individuals within or outside the firm who have specialized expertise to
resolve a difficult or contentious matter.
Ans: Consultation

4. What is the extent of the engagement quality conteol review?

Ans: (page 134)

5. In differences of opinion, ____________ reached should be documented and implemented.

Ans: Conclusions

6. Give one consideration regarding Assignment of Engagement Teams

Ans: (page 130)

7. These are determined on the basis that more experienced engagement team members, including the
engagament partner, review work performed by less experienced team members
Ans: Review responsibilities

8. Give one method that develop the capabilites and competence of individuals.
Ans: (page 129)

9. This is often accomplished through written or electronic manuals, software tools or other forms of
standardized documentation, and industry or subject matter-specific guidance matterials.
Ans: Engagament performance

10. This is agreed by both the individual seeking consultation and the individual consulted when difficult
or contentious matters are involved.
Ans: Documentation of Consultations

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