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Do I need this? I can’t believe that this romcom movie would offer me the most powerful
phrase to become financially genius. I won’t deny that most of the time I went shopping, it
seems that I forgot what’s the difference of wants and needs. In addition, I would literally blunt
out “I want this” instead of asking “Do I need this?”. This movie is so relatable and realistic to
every person who’s having a hard time to become credible. I learned in this movie that your
credibility is so important in presenting yourself to your network and the society because we
have to build trust and it usually come with commitment. Like other young adults, Rebecca also
likes to shop. She loves shopping so much and the trouble is that she spent beyond her means
to the point that she’s horribly drowning in debt. It is in the climax of the movie I put myself on
the shoe of Rebecca, and I promise to myself that I will be responsible and I would never put
myself on that kind of situation that can ruin my credibility. It’s just so ironic how an indebt
person works as an aspirant advice journalist for a financial literacy magazine who even got a
penname “The girl on green scarf”. However, even if she had all the lies made for her own
benefits like working as a finance advisor in a magazine company to pay her debts and avoiding
her debt collector wouldn’t change the fact that she helped thousands of people who’s also
financially struggling like her through the articles of “the girl on green scarf”. As Rebecca shows
throughout the movie, shopping with a credit card almost makes every product looks free, and
it makes everything appear affordable. It looks awesome that there's no need to wait for a pay
check to start spending, as credit is available constantly. Even when the credit limit is reached,
there are other cards out there, and you can always apply for more. This is the same reason
why I would not want to get credit cards for personally not important consumption, but when
the time comes and I’ll have my own business, I’ll surely apply for business loans. It is really
important that we are aware about the cost and worth of the things we purchased. Aside from
that, we should also know our limits and be a responsible consumer.

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