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Executive Summary
Rasendriya Student Company is an ecopreneur focused company, which is
operated by students of SMAN 16 Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. Knowing how
bad the air quality in Indonesia we wondered “why?”, little did we know many
industrial companies burned their wood waste to remove it. This is almost as
dangerous as biomass burning, this method produces 40% carbon dioxide, 32 %
carbon monoxide, 20 % particulates, & 50 % highly carcinogenic poly-aromatic
hydrocarbons ( 2002 ). As ecopreneur based company we
want to find an alternative way to turn those waste into something useful and

SC Performance Vision Statement

During our 10 months of operation, Involved in efforts to increase
Rasendriya SC’s Production Division has generation creativity supported by
been through so many Research and
environmentally friendly products.
Development (R&D). We finally go with 2
product known as Molf Desk-Organizer a Mission Statement
multi-functional desk-organizer that’s
1. Continue to innovate and be open
made with industrial wood waste for it’s to all ideas
main body material, and Loka Color Palette 2. Prioritize environmentally friendly
a 6 color watercolor palette, made with principles
eggshell waste for the watercolor base and 3. Highly dedicated to the company
industrial wood waste for the palette. Our
target market for both of this product is
almost identical, for Molf we’re choosing Future Plans
teen to middle aged man/woman from Rasendriya SC will not stop here, our
average family, who have an eco-lifestyle. ultimate goal is to help this
What makes them difference is the environment, we still have so many
preferences, for Loka we choose those things for the future, and seeing so
who like arts & craft, on the otherhand Molf many good responses from our
Desk-organizer’s target market are those customer & our potential customer,
who like to organize, and/or technology Rasendriya SC has prepared
with this target market our Marketing upgrades for our product. Not only
Division expanded their reach through so product-wise, we’re also planning
many online platforms. After those on how we’re gonna market our
enterprising promotion we manage to product, in the future we’re planning
fulfill all of our target by the end of our on exporting our product, & doing
operation period, such as : Business to Business (B2B).

Sold Product Earning Per Total Income Net Profit Stock Value
Share From
133 IDR IDR IDR 20,000
103 Loka, 30 Molf 220% 19,776,399 1,575,000 to IDR 41,000

INDEX 5. Production
1. Executive Summary 7. Marketing
2. Letter for Stockholder 9. Finance
3. Human Resources & Development 10. Achievement Summary &
4. Public Relations Future Plans

Letter for Stockholder
Dear Stockholder,
It is my honor to write my very first letter to you all, our honorable stockholder
as President of Rasendriya Student Company, and proudly tell you about our
journey, innovation, financial statement, market expansion, and our glorious

In February, Rasendriya Student Company proudly launch our company and we

want to thank all of you for the major support and gives us the opportunity to
help our environment to get better. But not so long after, our company, even the
world has to face a horrible incident, COVID-19. Our “newborn” company has to
encounter this pandemic, but the show must go on.

During pandemic, we continue our Research and Development (R&D) for almost
2 months (by also following the government health protocols). We’re going
through so many ideas, samples, online meetings and prototypes. By the end of
May, we finally found the perfect product for our company Molf Desk-Organizer
and Loka Color Palette.

In less than 3 months we manage to sell 133 of our products, with 103 pieces of
Loka and 30 pieces of Molf, which is beyond our target. Thanks to our Marketing
division, they successfully promoted our product until it blows on one of social
media even into other country. Because of this, our sales income had reached
IDR 19.776.399, - with net profit of IDR 1.575.000, -. And we reach Earning Per
Share (EPS) of 220% our final value of shares, grew from IDR 20.000, - to IDR
41.000, -

Our company doesn’t only focus on the income, our ultimate goal is to help this
environment get better, we manage to working with vendors in Surabaya and
use industrial wood waste as our main component. By doing so, we, Rasendriya
Student Company including all of our stockholder manage to help reduce the air
pollution, cause by industry that burned their wood waste down.

The opportunity you gave us is honorable, you trust us for treating this earth
right. Your trust is what makes our company able to reach all of our
achievements, you help us grow in small amount of time. As the President of
Rasendriya SC, I thank all of our stockholder who entrusted us, who support us,
since the beginning of our journey to this glorious growth. We wish you an ever-
lasting bright future, so we can always work to sustain all of our work for this
environment together.

Best Regards

D. Fiqih Azzahra
President of Rasendriya SC

Human Resources &
HRD division is in charge of company members quality & skill. We’re aware that the
key of company success depends on how good the human resources are. So, we
strives to develop and maintain the good quality & also help the company members
accentuate their potential through the HRD PROGRAM.

Many things we do for

maintaining the quality of
Rasendriya SC human
resources such as :
1. Monthly to weekly
performance appraisals.
Sharing is Caring Motivation Day For each individuals
from each division. This
way, everyone give
reviews & comments
over someones work.
2. Weekly follow up, to
remind each member
about their jobdesc.
3. Best Employee Award.
For appreciation & to
Rasendriya Playday SongComm motivate our members.

Learning Experience
We've experienced some obstacles while running our student company. However,
we managed to find a way to solve the problem. For example, if there's one member
who had personal problem & can't keep up with the company, we'll try to have a
little consultation with this member & help them as much as we possible.

Corporate Structure

Public Relations
Work Program
Rasendriya’s Public Relations division is holding the responsibility of this student
company’s favorable reputation and maintain a decent and stable relationship to
either our stakeholders or the general public. Whether it’s other companies or
various communities around us.

Corporate Social Responsibility

WeDonate is an activity where we, as a company, =
donates to an organization based on the amount of
likes we’ve received on an Instagram post. The way
this works is that we multiply the amount of received
(724 likes) with IDR 160/likes.
We’re donating to a program called MyBabyTree, that
has been established by WWF (World Wide Fund for
Nature) since 2015. We choose this program because
they'll take care of the trees for many years to come &
they are not only planting in one place, but various
places across the country. By donating to MyBabyTree,
we’ve contributed to Indonesia’s reforestation.

Learning Experience
From the start of this company to this point on, Public Relations Division has been
through its ups and downs. It may be shameful & holds a lot of regret but that’s also
how we learn, because sometimes we have to learn something the hard way, or
even a harsher way than most does. And that experience built us to be even more
cautious & careful than ever.

Work Program Development Plans

• Promoting Rasendriya Student Company through various radios by doing an
interview. This way people can know more about us & learn that highschoolers are
capable of starting & running their own business from scratch.
• Collaborate with an influencer who is either environmentally aware, adopts eco-
lifestyle into their life, or an entrepreneur. But not limited to influencers who are
based in Surabaya, because we want to broaden Rasendriya's name to other cities,
other provinces, and even other countries.

• Line today, 26 February 2020 • Surya Newspaper, 27 February 2020
•, 26 February 2020 •, 1 March 2020
•, 26 February 2020 • Harian Bhirawa Newspaper, 2 March 2020

Innovations That We Had Done
• Loka Color Palette
It all started from a plantable colored pencils, & eventually we came up with a eco-
friendly coloring palette with an aesthetic wooden palette to support & pack the
coloring palette.


• Molf Desk Organizer

It all started from a pencil case, eventually we had an idea for a Desk Organizer
with a bunch of features, that helped a lot of people works


Challenges & Solutions

• Face-to-face Production Activity
Our production activity were delayed due to the restriction on large group
activities. Our partners, the wood carpenters, are also having a difficult time
providing our request immediately due to the lack of workforce.
So, we divided 2 teams to work on our production in different places. Lastly, we
scout wood carpenters from various places to make the bases of our products.

• Products with a New Concept

Loka & Molf were created after we've been through various kinds of trials & errors.
We faced a lot of difficulities, process with its ups & downs, until the point where
we finally succeeded on making our product a realization.
Future Plans
Molf : Molf’s future plan is to develop a lite version that has less features &
make it more affordable.
Loka : Loka’s future plan is to add more colors and refill.




: Quality Control
Loka Molf

89 Amount of
80 No Month Production Note
Loka Molf
1 May 1 pc 1 pc For Prototype
40 14 22 2 June 14 pcs 8 pcs For Sale
1 3 July 89 pcs 22 pcs For Sale
20 8


IDR 109.900/pc
IDR 309.900/pc



Marketing Challenges

Uncertain Sales for

Several Days
We use alternative marketing
strategy by endorsing influencers
who have suitable audiences and Limitations on Reaching Our
changing our promotional picket Market Target & Distributions
schedules to be more effective Due to Global Pandemic
which ultimately has an impact on Using various online platforms
increasing our sales. especially Instagram and extend
Short Period of Time company operational hours proven
to be more effective to reach more
Production division conducted
potential customers. As for product
product research & development
distribution, we choose online
until April so that we only had less
shipping services such as Grab, Go-
than three months to fulfill sales
Jek, and J&T to minimize physical
targets. Therefore, we open three
contact that might occur in this case.
batches of pre-orders with a period
of one week and promote our
products more often especially in
the pre-order weeks


Innovations Future Plans

We adjust a pre-order system which
divided into several batch of pre-order
that requires the buyer to make
payment in advance within the specified
time period so that their purchase can
be processed afterwards. Export Across Business to
Switching to Endorsement Country Business
We found the best way to promote a introducing our Expanding the
product is by giving the product to be products to a business to a larger
reviewed directly by several influential larger and more scale through
painters and other aesthetic accounts. diverse audience cooperation with
Laser Focus on Online Sales by exporting our other companies,
Due to the ongoing pandemic, we are products across especially those
more focused on online sales and the country. engaged in aesthetics
promotions. and painting tools.
















IDR 41.000,00


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