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’ GR NO- 105909 ,June 28, 1994 MUNIGPALITY OF. PILILLIA, RIZAL, Petihemer ve. ON. CouRT OF APPEALS, HON. ARTURO A- MARAVE, as Presiding Judge, Regionol Trial Crut, Branch 72, Mormg, Rieal and PHILIPPINE PETROLEUM Cox PORATION, Res poacteds FACTS: : Regimmak Tra Court CRTC) of Taney, Rizal , Br - amth 0, rendered jrdguent in civil case In faumr of plosnbft, now herein peirtimer Municipality pf Piliilion, Riral , agarnst dant, ners herein privale respondent F Philippine Petr lewm Cov poration (PPC) , ovclering therein Actondomt to poy savd plarnnff ammunt representing O)daves on business ; 6) store permit fer; @)imeyers porntt fee; @ samutamg Inspection j and ® the costs of sutt. The Court crffirmed the RIC Judgment with wodlific- ations om the amount. In umneetion with the exeeuhon of stad. Jodginent, . Felix Mendicla, filed a motion in behal plaintiff muieipaléty with thy, RTC for the examinchion of defendomd cerporations gross sales fy the porpose of Pe the tm om business imposed under te Local lay Code- : Defondand corporation fled a motor manifestation to the effet sat Pllc ne Nicomedes ne (patemia) received poy ment fam it as full Soh sfaction of the abover mentiond jrdgment ,as evidenced by i sedation of ad a Fant gain had already beom sotisfied. Seles ry Athy Mendiola pose reum sideration 4 the a ey oder, re tyes duc under |) eRe law firm of Atty - egal ae tla Pe two Us fv a Bie sovies atrreys motion: _ Atty Merdiola » aga4n, tn bebalf of —hereln petifiowy municipality « filed a pebtin fry. a with the - Supoeme. Cewct Crwct , which petition was rs fucred ie the CAS oe PPC tiled a mation + hend- eho — hawing beeen He ig i — o private counsel In Cay we ae, the maar cipality Hhrmgh the proper provincial ov mud erpal Lugal offi Whim fed a ream sl devation whitch ae CA aaa 4 eee ‘Issues: — ae cher eee ele ured ny ee Peete bint regarding Atty: ty. mendiola's author thority, leroug ht — up for the first Hint on appeal ; > Vrether or not the Gis tn en to Pewee: a __pentien with alducnadive remedy of —fishg sihadlar— petition} _ 2 Whether_or ie ca. dic in eral. Hrot He | ili af the Inston penton hy the private Crys Phe is the Molatim of Jams “ow de tiptoe see HELD: x _____ Petitim ts olevoid “of mer as thE The CA ts covrveet in foe ‘that Atty. Mediate . ___ line. authority te vi tn_bebalf of and in te name of “the. Municipality of Pita. Private attorneys _camnot “represen a proving oy mune ality ih lawsuits | CRownos VS Gr dal) { Provine of Cebu ye lnbermedbade Appellate Court, stat) Li Seation 18> of the Reviced Jdminitradive Coda : ___“Seetion 83. eal to repreceut provinces amd vindal subolivicions iv litigation « = The provinetal __ fiscal, shal crate pve Se es Pe aoe nae in Cages where Hee tulpalitd er munitipal clistriet in question =— a pl te pin Hea shal ast m behalf of — To to Somethin “or mumielpal. districh in the Same _provine. when interests of a peoulneil griecnanent amd of amas petinical Mvision tewecl ave the proving ae fiscal “tc dicquolified $9 seme. oe | abity ov softer polifient stu siubdivistor of a previne, sprelel 2 air vous be tupleyed by, ts tauncil- ec Under the albove provisixt only He provinetal —fiseal, andl the muni vieal affoaey com veprescuct —;pavine on m_municypabity in 1 thet Oe This povi- Sim_is mam doctor . The muuscipe Utys outa ty to [oy aw privale Jemryor iS es pressly Oneited a oe sifwdittons whore ihe grovinetal fiscal is dicgualified. “pe rtpresent ft Fo the ey to hes Me provincial peal wk dngulted +t ‘handle He cose must wu on rteord. Fp the instamt case, there 1s voting in the vteorde to show that He provinotal seal is disqualified Yo ast ot Counsel, ‘pence, ‘fhe appearance of herein privade tountel fs withont authority of laws. "The Submission of Aly: Mendiola, Hnat te ecerption includes gituatime wherein the provincial pou refuses to handle the case om be ‘euctuned. Unlike a practietna later who has te a whe. PPC. A clewt , by appearing peysrrolt avd __pawidparye refuse ol perform. ce functions on grounds not oe for by lam) otitis yislost lis oath of office “Inskad of engaging the Servius of & “speetal atforney, whe ae traneil showed. usst the Seeretayy of _fushe. te _opporiet an ask provineral 720aL in place of Yea frovinscal, who has dobined | do handle an prosecute F ay case in court, pursuant to Seetion @74 af. foe Revised Aduuivnistroctive Code. é: Moreover, fre legality of _attty- mordolas repre- statin cam be queshmed at aunty stage of te pruding s. Brow Ea aniiea that pty. Mendiola was dluby althovised saad authority is ceumed to have | ben revoke wun the murattlpality _ withort lis ‘ov 1 entered Ito a bomnprrnnise ieee presemting O _ pion _-foy_ is °% emsr pe hawt _inplied’ distal ssed Wks lamngur Bef ot Com- mort law) under bert 26, Rule 120 of the Rules of Court, 0 om way alismies has lawpor at amy tine of at ama) Sage of te proasdings, ara tore ts wothing, to rental Lifigauc fron befrre ‘ee es Ie ow. ee Petition at bor & denied for [nek of merit ond the jet gmcendt of vespon aon Court Teco eh. ee be fess ei

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