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The VARK Project.

Institution: Universidad Tecnologica de El Salvador

Name: Willian Alfredo Ramos Lopez.

Career: lic´en Idioma Ingles.

Objective: to know my learning style to improve my learning achievements.

Teacher: Ulises Aparicio

Module#3: Management of Technological Resources for the Teaching and

Administration of the English.

Activity: Project 2: VARK inventory learning styles.

Date: January 13th, 2011.

VARK: The Fleming's VARK model (sometimes VAK), one of the most
common and widely used categorizations of the various types of learning styles [1],
categorized the various types of learning styles as follows: visual learners, auditory
learners, reading/writing-preference learners, and kinesthetic learners or tactile

Vark: a questionnaire that allows users to discover or get a profile of their learning
preferences, of course these preferences are about the ways users want to give
and receive information. VARK stands for Visual, Aural, Read/write, and
Kinesthetic sensory means that are used for learning information.
VARK is a very useful tool that consist in a questionnaire that you take in order to
discover or to know a little bit more about your own learning style, this
questionnaire contains several questions related with the different ways we
process or learn information and things. some people learn through watching and
some others by experiencing things, there are many other ways of learning things
that each person in particular has developed consciously or non consciously during
his or her life, but this ways of learning things may have a positive or negative
outcome, in case a student might be practicing a wrong study habit or strategy that
obviously might affect negatively the learning process or the acquisition of the
information, so this questionnaire is aimed to help students to improve their own
learning by letting them know about the best way of learning for each one.

VARK is structured specifically to improve learning and teaching. Some students

report that when they were younger their VARK profile would have been different
and that it is their exposure to different life experiences (travel, recreation, work,
and relationships) that would have made a change in how they prefer to learn

Some people report that their understanding of people in their lives is improved
with knowledge of their own VARK profile and the VARK profile of "significant"

Teachers can take advantage of the VARK questionnaire because they could take
into account the results of the VARK questionnaire taken by their students, that
would be really helpful when teachers have to select a methodology, strategy ,
topic or a content etc, that will be shared with the students in the classroom.

the website “Study Guides and Strategies”,really called my attention because the
front page provided a clear outline of the contents, and each page below it had
connections to the other pages with topics closely related. The information was
very easy to read and take in, because it was given in short, concise information.
My test score:

my scores were:

 Visual: 2
 Aural: 6
 Is result obtained from the Read/Write: 5
 Kinesthetic: 8

I have a mild kinesthetic learning preference

Kinesthetic learning is a learning style in which learning takes place by the

student actually carrying out a physical activity, rather than listening to a lecture or
merely watching a demonstration. It is also referred to as tactile learning. People
with a kinesthetic learning style are also commonly known as do-ers.

I think this learning style is the one for me because ‘till I know about myself That is
the way I am ,I like to have contact with things, you know!!, I like to experience and
learn things by doing it. Actually, I think I do combine different techniques or part
from other learning styles when I do learn something or when I do process
information for example II do associate that coming information with some other I
already know, that helps me to remind the information that I may use in future

Middle kinesthetic is the one for me because I do change my attitude or position

toward things I am about to be in contact with when learning something. I will try to
take advantage of the results given by the VARK questionnaire, now I do know
more about my own way of learning information and things, then if I focus my
learning style on the things I want to learn , probably it can speed the process of
acquisition and improve some other areas of my own learning process.

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