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Fill in the blank with the right words!

1. ________ (we/ours) plan to visit Thailand next year.

2. Lolita told ________ (she/me) that she wanted to send a birthday gift to her pen pal in Papua.
3. They run their family business themselves because ________ (they/their) father died last year.
4. He is very diligent and loves reading. He always brings book in ________ (he/his) bag.
5. He told me about his family and I told ________ (my/mine) too.
6. The cat licks ________ (its/it) fur many times, and it seem to enjoy doing ________ (its/it).
7. Hannah said. “this is my favorite book and I want to give it to ________ (yours/you). Now it’s
________ (yours/you).”
8. The teacher tells ________ (we/us) to make friends with students from English speaking
countries so that ________ (we/us) can improve our English.
9. Alia’s brother wanted to have pen pal’s too. Alia introduced ________ (he/him/his) to Hannah’s
and Saidah’s brothers. Now, they have become good friends. Sometimes Alia writes about
________ (theirs/them) in ________ (hers/her) letter to Hannah and Saidah.
10. Alia was sobbing when ________ (she/her) read this line in the novel ________ (she/her) got
from Saidah: They know the land is not ________ (they/theirs/them) anymore. The landlord told
________ (they/theirs/them) to leave the land. The two brothers said to themselves, “We will
work very hard to collect money. Someday, ________ (we/us/our/ours) will return to buy his
land, and ________ (its/it) will become ________ (our/ours/us) forever.”

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