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Written paper, 10th grade. A.

I. Complete teh text with the right form of the verbs in brackets (2p):

I 1. _________(want) to be a vet ever since I was little. I 2. _____________(not have) any brothers or sisters
and so I 3. _______________(do) everything with my dog, Goldie, when I 4 ._______________(grow up).
Goldie was my best friend! These days we 5._______________(have) another dog, Sparkle, a cat, two rabbits
and two budgerigars, and I 6.______________(look) after them all. At the moment the cat isn’t well, so I
7._____________(let) her sleep in my room so I can take care of her. When I8.________________(wake) up
this morning she 9. __________(sleep) on my bed and she 10.____________ (look) very happy!

II. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each sentence (2p)::

1. I’m not going to clean the floor, it’s not my (RESPONSIBLE)____________

2. Your (PUNISH)________________ for not doing your homework is to stay behind after school.
3. I want to be a painter or a composer, I want to do something (CREATE)____________ with my life.
4. The Queen of England’s art collection is so (VALUE)_________ that it is impossible to insure it.
5. He says he saw some visitors from outer space in his garden; it’s just his (IMAGINE)_________!
6. My brother’s mood is very (PREDICT)__________; sometimes he’s happy and the next moment he’s
7. The French (REVOLUTIONARY)__________, which took place in 1789, changed the history of
8. He has a sad (EXPRESS)_________ on his face; I wonder what’s wrong.
9. Why are holidays sometimes more (STRESS)__________ than staying at home?
10. (LIKE)_________ most people, I took no interest whatsoever in the Olympic Games.

III. Change the direct speech sentences into reported speech (2p): :
1. “I was waiting for the bus when he arrived”
She told me ____________________________________________
2. “He hasn’t eaten breakfast”
She told me _____________________________________________
3. “Why didn’t the police report the crime?”, the judge asked.
The judge asked _________________________________________
4. “I’ll do the washing-up later”

She told me ______________________________________________

5. “You must do the homework soon, Jane”, she said.

She told her ______________________________________________

IV. You have seen this advertisement in an international magazine. (2p):

Committee members wanted for

International Book Festival

Do you love books? Do you have bright ideas and good organisational skills?
We need young people to be involved in planning and organising this year’s festival.
If you are interested in joining our committee, please write and tell us:

 why you think books are important and what kind of books you like reading
 what would make you a good member of the committee
 two or three ideas you have for the festival

Write your letter of application to the festival coordinator in 150-180 words. Sign it as John / Jane Smith.
Written paper, 10th grade. B.

I. Complete teh text with the right form of the verbs in brackets (2p):
Last week I (1) __________ (WALK) home after playing tennis when it
(2)____________(START) raining very heavily. 'Oh no, I (3)__________(GET) soaked before
I (4)___________ (REACH) home,' I thought. 'I wish I (5)_____________ (REMEMBER) to
bring my raincoat.' Luckily just then a friend of mine passed in her car and offered me a lift.
(6) ____________(YOU WANT) to go for a drink?' she asked. 'I think I'd rather you took me
home,' I said. 'If I (7) _________(not change) my clothes, I know I (8)____________ (fall) ill,
and then I (9)_________ (not be able) to play in the tennis tournament next week. And I
(10)____________ (PRACTISE) hard for the last month.'

II. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each sentence (2p)

We live in a new (1) ________ (RESIDENT) area in the suburbs of London. It is a quiet (2)
______ (NEIGHBOUR), which is a great change after living in one of the (3) _______
(NOISE) parts of London for years. The house is set in beautiful (4) ______ (SURROUND),
but there is one major (5) _________ (ENVIRONMENT) problem: a chemical factory a few
miles away in the (6) __________ (INDUSTRY) zone. (7) _________ (FORTUNATE), the
waste from the factory has been causing serious (8) ________ (POLLUTE) of the atmosphere
and the Thames. Another disadvantage is the night life, which does not exist. If you want any
(9) __________ (ENTERTAIN) you have to drive into central London, where it is usually
difficult to find (10) ______ (SUIT) parking space.

III. Change the direct speech sentences into reported speech (2p):

1. “I was sleeping when Julie called”

She said ___________________________________________________
2. “Have you finished your exams?”, she asked.
She asked____________________________________________
3. “Keep all the windows closed, Bill” they said.
They warned____________________________________________
4. “She hasn’t eaten sushi before”
She said ___________________________________________
5. “She’s living in Paris for a few months”
She said ______________________________________________

IV. You are going to spend three weeks in an English-speaking country as part of an
exchange project. Write a letter to Matt, the child of your host family asking for
information about the weather, school and nearby areas worth visiting. Sign your
letter as Sam. (120-150 words) (2p)

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