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 Vocabulary

1) Complete this blog extract about a theatre trip using the words in the box. One word is not used.


I recently attended a (0) __performance__ of the new (1) __________ City Life at the Arthouse
Theatre. The (2) _____________ was absolutely fantastic, something I wasn’t expecting from a
cast of unknown performers – and I’m so glad I got the chance to see it. The theatre itself has
only just reopened to the (3) _____________ after the fi re two years ago, so this represented
an excellent choice as its first production. The famous round (4) _____________ is still there,
which means the actors have nowhere to hide as the (5) _____________ have a 360-degree view.
I won’t reveal the ending, but the final (6) _____________ will leave you in shock. Book now to
avoid disappointment.

2) Complete each sentence with stay, spend, pass, make, cause or have in the correct form.

1. The long, hot summer _____________ a lot of problems for gardeners, but it _____________a
fantastic effect on tourism.
2. You _____________ too much time playing computer games these days. No wonder you’ve got a
3. Simon _____________ a few problems with understanding how to use his new smartphone.
4. My friend wanted to leave early because the film was boring, but we _____________ and it did
get better.
5. The home team’s strategy _____________ it difficult for the visitors to score a goal and the
match ended in a draw.
6. A truck has broken down in the town centre, which _____________ huge traffic jams in all
7. While waiting for her friends to arrive yesterday, Aileen _____________ the time doing some
work in the garden.
8. My two daughters _____________ all their money on clothes and now they want me to buy them
some more.

3) Complete the conversation with arrive, get or reach in the correct form.

A: How was your trip? Did you (0) _____________to the airport in time?

B: By the time we (1) _____________ we only had 15 minutes to check in.

A: What a nightmare!

B: Oh, that was just the beginning! We finally (2) _____________ the front of the queue, only to

be told the flight had already left. I didn’t think we were ever going to (3) _____________ there.

A: So what happened?

B: Well, the airline put us on a late flight and we finally (4) _____________ in Florence just after

midnight. We didn’t (5) _____________ at our hotel until about two in the morning. It wasn’t much

of a weekend away. In fact, I was glad to (6) _____________ home at the end of it.
4) Complete the sentences with a verb from box A in the correct form and one or more suitable
prepositions from box B.

1. Martha and José have ____come up against_____ a lot of problems in restoring their old house.

2. Successful TV soaps are still _____________ millions of viewers, although it’s harder to

_____________ younger viewers nowadays with all the online entertainment available.

3. After the film finished, I _____________ my friends for about half an hour and then my mother

came to me in the car.

4. Done! The floors are clean, the windows are clean. Everything’s clean. Now can we just

_____________ for a minute.

5. I’m just _____________ town to do a bit of shopping. Do you need anything?

6. Andy is trying to lose some weight, so he’s _____________ fried food and eating more


7. Akiko spent all morning cooking. By the time her guests arrived for lunch, she was ___________ .

8. If you can’t finish the job, I’m happy to _____________ from you.

9. Arnold _____________ a brilliant plan to save the company. He fired himself.

5) Complete each sentence with a word or phrase in the box in the correct form. There is one word in
the box you do not need to use.

1. The new gym next door means you can go for a workout before you go to work.

2. It’s important to stay fit and _____________ as you get older. Sitting in a chair all day is the

worst thing to do.

3. Please wash your hands to prevent the spread of_____________ .

4. I’m going to be a bit late to school tomorrow as I have to go the dentist for my

annual_____________ .

5. I don’t think I’ll need any _____________ though as my teeth are in pretty good shape.

6. Paul _____________ a little weight while on holiday. Chips every day is not really a _____________.

7. I _____________ a terrible cold over the winter and I’m still _____________ it. I’ve still got a

bad cough.
6) Complete each sentence with a word or words in the box in the correct form. You can use the words
more than once.

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