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hi my name is Eileen Perez and I'm an

astrophysicist and this is the

difference between astrology and

astronomy so the first difference is

that astronomy is considered science is

the study of all celestial bodies and

everything that is contained in the

universe in space and astrology is not a

science and is made out of a belief that

everything that happens in space has a

direct correlation to human events so

everything in space affects your human

life and who you are now what happens

between astrology and astronomy that

they branched out so the problem is that

astrology has a couple of problems that

science does not agree on and I will

cover those the first one is precession

so the earth has a lot of movements it

orbits the Sun it also spins on its axis

but it also processes which means that

the North Pole and the South Pole kind

of wobble like a tabletop so if you were

looking at a star over here and then say

that let's say like a hundred thousand

years later your planet has moved over

here so now your North Pole is here and

your South Pole is here it means that

the star now has a completely new

position to firm where you are which

means that all the star maps

when astrology was creator are no longer

relevant nowadays so the first problem

is that they haven't taken in account

precession and they have not out they

have not updated their maps so maybe you

were a Pisces then and then now you'll

no longer fall under the Pisces but

they're still call you a Pisces so

that's one of the main problems in

astrology is outdated maps because they

haven't taken into account the

precession of the earth now the second

problem is with misconceptions of the


so let's look at ad the earth over here

and let's look at something called a

celestial sphere and with the celestial

sphere is a map around you with all the

things all the stars all the

constellations everything we can see in

the sky and this is called a celestial

equator and it goes parallel there's a

projection of our own equator and then

we have something called the ecliptic

which is what seems to be the path of

the Sun so the apparent path of the Sun

is called the ecliptic and something

like that okay so what's a Saudi ACK

so the zodiac is actually a band that

follows the path of the Sun so this is

what the zodiac is and that ecliptic

runs in the middle of the zodiac now

what what's the problem with having the

zodiac so they took 360 degrees and they

divided it into twelve so each month had

a sign and now you have this 30 degree

bands and whatever stars fell into the

30 degree bands they assigned an

astrological sign too so let's say like

the first 30 degree band is Aries

torez Gemini and so forth the problem is

that they actually have missed a

thirteenth constellation the sky is is

nice 2/12 because our year is divided by

twelve but there's actually a missing

constellation color whew coos and that's

about like this so one of the things

that astronomy does not agree with

astrology is that if you're born on

under stars of the few coos you're being

assigned the wrong astrological sign and

those are some of the problems that

astrology and astronomy have against

each other my name is Eileen Perez and

I'm an astrophysicist and these are the

differences between astronomy and



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