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Simulating Hohmann Transfer Using FreeFlyer



Submitted to:
Prof. Yadu Krishnan.S

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1 . Hohmann Transfer
A Hohmann Transfer is an orbital maneuver that transfers a satellite or spacecraft
from one circular or elliptical orbit to another orbit, it may be either higher altitude orbit or
lower altitude orbit. It was invented by a German scientist in 1925 and is the most fuel
efficient way to get from one orbit to another orbit in space. Because the Hohmann Transfer
is the most fuel efficient way to move a spacecraft, it is a fairly slow process and is used
mostly for transferring spacecraft shorter distances and the orbits should be coplanar. There
are total two delta-v should be given to the spacecraft.

Fig: 1 Hohmann Transfer Orbit

The total ∆V is calculate in two parts as two separate ∆Vs are fired. The transfer
orbit’s periapsis and apoapsis should be intersecting the initial and final orbits. One at the
intersection of initial orbit’s Periapsis(Apoapsis can also be done but then second fire is done
at Periapsis) to push the spacecraft into the transfer orbit. The Periapsis of initial orbit and
Periapsis of transfer orbit are same. Then the next one is when the spacecraft reaches
apoapsis of transfer orbit to push it into the final orbit.
2 . Numerical
Given rp1 = 8,000km, ra1 = 10,500 km and rp2 = 30,000 km, ra2 = 45,000 km. Find the total
∆V required to transfer the spacecraft from initial orbit to final
Calculating the values numerically we get:
Semi-major axis of initial orbit, a1 = (rp1 + ra1)/2 = 9,250 km

Velocity of spacecraft at perigee in orbit1, vp1 = 398600(
2 1
− ¿ )¿ = 7.5205 km
rp 1 a 1

Semi-major axis of transfer Orbit, aTransfer = (rp1 + rp2)/2 = 19,000 km

Semi-major axis of transfer Orbit, a2 = (rp2 + ra2)/2 = 37,500 km

Velocity of spacecraft at perigee in transfer orbit,

vTransfperi = 398600(

rp 1 a Transfperi
¿ )¿ = 8.8697 km

Velocity of spacecraft at apogee in transfer orbit,

vTransfapog = 398600(

rp 2 aTransfperi
¿ ) ¿ = 2.3652 km

Velocity of spacecraft at perigee in orbit-2,

vp2 = 398600(
2 1
− ¿ ) ¿ = 3.9929 km
rp 2 a 2

Delta-v1 at perigee of orbit-1 = vTransfperi - vp1 = 1.3492 km

Delta-v2 at apogee of transfer orbit = vp2 – vTransfapog = 1.6277 km

Total delta-v required for this Transfer orbit = 2.9769 km

3 . Simulation Result and delta-v report:

Fig: 2 Hohmann Transfer simulation in Freeflyer

Fig: 3 Delta-v report after simulation

4 . Freeflyer Code:
a. Mission Sequence:
b. Freeform1: User Input:

c. Freeform2: Hohmann Calculation:

d. Freeform3: Update:
e. Freeform4: Maneuver1:

f. Freeform5: Maneuver2:

5 . References:
Aisolutionsinc youtube channel - FreeFlyer Fundamentals Part 1
Freeflyer University Guide

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