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Apologetics: Defense Against Falsity:

Reality of Trinity, Knowledge in the Word and Practical Approach in Handling Worldview/s
against Christianity

"Brothers and fathers, listen now to my defense."

-Acts 22:1

Apologetics is centered in combating the counterfeits that suppress and deceive people into
believing an alternative or more commonly known -- whether reduced, added or abducted -- as
bent truth. It is as well a theological means to bring back those who lost sight of the genuine
Truth and were forced or misled in a fog-coated theology. Also, it is to clarify, segregate and
identify the unsound from the sound teaching for the purpose of being able magnify the only true
Source of our faith and existence. There is this then and now adamant call for us Christians to
defend what we believe in, because from ancient to modern day, many uncalled repertoire are
screaming deceptions, and are more grandly getting limelight and approval from people who are
unaware to the reality of the Creator, the life and historicity of Christ, and the power of the Holy
Spirit which convey as Trinity in unity. It would be an agreeable statement that 'ignorance will
lead to defeat and a procession to unknowingly will shatter faith', and lo, this doesn't only apply
to pre-believers, but can also have an implication to us Christians; lest we forget that we have to
grow deeper in faith in Jesus through reading the Word day and night, and looking at the
Scripture from the lenses of God, and live it out, then we might find ourselves rolling down the
path no different to those who oppose the Truth.

I find the topic about Apologetics verily amusing, because for the fact that it strongly reminded
me to check every now and then the Foundation on which our faith stands -- on where it should
only stand. The manual elaborated the following: [1] Defense against counterfeits, [2] Defining
cultism, [3] Distinguishing cults, [4] Describing cults, [5] Describing religions and philosophies,
and [6] Dialoguing with cultist and skeptics. I don't have the luxury to explain them one by one
here, but I'm very glad that the author/s of this manual approached the discussion tactically. By
that, I mean they have thought it so well that in order to defend the Gospel effectively, one must
not only consider by which we function, but also by looking closely at the ammunitions of the
oppositions, their crooked reality; as seen in the progression of the discussion, we are greatly
advised to be equipped and to think thoroughly before going up against them and their belief
system. Indeed, it is, I can say very keenly written and crafted to help believers prepare, consider
and counter in a way that will recalibrate the deceived into seeing. It is also its goal, in which
emphasized all throughout the manual, to give clarity of the reality. Yes, we are encouraged to
defend, but not to destroy an individual. Everyone is still valuable to God, that's why in the
manual it provided a precautionary approach in dealing with these kinds of people and their
thought form. We must remember, that even though we should stand firm in our faith, we are not
called to judge and condemn people who are entangled in false belief.

The manual contextualizes and gave a comparative view between Christianity and the opposing
bodies. It showed that the Word could only be defended by the Word or put simply; God can
defend Himself, no more, much not less. Our role is mere conduits of His reality. We must
understand that he anytime to promulgate His character to others can use us, but for us to become
effective ministers, we should allow ourselves to be refined by the only absolute Truth there is. It
suggests that we have to undergo certain maintenance and practical dealings in keeping up with
the oppositions.
Therefore, we should remember as defender of Christian faith, we must increase our dependence
only unto God: to bundle our testimonies, that we may say, "Brothers and fathers, listen now to
my defense." [Acts 22:1]
Asian Church History:
A Context and Foundational Insights on Significant Events and People that Shaped Christianity in
Asia Today

"God is the primary cause of history."

"History is also shaped by the heart of the man."

Its roots determine the fruit. Same with our current way of life, it is determined by past events
that give its shape today. They say that 'history repeats itself.’ but I say only, if we let ignorance
of the past suffice in our present, there would it be deemed a cycle. As you can see, God's story
has no repetitive property; there maybe some semblance of events, but nothing is immutable,
except God Himself. As I may suggest, we are all subject to change and may experience
differently, but because of God's great fingerprint within all of us, we can identify ourselves to
other humans; enabling us to warily observe history and take in what's useful and disregard the
harmful. The topics and discussions, maybe, if looked at with qualifying eyes, are all but
information, figures, dates and so on, but if we would used our hearts in navigating a such, we
would understand that there a much graver and important underscore/s into it.

Primarily, history for many is but a boring subject that you can use as a tranquilizer if you can't
sleep, but for me, especially the history of Asian churches, the focus of the manual, is a
motivational medium. It encourages us to know that our Hope hasn't died, and that we can look to
a brighter future for this world and the paradise hereafter. Yes, in the manual, it discussed so
many of the pioneers: kingdoms, army, clans, civilizations, prominent people, figures and so
forth, but if we closely look at it, they never managed to surpass the gleaning power and
intervention of God. It was clearly identified that no matter how restricted a nation in Asia,
Christianity finds its way prospering into their gates. Amazingly, history is aligned in His story,
and proves to be very significant and can never be discredited from all the manuals and
inscriptions out there. It gives us helpful insight and right mindset on how our faith in Jesus has
gone a long way and how it can still roll far up to eternity in the coming days. Intently, it thunders
us with hope; it inspires us to be more active in devoting ourselves in enlarging what has already
been pioneered. I greatly adhere to the fact that the past will teach us some invaluable lesson that
would affect the future. I must truly say that I have enjoyed reading this; somehow it is a travel
around the world, and it is enthrallingly making me feel alive to the calling He has for my life,
and to everyone who will make Him the authors of their own story. Yes, there would come a time
where things doesn't make sense, the plot seems subject for scrutiny. You prepare, plan and
synchronize everything in order, yet things change. The short verse below provides a clear-cut
providential truth:

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. (Proverbs 16:9 ESV)

As I see it, the centerfold is whether we will obey or not? Because, either way, God will still
progress on to His great redeeming purpose for this world; we then have to decide whether to side
on Him or not. For me, I would be very afraid if I won't, because time and time and again, history
has shown His story. Christianity is not a figment or a loom of endless delusion, but a fact that
existed since long before we came to think, before anything else aroused. We can't ignore the
accounts, evidences and testimonies that shot up in the pages of many great books, articles and
citations, and of how it cemented itself in the lands of Asia and its regions. His story can never be

A Wave of Order to Better Understand the Bible

“Then He opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.”

-Luke 24:45

The Bible is not just some random written facts collected over time in a disorganized manner, but
rather it is very much structured for the purpose of understanding and applying it in our lives. It is
very much clear that, not only does it supply wisdom to carry through, but also assimilated in it
are structures that would greatly help us explain, properly contextualize, and defend the truth at
hand. If you will come and unwrap the historicity of it, you would be perplexed on how well
sewn it is; thus corroborating that it is impossible to do with human efforts alone. It doesn’t only
suggest the reality of God, but it seals the reality of Him.

The topic dissects the Bible in a way that would be digested righteously and able to be replicated
the same power of the truths found therein. It is something that would make you think, assess and
evaluate your knowledge of the Bible. I personally see this topic as a springboard to further
reflect on the weight of how much God intends the people to know Him – not just knowing by
thought, but by heart as well. It something worth pondering upon, not only will you learn the
order, but you will also lead on how God has been using situations and people to solidify His

Furthermore, it spoke about the beginning up to how the church advanced. It gives us a clear
glimpse that the work Jesus started should continue on. It shouldn’t stop at any cost, and at any
rate. We must be assured that no matter how many opposition Christians have faced in the past,
our God has never failed to deliver them and the message. It is something we must hold on to.
The chronology of the Bible is not just information, but a hope giver. If you, may I suggest, take a
closer observation, you would find that the ministry of Jesus started long before He was sent
down here on earth. Jesus’ life was already being made known from the Old Testament and was
known when He came, so that gives us the burden to continue making Him known until He
returns again.

Reading and understanding this topic have made a crucial influence on how I approach the Bible.
It shouldn’t be taken lightly, but with every bit of cautiousness and dependence from God should
we take charge in accumulating necessary. Humility (in right standing) in the Word that gives life
must we come; we must understand that the Word is not known through vicious thinking, but by a
submissive heart, readily receiving to advance God’s kingdom.

Reading the Bible:

In Light with God’s Lens and some Practical How-To

“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit
of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better.”
-Ephesians 1:17

This topic talks about how to read your Bible. It is not actually a formula or whatsoever, but it is a
recommendation to effectively and correctly understand what’s written in the Bible. It gives
methods, applications, guide questions and some practical cues, and caution for erroneous
interpretation to better grasp the meaning of the Word in its closest form. Of course, we cannot
still deny that it is through revelation that the understanding of the Bible would take place, but
having a ready mind and sound outlook, so that we could really bear the weight of its messages.
Humans, without prior preparation, have the tendency to bend the Truth and the reality of Christ.
That’s why it is very much important to stay on the track of being in a seeking position of His
glory and majesty.

No one can fully understand and outgrow the Bible. The most sensible godly man wouldn’t claim
that He has completely deciphered the meanings of the Word of God. Where in reality, the
meanings of the Word of God unlock itself differently on different times. It knows the
circumstance, because it’s the living breath of God, so it is particular in particular human
occasions. It is great that the people who wrote these particular topics are Christians who are very
discerning to the needs of other believers. It is very much comprehendible and applicable to the
daily battles of Christians in general. It is serving its purpose as a guideline to make one have a
better quality time with our Creator. Such a witty way to improve one’s critical comprehension;
remarkably fine-tuning the seed of the Gospel.

It is true that it is impossible to wholly grasp the Gospel, but this lecture material has provided a
clear-cut ways of understanding, studying and applying the Bible in our daily means. It proves
that one need not to be a theologian to have a well of godly wisdom in his heart, but a readily
available ear, mind and attitude would make him live out that particular message into which
people would see and be impacted by that change through the Word of God that has been placed
within us.

Always be sure that you keep on praying, seeking and soaking your mind and heart with the truth
and power that comes from the Word of God. Having wisdom in handling the delicate truth of our
Father would led us to a revelation that would have an everlasting effect in our lives and the lives
of the people God will touch through us. In humble search of the truth, we escalate, for the truth
was given already to us, freely. Our only role is to take part in speaking life to everyone we meet
in the truthful context, so it is necessary to read your Bible.

Old Testament Survey:

The Beginning, the fall of Man, and the Path to Redemption

“My ears had heard You but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent
in dust and ashes.”
- Job 42:5,6

We exist, because of God. All things are created by Him and for Him. Reading this material, it
thoroughly refreshed me. Seeing how we hurt God most of the time, it is still assuring that His
love is still there, it is steadfast and unchanging, that He is our God, the God of second chances. I
had a heart check after this; in reality we are so undeserving of His greatness and promises, but
He did not go against us and He loves us still, despite our wickedness. Yes, He hates sin, but
loves and sinners, and still keeps opening doors and opportunity for us to know Him, even
without the guarantee that we will love Him in return. The covenant He made, without our
capacity to fulfill it, He fulfilled it for us, completely.

It is great to know that the Old Testament is a tell all of where humanity began, the fall of man,
transformation and destiny and the road to redemption through a Messiah as prophesied by the
prophets, which are all inculcated in the history. An undeniable fact that all happened as many
have accounted. Simultaneous events occurred to prove the existence of our Creator. It is built on
a solid truth for people on that time, and even now to be convinced that He is much alive and that
God is not a concept, but a person from which everything good has come from. It also
characterized that evil is real, but it did not come from God, for like what I said, God is the
foundation of everything good. Evil came from the disobedience of man, being deceived and
blinded by the idea of being like God, which in reality has made us farther from Him.
I’m greatly convinced that God has intervened at all time to evidently showcase His supremacy,
that even though men have greatly possess an intellect, overflowing with ideas, creativity and
reasons, it won’t still surpass the vastness of our great and mighty Creator. No matter how vividly
we project that we came now to an age of productivity and scientific breakthroughs, there are still
those occasion that couldn’t be explained, and these were already been made known in the olden
days. Tacitly, the lecture has progress in the defense and reality of our God. Being the uncreated
One He is, He has suffice immeasurable and countless miracles, and power to those who have
denied and oppose His will.

The lecture notes has been a helpful eye opener for me. Seeing how God moved before, I’m just
assured that He will move in ways that would fulfill His calling and destiny to everyone who
believes in Him, reveres Him and depends on Him alone. The depth of His love cannot be
measured, and His forgiveness shall always be available to those who would choose Him. That
everyday, may we clear our ears and remove the speck of our own eyes, so that we can hear and
see Him, and nevertheless forget to deny ourselves, humble and repent, for we are but dust and
ashes, yet still loved and valued by the One who made us all.

New Testament Survey:

Fulfillment of the Old Testament, Jesus Ministry and the Great Commission

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And
surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
-Matthew 28: 19-20

This particular topic doesn’t only present the authorship, theme, style and purpose why the book
was written, but breathtakingly, it empowers one who will read it. It is filled with
encouragements. Yes, the very reason why this was written is to give an in depth look of how the
fulfillment of the prophecy from the Old Testament was orchestrated, but one can’t help but be
encourage on how God has really fulfilled His covenant with us – underserving we may be, but
still He chose to do it.

The central idea, base on my analysis, why the New Testament was written in the way of
communicating to people as its audience is for them to open up to the reality of Christ; that no
one, no other else should we look upon, but Him alone. Knowing Christ is knowing the Father,
denying Christ is denying the Father. Like what He said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the
life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6). This verse completely seals the
deal that He is the Son of God, and that He being completely God, but nonetheless completely
human. I’m not here to explain to you the complexities of their Oneness, but I’m only here to give
a bit of light on the effect of the Gospel. The Gospel, of course, has power. It has the power to
transform lives, not in a selective way, but it can change anyone’s life. As seen in the authorships
and figures of each book, they came from different backgrounds. There were those who were just
mere fishermen, others are tax collectors, prostitute, beggar, lame, murderer, and all other else,
but you know, they were all changed by one Person, and that is Christ. I believe that this is very
helpful to everyone, a light shedder to I guess anyone who would want to share the Gospel at any
cost. This material (springing from the New Testament alone) has been greatly enriched by the
accounts of the people who have shared a table, a boat, a walk and a journey with Jesus. It is
something where you can pick up many evidences to guard and make people turn away from sin,
bondages, unbelief, doubts and fears, and also to make Christians so readily available to account
and give at hand Word of Truth to those who are needing it. It is a call for us to be prepared at all
times, cost and circumstances.

Elaborated also was to preach the Gospel anywhere and anyhow. We are called to do all the
works of an evangelist. We should listen and learn from the lives of the apostles and disciples
who have endured many a great hurdles, hardship and persecutions and disadvantages in life, but
still remained committed to the ministry of Jesus, for they know and have tasted and seen the
faithfulness of our Lord, Jesus. No matter come what may, our assurance of having eternal life
and sharing the glory in His presence are but too great to let go in exchange for the cravings of
the world.

I say then, to the ends of the earth shall we march to proclaim His glory, His majesty and His love
to save the lost and give hope to those weary and burdened – and that our Lord shall give us
everlasting life, if we would choose to believe in Him and leave the life of sin.

Church History:
Unstoppable amidst Challenging Times

“The greatest advances in human civilization have come when we recovered what we have lost:
when we learn the lessons of history. We cannot say ‘the past is past’ without surrendering the
future. The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see.”
- Winston Churchill

I like the quotation above from the late Winston Churchill. He nailed the importance of why we
should look back to years that have gone by, so that we can clearly live life today and to the
future ahead with great caution and awareness. He is right when he said that bygones shouldn’t be
bygones at all. We must learn how to carefully look at yesterday and be able to strategize on how
to get by today and the years to come. Primarily, we as Christians must to know where our belief
is anchored and how was it viewed before it came to rise today. The cost of what Christ did 2000
years ago is really the most important event in Christianity, but it is also necessary to know what
happened next after Christ’s ascension.
Tested by fire: Christianity had suffered and bruised, was placed in steep position, taught
wrongly: heresy and schisms, that brought about confusion, apostles where persecuted, murdered
and shamed. But all of this didn’t stop Christianity. I’m just amazed that even in the brink of
being lost in the wilderness, immorality and insanity of wicked people that time, Christianity still
found it’s way to be known, may it not be in the lands, but in the hearts of people who have fully
encountered the goodness and the love of Jesus. Reading this, you would really understand how
cruel the world operates; trying to extinguished the love of Jesus to those who choose to believe.
It would really seem disheartening to know these factual data, but I was just reminded of the
verse: ‘Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater
than he who is in the world.’ – 1 John 4:4.

Christianity always finds its way to the limelight, because our true Source is the light of the
world, that’s why we inherited the tag as the salt and light. You see, reading this material, it’s
baffling to know, in the good sense, that it penetrated the walls of the empire, the very which who
have nailed Jesus on the cross. It also, through the people God used, has found its remarkable
power of giving life into the nations. Nothing can really surpass the power of the Truth. Yes, it
wasn’t easy, there were still bending of truth, false teaching and anomaly in promulgating the
love of Christ to all, but nevertheless, it became a seed for the truth to set in. Many have
reformed, added, subtracted the teaching, and there’s also the rise of rationalizing, opening a door
for atheism to surface, but the fact that many have trialed and tried to discredit the reality of
Christ to no avail, only strengthened the claim to which we live by. But moreover, those who
have tried to place Christianity under submission became the catalyst for more believers to step
out of their comfort zone and go to the nations and preached the Gospel. We have benefitted
today from the challenges before of our early church leaders.

Found it interesting, so interesting that in almost any event that the church is facing a fall, revival
comes, and it assured me that before Jesus left us, His word that Someone will come and give us
the power, and that is the Holy Spirit. I’m simply mesmerized that in all occasion where we think
cases are hopeless, He would arrive and revive us. I feel like the revival is a glimpse of how all of
us will be resurrected in the future to share the glory of King. Really, history, especially church
history will give us an intricate view of His story.

Luke and Acts:

Prayer, The Power of the Holy Spirit, Lordship of Jesus and His Discipleship Process

““Come follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men””
- Mark 1:17

This literature vividly crafted the importance of prayer, the power of the Holy Spirit to make you
a witness of Jesus, the Lordship of Christ in all area, discipleship and carrying on the work of
Christ to this day and every single day ‘til He returns again. To begin with, it is nice to know that
the center of this topic is Jesus – no other name. He modeled Himself so others may imitate what
He has done in the ministry. Obviously, He wants us to take the baton after Him; He wants us to
deny ourselves, carry that cross and proclaim the love of the Father as He have done it.
Jesus prayed, so must we pray as well. He interceded for you, the lost, sinners and the wicked; He
did this, so that we may also get the principle of being humble at all times and surrendering our
very being and the others who haven’t heard of Him to the will of the Father. As He has
submitted Himself to the Father, we should also submit ourselves to His Lordship. Submitting
ourselves to Jesus would release the power of the Holy Spirit so that we may become witnesses of
His unending pursuit for the lost through His love, grace and forgiveness. The very fact that He
did what He did is for us to understand discipleship is relationship, and discipleship is having
compassion towards others.

The aforementioned verse encapsulated His Lordship and His commission for us to reach the lost.
‘Come follow me’, only suggests that we submit to His Lordship and that the example He had set
are the very things we must replicate in our own lives, the ‘I will make you fishers of men’, is
simply making others have a relationship with Him. We cannot do one and forget the other. We
must hold both. You cannot say that you have submitted to Jesus’ Lordship and not disciple, and
you cannot say you’re discipling, yet there are areas in your life that you have not fully
surrendered to Him. Sometimes, we think it is really hard, that’s because we are forgetting the
power of the Holy Spirit to convict us, and do the will of the Father. Remember, when Jesus
commissioned us, He said that He will be with us to the very end of age, and this is true through
the power of the Holy Spirit who constantly reminds us of what Jesus did for us.

His word must be preached, His faithfulness must be know, His love must be felt, and His grace
and mercy must be extended to everyone. Not just you and me, but to everyone of every nation.
We must begin to understand that when He commissioned us, it is not just for the select few, but
also for all. We should remind ourselves that He chased after us through other, so we must chase
other for Him as well. We should not be a selfish container, but a selfless one; I am encouraged to
flow out whatever He has commanded and given me, because I know that He is the living water,
that as we empty our cup for His sake, truly will he return it with portions double than what
we’ve given.

We must continuously seek Him and move for him. As I have read in one of the portion of the
discussion material, Acts ended only in chapter twenty eight (28), and it’s unfinished, but it was
followed by the statement that we are the 29 th chapter as we continue the business of Christ in
‘Honoring God and Making Disciples.’

Theology I: Core Beliefs:

Getting on the Right Way

“Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy
mountain, to the place where you dwell.”
- Psalm 43:3

This topic explains what the Gospel can really do to us, if and only we allow Him to take full
control of our lives. Acknowledging that left on our own, we have no sense of direction towards
God’s kingdom, but only sense of confusion leading towards the kingdom of darkness and
eventually death. We must learn not to undermine the Gospel, and of course teach others not to
do so. Watering it down will stake the real cost of it, and will deliver forth un-manage doubts and
haywire of disbeliefs. We shouldn’t allow, within our teaching, life and theology, for eyebrows to
raise, but rather make every effort to make them understand the, within bounds of soundness and
accuracy, the kingdom of God, the door leading versus the kingdom of darkness and
consequences of sin.

The kingdom of God requires us to be in complete obedience to His will. Sounds authoritative,
yes, but because it is in the context of love. God’s plan for us is to have life that we can live to the
fullest. No shame, guilt of remorse. And we can only achieve it through submitting ourselves to
the Lordship of Jesus. We often forget that the motive of God is love and that His authority is his
ability to showcase this love. We tend to overlook that the fear of God’s authority will bring us to
so many wonderful experiences and encounters; there will he be able to know that He do it
because of love. Sometimes, we see love only as mercy, but love also brings justice and
discipline. In the material, Juan Carlos Ortiz was quoted saying, ‘love as the “oxygen” of the
kingdom.”, Yes, this is so true. The love of God brings forth life to each and everyone who will
experience it. But we have to know also that as the oxygen comes in, unwanted gases are being
expelled naturally by our body, and like the love of God as it enters, it will also remove unwanted
character, attitude, and mindset, so that we can really live life to the full. God’s end goal for us is
to have the same holiness and eternal life as He has, so the progress He is working in us, is a
preparation for eternity.

Now that we know that God’s true goal for humanity, we must also share it to others. It is not for
keeping’s sake or finder’s keeper game. We have the responsibility to share it. We have the
responsibility to advance His kingdom. The Greatest of the Commandments are [paraphrased] to
love the Lord, your God and keep His command and also loving the people, as we have been love
by God. Jesus was not sent here for nothing, He was sent here to show love; that He came to
serve and not to be served; He came to commission us to show God’s love to everyone through
Him, the door and the only door to the Kingdom of God. The love Jesus showed us is the tool that
will combat the kingdom darkness.

The Kingdom of darkness is the contradiction of the everlasting kindness, goodness, and
lovingness of God. Instead of eternal life, it gives eternal torment and death. We must understand
that the denial of Christ and the love of self and everything of this world is the way to death. The
path to life is hard and narrow and the path to death is wide and easy, but we should always
choose life.

Lets us continue to obey, have faith and anchor it to Jesus, and declare our relationship with Him
to anyone we cross path with and anywhere He sends us. Not only by mouth, but also by the life
we live.
Theology II: Doctrines:
The Written Truths

“The doctrine of God is the central point of theology. A person’s view of God supplies the whole
framework within which his theology is constructed and his life is lived.”1
-Millard Erickson
The lessons here give us the truth about the Bible, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, man, sin, salvation, the
church, death, resurrection and judgment and on how to properly expand on it. It is okay to be
passionate in sharing the love of God, but passion without a healthy knowledge on the reality of
each can be dangerous. It is all-important to be prepared to give answers to questions, clear
confusions, and battle heresy in the most accurate way possible. Said in 1 Peter 3:15, “but in your
hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who
asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect…” but how
can we if we will not closely inspect the truth and enrich ourselves with the knowledge and
reality of the Trinity, our nature, of the church and of sin and salvation?

Yes, it is true that we can never fully understand the totality of our supreme God, but seeking
Him and making Him the central figure of our faith, we would come to understand Him. He is all
that transcendent, but He is also immanent and close to our side. By revelation, as He reveals
Himself to us, we would have a clear view of what are the things He would want us to do; the
things He is calling us to look after; the very purpose He has for us. He communicates with us
through and through. Constantly, as we begin to position ourselves in a way that’s hungry for
Him, we would begin to understand the directions He has built uniquely for a unique you. Not
only does he communicate to us by revealing Himself, He also talks to us through the Scripture.
That’s why it is important to dig for the truth in the Words He had spoken directly through the
people He used. The Bible is God’s-breathed, the very attribute of Him as a Spirit is loquaciously
gleaming in each pages of the Holy Scripture. He wants us to follow and obey. If it is written
there, of course with the wisdom given by God through the four tests, then He willed it to be

As again, the reality of Jesus was expanded in the lesson. That He is the innocent lamb that
became the substitution for us. Instead of us being nailed in the cross, it was Him who suffered
the most shameful death one can think of. He is the foundation, the cornerstone and the rock of
our faith. He freed us and gave us salvation, cut the chains, and reconciled us back to the Father.
What He did on the cross became the bridge back to God. Men, us I mean, were so helpless, we
were so entangled with sin. We do not know that we are blind and in prison, until death comes
arriving. But because of Him and the grace of God, salvation comes sweeping those who believe
in Him, and still available even to those who rejected Him. He gave us the power to the Holy
Spirit and became His witnesses.

The Holy Spirit, the truth about Him, is He empowers us to continue the work of our Lord, Jesus.
He is giving us the power, the boldness and the capacity to speak the truth even in the most
menial or impossible manner. Us now, being the church must not pause nor break in sharing what
Christ did. In us, must we be edified so that the mobilization of what Christ did for you and. We
must go on until the Day of Judgment, until He returns again and we share unto His glory. We
must continue paving the way, assessing, evaluating our hearts and the church before His coming.
We should actively obey, love and have compassion to those needing to know the love of Jesus.
The only answer to everything the world is dealing with is the love of God through Jesus made
known to us by the Holy Spirit.
Christianity and Competing Ideas

- ENLI Notes

The way we view life is the way we live ours. Worldviews are presuppositions of the very
existence why we are here on earth, and how that existence is being directed at. Should we
depend on the sovereignty of God or should we at least try to find reasons and meaning in our
own intellectual capacity? What should we be holding on, ourselves or to the One who’s greater
than all of us?

Reading the whole course, I somehow found distinct difference between Christianity and
secularism as worldviews. On Christianity, we rely solely on the sovereignty of God, that human
reason isn’t enough bases for us to conclude that all forms and survival and morality and direction
of human life can be, all throughout his thinking capacity, decided by the limit we have. While of
secularism, reason is enough foundation for human to progress and go on with they’re life, and
that the authorship belongs to us.

As for me, being a Christian, I would choose the former one. Why? If I would base my whole
understanding on reason, there would be things that couldn’t be explained by human capacity.
Most of the people I have come to talk to would reason to me that the end of explanation, faith in
a Supreme Being arises. They say it is a resort or an escape, but judging closely that statement, it
only proves that our humanity is bound by limitation and couldn’t at all cost explain numerous
contract, and that a higher or greater Authority exists. An Authority that’s beyond our
understanding, whose ways are higher and the thinking surpasses all thinking the world can offer.
Most of the views apart from Christianity are human centered. Being the one above all other
creation. The [human is the] basis of all morality and standards, and the basic unit where all
intelligence can be shaped and be unearthed. But basically, if you will depend on that, you would
realize that there are things that science and reason can’t explain. I’m going to borrow from
Professor John Lennox during his debate with a renowned atheist, Richard Dawkins, he said that
[paraphrased]: ‘there are things that science cannot explain; it cannot even answer the simplest
question of a child. Question like, “Daddy, why do you love me?”’ this only shows that no matter
how many scientific achievement men may possess, there are still millions of unanswerable
questions. How many laws do scientists have published? There are more theories than laws in
science, but in God all His words and truths are laws applicable to mankind, here and hereafter.
No matter how many seashells you collect in the seashore using your hands, those seashells aren’t
enough to cover the vastness of the ocean. Like that, no matter how much you claim to have
found reason for everything, it isn’t sufficient to collectively debunk the reality of God.

I would like to end this with a cry for Christians to behave as Christians. We must always stand
firm with what we believe in. May we not be overshadowed to what the world is offering, may
we always coming in and running towards our maker. Let’s continue and make all efforts to
defend the reality of Christ. ‘Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…’
– Hebrews 12:2

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