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Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).

The Overall Equipment Effectiveness is a global indicator that measures the efficiency of

industrial machinery. Compare the good pieces against the pieces that could have been

The main objective of the OEE is to identify the losses in the production process. What this

indicator measures is availability: it measures the really productive time versus the time


Yield: measures the real production obtained against the productive capacity.

Quality: measures the good parts produced against the total of those produced.

This tool is capable of indicating, by means of a percentage, the real efficiency of any

production process. This is a key factor to be able to identify and plan, to make possible the

inefficiencies that originate during the manufacturing process of certain products.

In organizations there are waste of time or materials, what is desired is that these are

minimized, for this it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis, analysis and improvement of the

methods, study the times and apply standard methods.

For the operation of a machinery to be effective we need good operators who know how the

process works, how skilled they are and how much training they have and if they meet all

the required standards. To know if our company is competitive, there is a tabulator or guide

that shows us if our organization is within a certification or is within a standard parameter.

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