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Library Re-Opening Plan Draft 5.27.


Department Status At Closing:

All library locations closed to the public. Minimal staff onsite according to set schedule for
distancing. The primary duties of onsite staff being the handling of mail and processing materials.
Remote staff answering phones and following up with patron inquiries. Remote card registration
ongoing to facilitate patron access to online resources. Virtual and prerecorded programming for
adults and children are ongoing via Facebook and other social media and have been very successful.
Staff continue to communicate via Slack and Go To Meeting.

Library Re-opening Stage 1: (Beginning Week of May 4th)

Designated staff will be at locations to prepare for public opening. The primary tasks will be getting
collections work caught-up (processing checks/corrections, shelving); circulation updated;
files/work transferred back to office work stations; interlibrary loan services for libraries and email
and phone reference services continue. Public Internet stations will be reconfigured to enhance
social distancing. A significant amount of public seating and furniture will be removed and stored at
each location to improve distancing. PPE will be distributed to library staff per HR guidance.
Increased cleaning regimen for all locations will be developed per discussions with Buildings &
Grounds. Prep will also include the installation of Plexiglas barriers at front line public service
points. Shuttle runs with Alliance Courier resumed.

Curb side delivery of library materials at all locations will be initiated. A 72hr no touch policy for all
items either returned or newly received. Overdue fines will continue to be waived. Designated
staff will be onsite at all locations to facilitate the identification and processing and transfer of on
hold items for curb side delivery. Designated staff on site as needed to facilitate virtual

Library Re-opening Stage 2: (Pending the Completion of facility reconfiguration & Public Health
Guidance) (Beginning July 13th)
LIBRARY OPEN to public with EXTRA PRECAUTIONS of adequate PPE supplies for staff and provided
adequate public area sanitation supplies are available and the ongoing daily cleaning of high traffic
areas. Library programming will remain virtual or passive take home. All meeting rooms will
remain closed. Study rooms and Wiggle Room will remain closed. Security coverage is resumed at
Main and Carlson per previous schedule. Social distancing will be enforced at service points.
Seating will continue to be reduced at all locations to enhance social distancing. Planned group
visits canceled.

Library Re-opening Stage 3: (Pending Consultation with Public Health and City Admin)
LIBRARY OPEN to public, business as usual, all library services for the general public are provided as
normal and as scheduled. Enhanced cleaning and sanitation of facilities continues.

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