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Work Performance of Senior High School Teacher

To understand how effective the work of a person is, performance must be evaluated.

It includes how individuals select,use and organize ideas that could leave impact to its end users.

Teachers play an important role in achieving every student’s dreams and aspirations.

They are the ones that mold leaners towards self-actualization.

Senior High School is a specialized secondary education that provides an avenue of trainings and
development. It requires the choice of career track which will eventually define the path to take in
tertiary levels.

Thus, work performance of every Senior High School teacher is imperative.

Work Performance is broadly classified as the assessment of how well a person’s job is done.

The sub elements would be the roles, assignments, activities or responsibilities one is engaged in. To
expand, it is a kind of evaluation in which an expected work activity is executed. Comprising
components,not to mention all such as healthy display of Work Ethics,Knowledge of Work,Productivity,
Quality of work, Situational Responsiveness and alike.

While good performance of a worker is fitting and adds substantial value to the goals of an organization,
counterpart lies in a poor work performance-that is a negative quality that makes one under-qualified or
is lacking to an assigned task. This underperformance is very critical and could lead to disastrous effects
to an organizations mission and goals.

In here, whether it be a positive or negative performance, further study is needed.

Identifying factors to enhance more the positive performances and addressing or taking corrective
actions to certain seemingly negative performances can yield to better understanding of why a job is
done in an expected or unexpected way.

With this,performance is an importance criterion of outcomes and success.

Considering the impact and factors of Work Performance of a Senior High School Teacher, it is essential
to take a more in-depth look of how a job of Senior High School teacher is being carried out,what drives
its utmost performance in the workplace and the proactiveness it must possess.

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