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Personally, I think so, because technological access has allowed companies to reduce costs in

many areas, communication, for example now they can do virtual meetings

I believe that technological innovations help physical and cognitive abilities. An example is the
development of learning platforms or what my partner said in the last class about smart watches.
my opinion technology has evolved too much not only in development, speed but also in price,

previously electronic devices were bigger and slower now everything is a little more portable,
small fast and cheaper

technology advances and replaces more and more things

In addition, the technological advance of the cell phone has made people replace activities that
they used to do, such as paying for things at the bank, now they can do it virtually.

La tecnología ha evolucionado demasiado no solo en desarrollo, velocidad sino también en precio,

anteriormente los dispositivos electrónicos eran más grandes y más lentos ahora todo es un poco
más portátil, pequeño, rápido y más barato

technology advances and replaces more and more things

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