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Last meeting, we discussed about creative in mind or creative thingking,investigatuon

and research strategies.

Being creative thinking, it helps me to sharpened my minds to see more ideas that

develop to be creative mind. It also helps you to be skillful in things and helps to learn

new things. Also being creative thinker also have a barrier, a barrier that make you to

stop to be creative also having a memory block. The example of this is that you collects

wrong information to ruin you mind. This example is that you are having a unsuffiecient

knowledge, having poor mind and problem in solving strategy

In creative thinking have 5 methods this are, using checklist, brainstorming, six key

questions, 5 why's question, synectics and concept map. In brainstorming, it can help

the process, breakdown normal thought pattern by using a checklist. In six key

questions we can use who, what, where, when, why and how. And we can enhance our

creative thinking by taking exercise, traveling can might improve your creative thinking

and color blue and green can improve performance on creative task.

Last, before our class ends, Ma'am connie gave us an activity. The activity is all about

conducting a survey to the students of TUP. For me, conducting a survey is hard for me,
because I'm shy to ask some students to answer the survey that I prepare for them all

I'm scared to be rejected by some students. But I bravely face my doubts so I ask them,

then after 2 hours I completed to give surveys for them.

Lastly, Ma'am connie also gavr us another activity by doing references of

article,books,journal. It hard for us because nobody take a laptop so we go to library to

do the task that ma'am connie gave us. then our class end but we still not finished so

ma'am gave us time to finish the activity so we go outside of the school and we go to

computer rental to rent one computer to do our activity. Then we finished it and we

passed our activity on time.

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