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A Python Library for Teaching Computation

to Seismology Students
by John M. Aiken, Chastity Aiken, and Fabrice of the problems themselves. Thus, computation and computa-
Cotton tional thinking are vital skills for future scientists.
Computation and computational thinking afford students
the ability to solve and explore methods in an iterative and
ABSTRACT explorative way (Wing, 2006). Computational thinking is the
process used to translate a problem into appropriate procedures
Python is at the forefront of scientific computation for seismol- for a computer to solve it. Often times, this involves writing
ogists and therefore should be introduced to students inter- code. Through writing codes to solve physics problems, stu-
ested in becoming seismologists. On its own, Python is dents are able to generalize models in a way that is inaccessible
open source and well designed with extensive libraries. How- to analytical methods (Caballero et al., 2014). Complicated
ever, Python code can also be executed, visualized, and commu- problems can be solved simply by students writing codes (e.g.,
nicated to others with “Jupyter Notebooks”. Thus, Jupyter statistical analysis of very large earthquake catalogs, modeling
Notebooks are ideal for teaching students Python and scientific mantle dynamics). Common errors in coding can be general-
computation. In this article, we designed an openly available ized to conceptual issues students have with the concepts being
Python library and collection of Jupyter Notebooks based taught in the course thus aiding instruction (Caballero et al.,
on defined scientific computation learning goals for seismology 2012). However, for beginner students it is often important to
students. The Notebooks cover topics from an introduction to provide the appropriate scaffolding in order for them to be
Python to organizing data, earthquake catalog statistics, linear successful (Vygotsky, 1980).
regression, and making maps. Our Python library and collec- Scaffolded code is code building blocks provided to stu-
tion of Jupyter Notebooks are meant to be used as course ma- dents that they then complete. This is quite similar to the way
terials for an upper-division data analysis course in an Earth scientists actually code. In most cases, scientists do not start
Science Department, and the materials were tested in a Prob- writing new code from scratch to perform an analysis. Often,
abilistic Seismic Hazard course. However, seismologists or any- they are using older codes maintained by colleagues or pred-
one else who is interested in Python for data analysis and map ecessors. Scaffolding code for students is simply translating this
making can use these materials. practice into the classroom.
Why choose Python? Python is an easy language to read that
is popular in modern seismology. Python is also free for anyone
INTRODUCTION to install and use on any computer. Several widely used seismol-
ogy libraries are written in Python (e.g., ObsPy; Beyreuther et al.,
Computers have transformed the way seismologists conduct 2010), and libraries such as Pandas, Numpy, and SciPy provide
research. Tasks such as numerical modeling, data analysis, simple yet powerful statistical and data manipulation tools
and statistics are all performed by seismologists on computers. (McKinney, 2010; van der Walt et al., 2011). A textbook on com-
It is practically impossible today for seismologists to process putational seismology has also been written that uses Python and
earthquake data without a computer because most data are dig- is designed for teaching a graduate level seismology course (Igel,
ital. Seismologists use computers to visualize data, analyze 2017). Python and Jupyter Notebooks have been chosen by the
waveforms, pick phase arrival times, locate earthquakes, and Global Earthquake Model foundation for analysis and dissemi-
investigate earthquake catalog statistics, to name just a few ex- nation of results (Pagani et al., 2014). Thus, Python is becoming
amples. Many seismologists today accomplish these tasks using a reference language for seismology and seismic hazard.
the Python programming language. However, in many cases, Additionally, the Anaconda Python distribution allows for
our courses do not instruct students to use the same modern easy install on all systems. Anaconda is a Python distribution
tools that seismologists use. Understanding computational built for conducting science. It is an inclusive installation of
tools and techniques that seismologists use is not only impor- Python that includes common scientific libraries (Numpy,
tant for training future seismologists but it also teaches stu- Scipy, Matplotlib, and Pandas), a package, and virtual environ-
dents new problem-solving skills and a new representation ment manager (conda). Moreover, Anaconda is recommended

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by the ObsPy developers for individual users (such as students) PYTHON COURSE MATERIALS FOR SEISMOLOGY
installing ObsPy (see Data and Resources). Anaconda also in- STUDENTS PACKAGE
cludes Jupyter Notebooks (hereafter, Notebooks). Jupyter is an
open-source web application that promotes the creation and The materials were designed to be repurposed to any course
sharing of Python code, visualizations, and text within Note- whose instructor wants to teach data analysis and map making
books. The Notebooks are easy to share and have become in Python to students with little prior experience. Thus, we call
widely accepted in the scientific world (Shen, 2014). Journals the library Python Course Materials for Seismology Students.
such as Nature are now accepting Notebooks as supplemental The Notebooks within this library use open-source data as well
materials and demonstrations of the analysis as described in the as open-source modules and toolkits, e.g., Pandas, Matplotlib,
articles. Taken together, these make Python a powerful and Basemap, and Cartopy, to teach students how to read data,
affordable tool for anyone to use. perform simple statistical analysis on it, and visualize the result.
This article describes a set of Notebooks and a Python We will first describe the data, modules, and toolkits used in
library that were constructed for use by seismologists, seismol- the Notebooks and then the Notebooks we designed to achieve
ogy students, or anyone else who is interested in getting started the learning goals (Table 1).
with Python. The Notebooks were written for a Probabilistic
Seismic Hazard course taught at Potsdam University 2016– Modules and Toolkits
2017 but, in general, are designed to be used in any course that The Pandas module (derived from panel data) is an open-source
an instructor would want students to learn to input data into Python data analysis library (Mckinney, 2010). Pandas provides
Python, analyze that data, and then plot that data on maps and high performance, easy to use data structures, and data analysis
figures. The Notebooks provide introductory examples of data tools for the Python language, and it is useful for manipulating
input and output using modern scientific libraries in Python. numerical tables and time series in a structured format. It offers
They also provide real-world examples of processing seismic tools for reading and writing data, handling missing data, reshap-
data while learning Python. In the next few sections, we discuss ing and indexing data, and some basic plotting tools. A Pandas
the learning goals of the Notebooks, the toolkits, and the Note- user can, for example, group data by values in a column, count
book library itself, and how to get started with using the the number of values, and then plot the result—all in a single
Notebooks. line. Thus, Pandas is a powerful tool that simplifies data input
and output so students can focus on data analysis.
LEARNING GOALS The Matplotlib module is a Python plotting library that
can be used to make publication quality figures. It is designed
When designing the Notebooks, we aimed for them to be to be familiar to users of many types of script-based plotting
modular for the course being taught (within the context of software such as R (R Core Team, 2013) and gnuplot (see Data
seismology). That is, as long as one of the course’s goals and Resources). The goal of Matplotlib is to make plotting
was to include students learning computational skills (in this simple. A user can generate plots, histograms, power spectra,
case, data analysis in the Python programming environment), bar charts, etc., with just a few lines of code. Similar plots
these materials could be included. Thus, we developed broad can be made in open-source tools such as R and gnuplot,
learning goals for the students which dictated the materials we and R can be used in Notebooks. However, we do not describe
designed. These learning goals are: these tools here because our goal is to focus on using Python to
1. students should feel comfortable with standard data types complete these tasks.
in Python (list, string, float, int, dict, etc.); Basemap and Cartopy are map-making toolkits used
2. students should be able to import data and export data within the Matplotlib library. Neither Basemap nor Cartopy
using Pandas; perform the plotting; these toolkits facilitate the transforma-
3. students should be able to make plots in Python that have tion of coordinates and then Matplotlib integrates, constructs,
horizontal and vertical axes using a variety of data; and visualizes the transformed coordinates as contours, images,
4. students should be able to manipulate histograms in vectors, etc. Basemap and Cartopy are both equally usable for
Python and create visualizations of histograms; making maps in the Python language. However, Basemap came
5. students should be able to make maps in Python that under new management in 2016 with maintenance for the
include data such as points and heat maps; Basemap toolkit being guaranteed until 2020. It has been
6. students should be able to perform exploratory data analy- announced that Cartopy will replace Basemap (see Data and
sis and generate a hypothesis from it; and Resources). Thus, in our library, we demonstrate map making
7. students should be comfortable with using Notebooks. using both toolkits. However, in the future, Basemap Note-
These learning goals were communicated to the students books will no longer be supported.
at the beginning of a Probabilistic Seismic Hazard course. Each
goal is designed to address a specific skill that a seismologist Jupyter Notebooks
would need to do in their day to day work (Table 1). Most The Notebooks we present here demonstrate reading data,
importantly, these learning goals recognize that students gridding data, statistics, linear regression, and introductory data
may come with no prior preparation in Python. handling, plotting, and map making. The Notebooks are freely

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Table 1
Learning Goals and Their Associated Jupyter Notebooks
Learning Goal Notebook Title
1 Python data types Introduction to Python
Introduction to reading data and plotting using Pandas
2 Import and export data Introduction to reading data and plotting using Pandas
Introduction to plotting data as a heat map
3 Basic figure making Introduction to reading data and plotting using Pandas
Introduction to plotting data as a heat map
Introduction to scatter plots and histograms
4 Histograms Introduction to scatter plots and histograms
5 Map making Creating a map in cartopy and plotting data on it
Plotting focal mechanisms on a cartopy map
Plotting a pretty map using cartopy
Plotting heat map data on a map using cartopy
Maps for unshaped data using cartopy
6 Exploratory data analysis Introduction to plotting data as a heat map
Introduction to scatter plots and histograms
Creating a map in cartopy and plotting data on it
Plotting heat map data on a map using cartopy
7 Jupyter Notebooks All notebooks
Instead of having a linear progression (notebook 1, notebook 2, notebook 3, etc.), we assign Notebooks to learning goals to aid in
the modularity of the materials.

available at GitHub website (see Data and Resources). The pri- and then repeating the process until the data were visualized
mary purpose of our Notebooks is to teach Python to students correctly. We did it this way instead of having every step work-
with little to no experience with using programming languages. ing because we hope it shows that the scientific process is one
The Notebooks are useful for teaching students how to pro- of the struggle and continuous improvements. Other Note-
gram because the programming concepts can be separated into books have scaffolded code that builds upon itself. For example,
unique, executable cells, that is, scaffolded (Fig. 1). Once in- the “Creating a map in cartopy and plotting data on it” Note-
stalled, students can execute the Notebooks so they can visu- book first illustrates how to make a basic map and then reuses
alize the process or make changes to the code themselves. the same code to add earthquake data on top of it. In this way,
Dividing the concepts and code into cells, students learn the map-making Notebook is a demonstration of increasing
how to program in chunks that show the content and structure code complexity, that is, we want students to see how the map
and why codes sometimes do not work. It makes learning pro- changes with each additional step.
gramming more accessible to students who may otherwise There are several Notebooks designed to encourage
struggle. exploratory data analysis (Table 1). These Notebooks include
Most online tutorials demonstrate how to use program- teachable moments that stimulate students thinking about the
ming languages the correct way with little help when code fails, data they are engaging with and what it is telling them. For
but learning often comes from failure. At times there are more example, the “Introduction to scatter plots and histograms”
complicated errors, and there are resources for answering Notebook asks students to consider if the number of stations
difficult questions about code failure (e.g., Stack Overflow). used to locate events correlates with their magnitudes (Fig. 3).
However, in some of our Notebooks we model commonly It also teaches students basic Gutenberg–Richter analysis and
made coding errors to demonstrate how programming lan- linear regression, applicable for a course teaching statistical seis-
guages sometimes fail and how to correct it. Figure 1 is a simple mology. This latter point is not shown in Figure 3. However, it
example of scaffolded code illustrating code failure, but there can be found in the notebook itself.
are other more complicated code failure points such as in the After students become accustomed with data analysis and
“Introduction to reading data and plotting using Pandas” handling, Notebooks in the basic figure making and map-
Notebook, which introduces students to errors that can occur making learning goals can be used to demonstrate and visualize
when importing data (Fig. 2). The “Introduction to plotting data (Table 1). Basic figure making Notebooks illustrate how to
data as a heat map” Notebook illustrates the steps that we went make simple figures using real earthquake data with the Pandas
through to make the exercise. The process of making the module without map projection. Once students have mastered
exercise involved reading data, plotting it, not seeing the result, basic figure making, they can be introduced to map-making

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▴ Figure 1. Example of using scaffolded code as a visual tool for teaching coding to students in a structured way. Coding concepts can
be separated into unique executable cells. We use this style of teaching throughout many of the Notebooks. This example is taken from
the “Introduction to Python” Notebook. Note, in Figures 1–3 showing screenshots of notebooks, the figures do not show the entire
notebook as that would not be feasible to visualize. In all cases, there is more content available in the notebook provided on the repository
than is represented here. The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

Notebooks where projection is utilized. Map-making Note- functions for tasks such as converting timestamps to Python
books illustrate adding features to maps, adding earthquake time objects, calculating different types of distances, calculating
data to maps (including focal mechanisms), importing satellite Gutenberg–Richter b-values, bootstrapping, making volumet-
imagery and shaded relief, annotating maps, and plotting ric selections of data, and calculating parameter sweeps of sta-
gridded and nongridded data as heat maps with and without tistics. For example, the function get_node_data returns a data
interpolations. There are detailed discussions about the effects within a given radius and a given center longitude and latitude.
of interpolation when gridding data. It is offered as is and is not intended to replace tools such as
For the map-making Notebooks, there are currently two ZMAP (Wiemer, 2001) but rather as a jumping-off point for
versions—one that uses the Python library Basemap and one seismologists using Python to explore earthquake catalogs. This
that uses the Python library Cartopy. The Basemap and Car- package also exists outside of the learning goals structure the
topy map-making Notebooks use similar data sets and provide example notebooks rely on and can be thought of as advanced
similar results so there are no differences in content. We made topics.
two map-making versions of the Notebooks for two reasons:
(1) to provide instructors an option based on their familiarity Course Use
with map making in Python, and (2) because Basemap will be The Notebooks were used in a one semester course at the Uni-
sunset in 2020 and will no longer exist in a useable form. versity of Potsdam, Germany. Nine Master’s level students took
Future map-making options could include the Generic Map- an elective course in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis
ping Tool (GMT) Python bindings when they are released and (PSHA), most of which had little to no prior programming
stable (see Data and Resources). experience. These Notebooks served as the basis for a semester-
long project where students would calculate the hazard curve
Utilities Package for a megacity region they selected. Students were taught 3 hrs
Along with the Notebooks provided as examples, an additional per week for 15 weeks. During the first 8 weeks, the first
package called “utilities” is provided. This library focuses more 90 min of class were spent introducing students to concepts
closely on analyzing earthquake catalogs providing many usable of PSHA and statistics. The second 90 min block was used

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▴ Figure 2. Scaffolded code illustrating data importing that goes wrong with a real-world seismology data set. In this case, an earth-
quake catalog from the Southern California Earthquake Data Center is used. Detailed discussions of what goes wrong and how to fix it are
conversational “teachable moments” in our notebooks. The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

for students to apply the concepts. A typical second half of class Resources). The cartopy_environment.yml file can be found in
would consist of a brief lecture on the computational concepts the repository, which can be used to create a virtual environment
of that day’s Notebooks (e.g., how and why you should grid where Notebooks can be executed using the Cartopy module.
data). Then, students were given time to explore the Note- To create the virtual environment from the cartopy_
books. Typically, a live coding session would happen as well environment.yml file, students can follow this guide for creating
(Rubin, 2013). In these sessions, the instructor would project a virtual environment (see Data and Resources). The Basemap
their own blank notebook on the screen and give the students a and Cartopy modules do not play well together. If you plan to
task (e.g., graph a sine wave). The students were then to tell the use both, you will need to create separate virtual environments.
instructor what each line of code the instructor should type to For this reason, we also provide a basemap_environment.yml file
complete the given task. All of the Notebooks were designed to for creating a Basemap-friendly virtual environment separate
teach students general skills in Python programming and data from Cartopy. To test if an environment works, run the asso-
analysis. The last four weeks the students spent working full ciated Notebook using the respective mapping environment (i.e.,
time on their PSHA megacities projects. Class time was dedi- change the kernel) and execute each cell (e.g., Python Course
cated to students either working on projects, asking questions Materials for Seismology Students; see Data and Resources).
about projects and giving short presentations about their proj- If it works, you are ready to start!
ects, or getting help with code. The ultimate results of the
course were student conference style talks and posters about
their assessment of hazard in megacities. SUMMARY

In this article, we present learning goals and a Notebook library

Getting Started with These Materials for a computational seismology course in Python using real-
For all examples, we recommend using Anaconda and virtual world freely accessible seismology data sets. Our Notebook
environments. Anaconda provides all prerequisite packages to library provides a centralized location of scaffolded code that
be installed on any operating system with little fuss. Anaconda was developed for first- and second-year graduate students to
can be downloaded from the software’s webpage (see Data and learn data handling, data analysis, and map-making using

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▴ Figure 3. Scaffolded code showing exploratory notebooks for students. Jupyter Notebooks have inline visualizations using Matplotlib
as the default library. The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.

Python. Although these Notebooks were written for students, U.S. Geological Survey. Contributions would certainly be
ideally anyone who is interested in learning Python can use welcome as well as feedback on integrating the materials into
these Notebooks. As a test of usability, the Notebooks were a course both from students and instructors.
introduced in a Master’s level Probabilistic Seismic Hazard
Analysis course, where most students had little to no previous DATA AND RESOURCES
programming experience. These notebooks are designed to sit
between advanced course studies (such as Igel, 2017) and in- The Jupyter Notebooks presented in this article use openly
troductory courses offering students with no background in available data from a variety of sources. These data sources
programming exposure to map making and statistics using are provided in the Notebooks, but we state them again here.
Python. Earthquake catalogs were obtained from the Advanced
For all intents and purposes, this collection of codes and National Seismic System (ANSS) via http://www.ncedc.
Jupyter Notebooks are complete. However, we do want to org/anss/catalog‑search.html (last accessed October 2017)
develop more Notebooks for specific courses or allow more and the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) via
flexibility to teachers given their familiarity with different tools.
Future updates will include map making via GMT-based Python loc.php (last accessed October 2017). Focal mechanisms were
library when the toolkit becomes more stable (see Data and obtained from the Global Centroid Moment Tensor (CMT)
Resources). Also, we would like to develop a module based on catalog via (last
seismic-waveform data analysis via ObsPy that would be useful accessed October 2017). Peak ground acceleration data are
for an upper division undergraduate or graduate-level course in available from the North American Space Agency (NASA)
observational seismology. Finally, we would like to offer more with registration via
examples of using Python to fetch seismic data from sources such /set/ndh-earthquake-distribution-peak-ground-acceleration
as Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology and the /data-download#close (last accessed October 2017). We also

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illustrate using the ArcGIS server services for high-resolution OpenQuake engine: An open hazard (and risk) software for the
satellite images in a map format. For more information, global earthquake model, Seismol. Res. Lett. 85, no. 3, 692–702.
R Core Team (2013). R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Com-
see puting, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.
Approaches_for_publishing_services_with_ArcGIS/024100 Rubin, M. J. (2013). The effectiveness of live-coding to teach introduc-
000002000000/ (last accessed October 2017). The other data tory programming, Proc. of the 44th ACM Technical Symposium on
are from the following websites: Computer Science Education, ACM, Denver, Colorado, 651–656.
obspy/wiki#installation (last accessed January 2018), http:// Shen, H. (2014). Interactive notebooks: Sharing the code, Nature 515,
no. 7525, 151. (last accessed van der Walt, S., S. Chris Colbert, and G. Varoquaux (2011). The NumPy
October 2017), array: A structure for efficient numerical computation, Comput. Sci.
-course-materials-for-seismology-students/ (last accessed Eng. 13, 22–30, doi: 10.1109/MCSE.2011.37.
January 2018), Vygotsky, L. S. (1980). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher
gmt-python (last accessed October 2017), https://www. Psychological Processes, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mas-
sachusetts. (last accessed October 2017), Wiemer, S. (2001). A software package to analyze seismicity: ZMAP, Seismol. Res. Lett. 72, no. 3, 373–382.
.html (last accessed October 2017), and Wing, J. M. (2006). Computational thinking, Comm. ACM 49, no. 3,
mnky9800n/Python-course-materials-for-seismology-students 33–35.
(Cartopy%20version).ipynb (last accessed January 2018). The John M. Aiken1
information about gnuplot can be found at T. Williams and Centre for Computing in Science Education
C. Kelley, “Gnuplot 4.6: An interactive plotting program” Department of Physics
available at (last accessed University of Oslo
April 2013). Sem Sælands vei 24
Blindern, Oslo 0316 Norway

The authors would like to thank Emily Wolin for her construc- Chastity Aiken2
tive feedback. Part of this work was supported by the Seismology Department of Marine Geosciences - LAD
and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance Ifremer
for Europe (SERA) project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 ZI de la pointe du Diable
programme under Grant Agreement Number 730900. CS 10070
29280 Plouzané, France

Beyreuther, M., R. Barsch, L. Krischer, T. Megies, Y. Behr, and J. Was- Fabrice Cotton3
sermann (2010). ObsPy: A Python toolbox for seismology, Seismol. GFZ German Research Institute for Geosciences
Res. Lett. 81, no. 3, 530–533. Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany
Caballero, M. D., J. B. Burk, J. M. Aiken, B. D. Thoms, S. S. Douglas, E.
M. Scanlon, and M. F. Schatz (2014). Integrating numerical com- fcotton@gfz‑
putation into the modeling instruction curriculum, Phys. Teach. 52,
no. 1, 38–42. Published Online 14 March 2018
Caballero, M. D., M. A. Kohlmyer, and M. F. Schatz (2012). Fostering
computational thinking in introductory mechanics, AIP Conf. 1
Also at GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Telegrafenberg,
Proceedings, Vol. 1413, 15–18. 14473 Potsdam, Germany.
Igel, H. (2017). Computational Seismology: A Practical Introduction, 2
Also at The University of Texas at Austin, Institute for Geophysics,
Oxford University Press, London, United Kingdom.
McKinney, W. (2010). Data structures for statistical computing in 10601 Exploration Way, Austin, Texas 78758 U.S.A.
Python, Proc. of the 9th Python in Science Conference, 51–56. Institute for Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Potsdam,
Pagani, M., D. Monelli, G. Weatherill, L. Danciu, H. Crowley, V. Silva, P. Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 24/25, 14476 Potsdam, Germany.
Henshaw, L. Butler, M. Nastasi, L. Panzeri, and M. Simionato (2014).

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