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Buddhist Studies Questionnaire

Dear all,
Please help me with the surveys below. There is no right or wrong answer, "No" or "Not sure"
is also a good answer. The purpose is to analyse the development of modern Buddhism and
early Buddhism. The /ndings will help design future Buddhist courses and lectures.
“ ” “ ”

1. Are you a Buddhist ?

Taken refuge

Take refuge with /ve precepts

Take refuge with less than 5 precepts ( )

No refuge yet

Buddhist by Birth

Not a Buddhist

2. What inspired you to become a Buddhist

Attended Buddhist chanting and got inspired.

Attended Buddhist talks and got inspired.

Attended Buddhist lectures and got inspired.

Read some sutra and got inspired.

None of the above

All of the above

3. What is your school of Buddhism


Taiwanese Mahāyāna

Japanese Mahāyāna

Tibetan Buddhism


Chan Buddhism or Pureland

Chinese Mahayana

Japanese Zen Buddhism


Not sure
4. What is your perception of Buddhism

A religion open to all

A psychology

A study of cosmology

A belief for Buddhist only

Not sure

5. What is your purpose of the meditation /

Taming the mind

To attain awakening

Enjoy meditation

To relax

For cognitive illness ,

Prepare for Bardo

Prepare for death

Not sure
6. You are familiar with the following sutras

Pali Canon

Chinese Agamas

Common Mahayana Sutras

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra

Diamond Sutra

Lotus Sutra

Amitābha Sutra

Sixth Platform Sutra

Not sure

7. Which is the early Buddhism teachings

1. Pali Canon

2. Chinese Agamas

3. Common Mahayana Sutras

4. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra

5. Diamond Sutra

6. Lotus Sutra

7. Amitābha Sutra

8. Sixth Platform Sutra

9. Abhidhamma

Not sure
8. Which are !rst sermons the Buddha preaches a"er his enlightenment?

Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta ​

Prajñāpāramita Sūtra

Four Āgamas

Four Noble Truths

Eightfold Path

The Middle Path

Amitābha Sutra

Not sure

9. On separate occasions with di#erent Dhamma teachers talking on the same

subject, all have their di#erent explanation, how would you react?

Trust all

Trust the teacher you are familiar with

Investigate yourself

Not doing anything

10. Do you think donating money to the Buddhist Organisations will gain merits



Don’t know

Depends if it is out of generosity

11. Do you agree that Buddhist Psychology is Buddhism



Not heard of Buddhist Psychology

12. How long have you been a Buddhist

1 year or less (1 )

3 years or less (3 )

5 years of less 5 (5 )

10 years or less (10 )

11 years or more (11 )

More than 15 years (15 )


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