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2016 International Conference on Global Trends in Signal Processing, Information Computing and Communication

Cargo Space Optimization for Container

Jyoti T. Patil Manoj E. Patil

PG Student Associate professor
Department of computer engineering, SSBT College of Department of computer engineering, SSBT College of
engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon, India, engineering & Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon, India,

Abstract—Cargo loading and planning is the most essential bounds a wide range of problem-solving techniques and
factor in transportation like railways, airlines, trucks and buses. methods applied for the improvement of decision -making and
It is the proper arrangement of goods, items or cargo into the the quality of the solution. It is the tool which is used to find
available space of container. Due to improper arrangement of
the optimized solution for the given optimization problem. In
cargo and unavailability of proper optimization techniques the
space gets wasted and damage of goods occurs in container. The
railways, airlines, trucks and buses the decision making to
proper arrangement and placement of the cargo is very difficult loading and arranging the cargo in a given size of container is
task today. To utilize the maximum occupancy of the container most difficult. To get the optimized solution without wastage
the optimization algorithms are required to design. The of space is the challenge in OR. Due to this reason the
optimization algorithms, simple algorithm, LAFF (Largest Area optimization method in operational research plays most
First Fit) and LAFF algorithm with Weight consideration are important role in cargo space optimization.
proposed. All algorithms, simple algorithm, LAFF and LAFF
with weight consider the dimensions of the cargo and container Rest of the paper is organized as: Section 2 gives an overview
like base, height, width and weight. These algorithms help to plan of the related work, Section 3 presents the proposed approach,
and load cargo properly in a container and give the optimized
Section 4 presents the result and discussion and Section 5
solution for arrangement of cargo. Experimental evaluation
shows that, our proposed algorithms give maximum space concludes the proposed approach.
utilization than existing methods II. RELATED WORK
Keywords—cargo loading; Space optimization; Operational The operational research is now a day’s very popular domain
research; Decision making; optimization. for study. It is used in the number of technical methods like
multi-criteria decision analysis, linear and non linear
I. INTRODUCTION programming, discrete-event simulation, queuing and
The Operational Research (OR) is a branch of applied stochastic process modeling, conjoint analysis and neural
mathematics, which is used to provide a scientific base for networking. There are 2 main models involved in the
management to take timely and effective decisions to their operational research as deterministic models and stochastic
problems. The research like an evidence or information which models.
is practically usable for improvement of system like design,
methods and any approach is taken considered under the
operational research.

The cargo loading and optimization is the part of the

operational research. The operation is defined as the activities
carried out in an organization. The process of observation and
testing characterized by the scientific method is called as the
research. It can be any situation, problem statement,
construction of model, validation of system, experimentation.
So the operational research is a collection of general
mathematical models, analytical procedures and algorithms.
Operational Research is the scientific study of operation which Fig 1 Operational research & Optimization Classification
helps for better decision making. It helps to identify the
optimum solution for particular problem.
The proper arrangement of cargo with the maximum use of the
Operational Research is the use of advanced analytical and given container is difficult task. The damage of the cargo takes
optimization techniques to improve decision making and place in more extend which is a cost consuming also. While
the cargo placed in the container, the position, direction

978-1-5090-0467-6/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 68

rotation is getting considered so that if it is not properly placed Jose V et al., in [3], aims to make a comparative study of
the repositioning can be done. But the repositioning is also the different industry available software’s for cargo load
time consuming. It is cost consuming and very difficult to optimization and planning such as 3D load packer, Load
manage the space optimization. The different models of planner etc. This paper chiefly focused on a decision support
operational research and optimization techniques are as shown system specifically designed for transport load planning of sea
in Fig. 1. and air transport containers, trucks, boxes, and pallets, and is
A. Operatinal research models optimized with full auto loading capability using dynamic
programming. Dynamic Programming is one of the elegant
There are mainly 2 models are involved in OR models as algorithm design standards and is powerful tool which yields
deterministic models and Stochastic models. The stochastic classic algorithms for a variety of combinatorial optimization
models cover 40% of the operational research area and the problems. Cargo load planning is critical to transport carriers,
remaining 60% is covered by the deterministic models. In especially for an industry heavily influenced by increasing
stochastic type of model the uncertain data is considered. It fuel prices and costs.
explicitly represents uncertain data via random variables or
stochastic processes. It characterizes the system performance 2) Numerical Optimization Methods
and also estimates the performance of the system.
The numerical optimization methods consist of the linear
Rieder, in [1], has given that stochastic operations research is programming, quadratic programming, integer programming,
the process which varies with the time. The stochastic models nonlinear programming, dynamic programming, stochastic
are uncertain and therefore they focuses on effect of programming, and infinite-dimensional optimization. The
uncertainty. For example customer service, where the dynamic optimization studies the case in which the
complaints come are uncertain. Share market system where optimization strategy is based on splitting the problem into
shares changes uncertainly. Many applications focus on smaller sub-problems.
decision making. The stochastic models involve the Markov
models, Markov decision processes, stochastic games, queuing Gurbuz et al., in [4], has considered the rectangle packing
systems, inventory models and investment models. The problem as 3D packing problem. The LAFF algorithm is
temporary relationships between the random variables and designed by considering the dimensions of he containers like
constraints get established. base, width and height. The LAFF algorithm considers infinite
height of container i.e. the container is open and there is no
Linderoth, in[2], has given that the deterministic models
consideration of weight of the boxes. It fits the maximum
consist of the linear programming, network optimization,
height cargo or box first into the container and gives the
integer programming and nonlinear optimization methods. It
optimized solution.
assumes all the certain data for formulation of problems.
Deterministic models involve the optimization. It gives the Kanniga et al., in[5], has given the permutation block
optimal solution among the different types of solutions which algorithm. The container loading problem is a packing of the
is called as best possible solution. Operations research and boxes in the given sized container. The concept of
industrial engineering is the science of decision making. It is
Permutation Block Algorithm (PBA) is applied in the wall
used for decision making in management. Example of this
layer approach for the load optimization. The equal sized
type of modes is travelling salesman problem.
boxes are considered.
B. Optimization Techniques
The core sub branch of the operational research is 3) Advanced Optimization Methods
optimization. The space optimization is the proper
arrangement of the cargo within the given dimensions of Advanced optimization methods involves the hill climbing,
container and to use the maximum volume of the container. simulated annealing. By using genetic algorithms the
optimization of the space can be achieved. A genetic
1) Classical optimization methods algorithm (GA) is a local search technique used to find
approximate solutions to optimization and search problems.
The classical optimization techniques are very difficult to The ant colony optimization is another advanced optimization
solve. They leads to the non-linear simultaneous equations technique. The idea of the ant colony algorithm is to mimic
which are complex and that’s why can’t be solved easily. this behavior with "simulated ants" walking around the search
These methods assume that the function is differentiable twice space representing the problem to be solved.
with respect to the design variables and the derivatives are
continuous. Three main types of problems can be handled by Gehring and Bortfelt, in [6], present the genetic algorithm for
the classical optimization techniques as single variable container loading problem. The main idea is to loading the
functions, multi-variable functions with no constraints, multi- strongly homogeneous set of boxes into a single container.
variable functions with both equality and inequality The approach includes generation of a set of disjunctive box
constraints. towers and to arrange the box towers on the floors of the

container. The stability, balance constraints are considered. 1) Inputs to System
The algorithm can be applied to only homogeneous set of As shown in the fig. 2, the initial inputs of the system are the
boxes (rectangles). So for the heterogeneous sets of cargo the dimensions of the container into which the cargo is to be
constraints are considered like Orientation constraint, Top placed and the dimensions of the cargo. The container has the
placement constraint, Weight constraint. dimensions base, width, height and weight. The inputs of the
container are shown in the equation (3.1).
Various research papers are referred for the operational
research and its optimization methods. The dynamic Container I/p = (Cb, Ch, Cw, Cwt)…. (3.1)
optimization in case of the cargo space optimization is easy to Cb : Base of Container
find a optimal solution. The genetic algorithm is also the best Ch: Height of Container
way to find the optimal solution but it has some drawbacks. It Cw: Width of Container
cannot be applied to the close container format. Cwt: Weight of Container
The dimensions of the cargo are also comes in the
III. PROPOSED SOLUTION consideration. The Cargo dimensions are as shown in the
equation (3.2).
Dynamic optimization technique is easier to get a optimized
solution in space optimization. Different types of parameters Cargo I/ps = (CRb, CRh, CRw, CRwt)…. (3.2)
are to be considered for the design of the optimization CRb : Base of Cargo
algorithm. In the proposed system, two optimization CRh: Height of Cargo
algorithms are designed. As the existing solution does not CRw: Width of Cargo
gives the fully optimized solution for the cargo loading in a CRwt: Weight of Cargo
given container. The cargo space optimization in a container is
the most challenging work today. While designing the The database of these inputs is created which is then given to
optimization algorithm different parameters of container and the different algorithms for the further processing.
cargo are considered. The main parameters are base, width,
height and weight of container and cargo. 2) Simple Algorithm

In the simple algorithm the cargo arrangements takes place in

A. Proposed Architecture
sorted manner according to the dimensions sorting and weight
Figure 2 shows the proposed system architecture. The sorting techniques. The source and destinations of the cargo
architecture shows the 3 main blocks as Simple algorithm, loading nd dispatched is get considered here. The type of
LAFF algorithm and LAFF algorithm with weight cargo varies like plastic, iron etc. The dimensions are first get
consideration. The cargo parameters are taken as input to the sorted according to the base, height and width of the cargo.
system which gets stored in a database as shown in figure 2. After that the weight sorting is conducted and finally the
placement of cargo takes place. At first in this algorithm, the
volume of the container and cargo gets calculated from the
equations (3.3) and equation (3.4).
Volume of Container = (Cb * Ch * Cw)….(3.3)
Volume of Cargo = (CRb * CRh * CRw)….(3.4)
The cargo with the maximum weight is selected as given in
equation (3.5)
CRwt = WtCRmax ….(3.5)

3) LAFF(Largest Area First Fit)Algorithm

In this algorithm the placement takes place according to the

largest base of the container and cargo. For this purpose the
volume of the cargo gets calculated first and it is compared
with the volume of the container. If it is the largest then it gets
placed otherwise rotation of the cargo takes place. The volume
of the container is calculated by the equation (3.3) and the
volume of the cargo gets calculated by the equation (3.4). The
cargo base, cargo height and cargo width is gets compared
Fig 2 Architecture of Proposed System with the base of the container.
The detailed architecture of proposed system is discussed
4) LAFF Algorithm with Weight Considerstion

The working of this algorithm is as same as the LAFF 2) LAFF Algorithm
algorithm but here maximum weighed cargo gets considered
first. The largest base and weights are given as input to this The shipping companies deals with the problem of cargo space
algorithm. The weights of cargo already get sorted in optimization i.e. the planning and loading the cargo or items
decreasing manner so that maximum weighted cargo along into the given sized containers in proper way. The main
with largest base gets selected first for the placement. The objective of these companies is to fit 3D boxes in container
placement of cargo takes place according to weight and with the proper optimization method so that maximum cargo
volume of cargo which gives the optimized solution. can be placed with minimum efforts. The problem of fitting
the boxes which are different in shape and size or can be the
5) Space Optimization same to each other into a big container in optimum level, is
called 3-dimensional packing problem. The main objective is
The main objective of the proposed system is to get the to use the maximum space or volume of the container with
optimized solution for placement the cargo in the container. minimum wastage of space. This provides the reduction of
Three algorithms are designed for this purpose and space costs in shipments with the use minimum number of
utilization is calculated using the equation (3.5) containers. The optimization algorithm for this purpose is
designed which is called LAFF(Largest Area First Fit). The
Sn = TVCR / TVc…. (3.6) algorithm considers all the dimensions of the cargos and
Where container and helps to arrange the maximum cargo in the
Sn : Space utilization given container.
TVCR : Total volume occupied by cargos
TVc : container volume. The LAFF algorithm considers the base, height and width of
the cargo. The cargo base is gets compared to containers base
B. Design
at each time and according to that the placement of the cargo
This section gives the algorithmic structure of the proposed takes place. After the consideration of the base of the cargo,
algorithms i.e. simple algorithm, LAFF algorithm and LAFF the height is considered. The cargo gets placed vertically after
algorithm with Weigh consideration. this step. After this step the width of the cargo gets compared
so that the placement of the cargo takes place along width.
1) Simple Algorithm:- The LAFF algorithm considers the volume of both cargo and
This section gives the detailed description of the simple container. Every time after placement of the cargo, the volume
algorithm. The simple algorithm takes the inputs of the of the cargo and the remaining volume of the container gets
dimensions of the containers and cargos. The base, width and calculated. The space utilization is then calculated by the
Maximum weight of the cargo. The sorting of the dimensions division of the total cargo placed in container and the volume
takes place and according to that the cargo gets placed in the of the container. The LAFF Algorithm is as given in
given sized container. The algorithm is as shown in Algorithm Algorithm 2.
Algorithm 2
1. Insert container dimensions
Algorithm 1 2. Calculate volume of container Vc
1. Insert container dimensions 3. Input cargo dimensions, weight, max weight a cargo
2. Calculate volume of container Vc can taken.
3. Input cargo dimensions, weight, max weight a 4. Calculate volume of cargo Vcr.
cargo can taken. 5. If cargo dimensions=container dimensions.
4. Calculate volume of cargo Vcr. 6. Choose cargo with widest base
5. Sort cargos according to max weight. 7. If volume of cargo> container, skip cargo.
6. If base of cargo > container base, skip cargo. 8. Else add cargo to list.
7. If volume of cargo> container, skip cargo. 9. Add volume of cargo.
8. Else add cargo to list. 10. Increment the cargo counter
9. Add volume of cargo. 11. If remaining base > cargo base, place cargo along
10. Increment the cargo counter. with base and add cargo volume again.
11. If remaining base > cargo base, place cargo 12. Place cargo along height & add cargo volume.
along with width and add cargo volume again. 13. Else place along width and add volume
12. If remaining volume < Cargo volume 14. If remaining volume < Cargo volume
13. Add cargo to new container. 15. Add cargo to new container.
14. Calculate space utilization 16. Calculate space utilization
15. Sn = TVCR / TVc 17.
Sn = TVCR / TVc
16. Decrement cargo counter 18. Decrement cargo counter
17. While all cargos are placed, counter=0 19. While all cargos are placed, counter=0
3) LAFF Algorithm with Weight Cnsideration The values of the database containing cargo dimensions are
given as a input to simple algorithm. In this algorithm sorting
This section presents the algorithm of LAFF with weight takes place according to the base of cargo and maximum
consideration. This algorithm considers the cargos along with weight of the cargo. Here, the vertical or other placement of
weight .This algorithm is same as the LAFF algorithm , only cargo does not take place, and so it does not give the required
change is while adding the cargos in a container, they gets optimized output. The wastage of the space takes place in
sorted according to increasing weight. This doesn’t gives the some extent. Space utilization is as shown in table 1
optimum solution as compared to LAFF algorithm. Finally the
space utilization gets calculated as Table1 Space utilization by simple algorithm
Sn= TVCR / TVc.
Container No. Total items Space utilization
1 13 0.91
3 28 0.85
Result and discussion section is an important part of research
work. Evaluation of the proposed approach is carried out in
the result and discussion section. Result section presents the 2) Results Generated by LAFF with Weight Consideration
experimental results of the proposed approach as well as the
existing approach. Evaluation of the both the approaches are The algorithm takes the dynamic database of the cargo which
carried out in the discussion section on the basis of obtained considers base, height, width and maximum weight of the
results. Cargo Load planning and optimization is proved by cargo. The cargos taken for the calculation are already
carrying out experiments. Results are carried out using java. according to maximum weight. The cargo gets sorted
Before evaluating performance preprocessing is done on cargo according to weight and then the remaining procedure takes
database and extracted cargo features place. The space utilization is as shown in table 2.
Table2 Space utilization by LAFF algorithm with Weight
The proposed system is implemented using JAVA language
using the platform Apache Tomcat/7.0.65. Apache Tomcat
version 7.0 implements the Servlet 3.0 and Java Server Pages Container No. Total items Space utilization
2.2 specifications from the Java Community Process, and 1 9 0.90
includes many additional features that make it a useful 2 16 0.98
platform for developing and deploying web applications and 3 29 0.85
web services. Cargo database is used for cargo load planning
and optimization. Implementation is done using java 3) Results Generated by LAFF algorithm
environment. While implementing cargos are loaded
dynamically. All three algorithms Simple algorithm, LAFF The section presents the results generated by the LAFF
and LAFF with weight are executed on same database to get algorithm. The LAFF algorithm gives the maximum space
comparative output. Performance is evaluated in terms of optimization among the three algorithms. The dynamic
space optimization. The proposed system has not used any database of cargo is given as a input to the LAFF algorithm.
standard database for the calculation. The database is created Here, all the possible placements of the cargo takes place. The
dynamically according to requirements. User can provide any base of the cargo gets calculated 1st and then its gets
kind of dimensions and the software will validate and verify compared to the base of the container. If it is ok then its gets
all dimensions. The system will provide best output out of it. placed horizontally along with the base otherwise the next
The experiments are performed on various number of database calculation gets takes place. The next calculation is along with
with different number of cargos. For experimental evaluation the height of the cargo and the height of the container gets
the database provided of 56 cargos. The application will help compared. If it is within the limit then cargo gets placed
to know how many containers would be required to vertically otherwise next calculation is performed. The width
completely place all the cargos. of the cargo gets compared with the container's width and
according to that the placement takes place. Finally the weight
of the cargo gets considered.
A. Results
The space utilization by LAFF is as shown in table 3.
Experimental result shows the effectiveness of proposed
system, in which the dynamic database of the container and Table3 Space utilization by LAFF algorithm
cargo dimensions is provided. 56 cargos have been added in
Container No. Total items Space utilization
1 12 0.99
2 10 0.99
1) Results Generated by Simple Algorithm
3 32 0.8019

B. Discussion [3] Tom Jose V and Sijo M T, Praveen, “Cargo Loading using Dynamic
Programming and Comparative Software Study”, International Journal of
Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR)ISSN: 2278
Results of experiment state that performance of LAFF is better 7798, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 1-4, February 2013.
than other two algorithms. Performance get reduce when there [4] M. Zahid Gurbuz, Selim Akyoku,Ybrahim Emiroolu and Aysun Guran,
are improper dimension cargos are added. Space utilization of “An Efficient Algorithm for 3D Rectangular Box Packing”, Applied
Automatic Systems: Proceedings of selected AAS, Skopje, pp. 131-134,
containers is better by LAFF Algorithm. But sometimes it is September 2009.
observed that the space utilization of some container is
[5] E. Kanniga1, S. M. K. Srikanth and M. Sundhararajan, “Optimization
showing better results using other two algorithms than LAFF, Solution of Equal Dimension Boxes in Container Loading Problem
but the overall results of LAFF are displayed better than other using a Permutation Block Algorithm”, Indian Journal of Science and
two algorithms. As the cargos are dynamically added, the Technology, Volume 7, pp. 22-26, June 2014.
[6] H GEHRING and A. BORTFELDT, “A Genetic Algorithm for
above results will change accordingly. But as observed after
Solving the Container Loading Problem”, Fern University
working on various database that the optimized results are Hagen, pp. 1-24.
retrieved only by LAFF algorithm which are far more better [7] Hong-jun Heng and Ya-jing Li, “Robust Optimization Model of Air
than other two algorithms. As shown in figure 3, graph shows Cargo Capacity Inventory Control”, IEEE, Volume 09, No. 2, pp. 1-4,
that the Container space optimization of LAFF is better than 2009.
other two algorithms in above given scenario. These results [8] Cunlu Zhang, Ruibin Luo, Zhixin Chen, “An Optimization Model for
Cargo Space Allocation for Air Cargo Agent”, IEEE transactions,
may vary as an when the cargo database changes, but after Volume 10, No. 6, pp. 1-5, 2010.
major testing on various database with different number of
cargos, the LAFF algorithm gives higher performance and is
highly efficient than other two mentioned algorithms.

Fig 3 Results Graph


The cargo space optimization for containers is difficult task to place
the cargo in the given container and to utilize the maximum space of
the given container. To fulfill this requirement, the optimization
algorithms are designed namely simple algorithm, LAFF algorithm
and LAFF algorithm with weight algorithm. The algorithms consider
the dimensions of containers and cargo like base, height, width and
weight. The LAFF algorithm gives the maximum space optimization
among the three algorithms.

In future, the proposed algorithms can be used for Indian railways,

Indian airlines and trucks.


[1] Ulrich Rieder, “Stochastic Operations Research”, Optimization and

Operations Research, University of Ulm, German, Encyclopedia of Life
Support Systems(EOLSS), Volume 04, pp. 1-8, 1981.
[2] Jeff Linderoth, “Operations Research - Deterministic Modeling”,
Department of Industrial and system engineering, Spring 2011, pp. 1-6,
December 2014.


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