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Literature Review-

The social media/electronic media connected with the people all over the world. In this modern
era there are so many platforms of social media. Such as; Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp,
Instagram, Tumblr, and many more. The research shows that there are over 2.65 billion people
who are connected with social media. The number is increasing day by day. It is showing that the
number is humongous. The whole world is passing through a tough time. Global pandemic
COVID-19 hit the entire world. Millions of people lost their life due to this infectious virus. It
was first hit in China in December 2019. Several conspiracy theories and misinformation were
also created because of this pandemic. Another alarming news is, not only did the virus itself
spread very rapidly, but so did the information – and misinformation – about the outbreak, and
thus the panic that it created among the public
avels_faster_than_the_COVID-19_outbreak). Moreover, in this era of social media panic
traveled faster than the COVID-19 spread. Though this is statistically unproven, it is
hypothetically correct. Maximum number of social media users, use it for expressing their
emotions. Sometimes expressions of emotion can mislead the information which creates anxiety
among the users. However, social media is also the platform which is really influencing people
to stay from the crisis and make some productive in their own place.

During this pandemic people have to take so many precautions, to stay safe from the COVID-19.
Precautions are like sanitizing themselves, home quarantine, face mask, face shield, etc. Many of
the industries had to be shut down for an unlimited period to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Alongside, industries and offices, school-colleges also had to close for an uncertain period of
time. People from all over the world had to strictly maintain the quarantine. The home quarantine
makes people work less and they have chosen social media for spending their time. However,
this pandemic period social media has become a practical platform for the spreading of public
health messages to audiences. In a contemporary debate about the influence of the media, one
researcher has claimed that social media have caused shopping crises in some countries as a
result of the common concerns of COVID-19 on social media that many people have tried to buy
toilet paper and other products. Social media is the blame behind much of the COVID-19 panic,
according to The Star, which globally has prompted social media firms to eliminate COVID-19
content from their sites. Devlin also said people saw empty shop posts in social media, sparking
food crisis panic. Moreover, it is noted that publishing inaccurate information on social media
networks about the spread of diseases will have a negative impact on public health and people’s
mental health. (
fbclid=IwAR0rwjVxA72bO6uqzyc8bcfgvrYX33CbEp7PjE0z3bBsm7GgXq0FLlIS1VA). The
misinformation and spread rumor through social media has really become contagious more than
COVID itself. The people need more awareness while using this social media.

Beside all these bleaks, there have lots of affirmative news regarding social media. Many people
have started their start-up in this pandemic period. Social media has become their helping hand.
Maximum number of people are now caged in their house. It is the only preventing option left
for the people to spread this infectious disease. On the behalf of that, online platforms are
becoming more active. They are helping the people out from going outside. Lots of new
entrepreneurs also arise with different ideas and different business perspectives. Social media is
really helping them to give a boost to their business. Especially, platforms like facebook,
instagram has become a common platform for reaching out to the people. More businesses are
growing through this social media. Which is really a good thing in this pandemic. Moreover,
people have found a new way of increasing their communication. some businesses will prey on
mass hysteria, especially businesses putting extra dollars behind social media ads, selling
products like hand sanitizer and facemasks. (

In addition, when no other ways available to cure or manage COVID-19 other than quarantine
and social distancing. Social media has become a strong platform for spreading public health
awareness and advocacy regarding public health issues (
issn=2455-5568;year=2020;volume=6;issue=2;spage=70;epage=75;aulast=Sahni). Even doctors
also started seeing patients through social media. Many tele-medicine businesses also arise to
treat patients. Nowadays people can do their health checkups by sitting on their couch. This is
really a true blessing of social media. Hospitals have become a deadly place for everyone
because of this pandemic. Social media platforms have helped them who don’t really need severe
medical attention. In addition, Restaurants have also started door to door delivery service by
using this social media. It looks like a revolution of new era. Which can also be stated as ‘New

This is the first time that any living generation has endured this sort of pandemic, and we now
begin to understand the ultimate role of social media. For future years, it will serve as a case
study that is extremely reliable, how the public and organization react to this extraordinary
global occurrence and how these reactions affect not just the actions of people, but also
businesses and governments on a national forum.

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