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Work your way through each of the 4 sheets;

1 Referencing and copying cells
2 Replicating formulae
3 Constants exercise
4 Constants solutions
Referencing and copying cells
•In the space on the left…
•Enter the value 15 in cell C4
•In cell C8 enter =C4
•What value appears in cell C8?
•Change the value of C4 to 20, what happens to the value of cell C8
•Using the copy function copy the contents of C4
•Paste the contents into cell C12
•What value appears in C12
•Change the value in C4 to 30, what happens to the values of C8 and C12?
•What do you deduce from this exercise?

•Using the same spreadsheet with its current data.

•Copy cell C8 and paste the contents in E8
•What value in cell E8?
•What are the contents of E8?
•Enter the value 16 in E4 what value appears in E8?
•Copy the cell C8 and paste the contents in F10
•What are the contents of F10?
•If you wanted to put the value 17 in F10 without changing what you have already done, in which cell should you enter the value?
•What do you deduce from this exercise?
Replicating formulae exercise

Total Sold Jan Feb March April

Suits 60 £ 150.00 £ 180.00 £ 200.00 £ 250.00
Coats 100 £ 80.00 £ 100.00 £ 175.00 £ 200.00
Dresses 30 £ 45.00 £ 50.00 £ 65.00 £ 70.00
Skirts 50 £ 30.00 £ 30.00 £ 35.00 £ 40.00
T-Shirts 100 £ 10.00 £ 12.00 £ 15.00 £ 20.00
Trousers 42 £ 15.00 £ 20.00 £ 25.00 £ 30.00

Suits £ 9,000.00


The formulae in cell C12 calculates the total predicted revenue for suits sold in January.
Replicate this formulae across the range D12-F12 to show total revenue for suits being sold in Feb, March and April.

Enter a formulae in cell C13 to calculate the predicted revenue for coats being sold in January.
Replicate this formulae across the range D13-F13 to show total revenue for coats being sold in Feb, March and April

Complete the spreadsheet to show total predicted revenue for dresses, skirts, t-shirts and trousers for all months

Enter a formulae in cell C19 to calculate the total predicted revenue for clothing in January
Replicate this formulae across the range D19-F19 to show the total predicted revenue for Feb, March and April
In cell A1 is the title - ensure this heading is wrapped within the cell, fully visable and emboldened.
Pay Rise % 3.50% Pension Old 15%

Pension New 18%

Pay No Salary Increase New Salary Old Pension Increase New Pension

A12345 £22,000.00
A1345 £23,740.00
A346 £24,650.00
A44576 £15,900.00

For the people already shown, the company currently pays 15% pension contribution on their gross pay, In the new year this will change to 18%.
Set up a spreadsheet which shows the total rise in company pension contribution for any given rise in salary and the new contributions.
All answers should be to 2 decimal places.

Check your answers with the solutions on the next tab, then change the pay rise to 2%, and check answer again

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