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Una tarde, mi hermano y yo estábamos en casa jugando One afternoon, my brother and me were at home playing

parques, cuando escuchamos a alguien que entró parks, when we heard someone who came in we thought
pensamos quien podrá haber sido, pasaron unos minutos who might have been, a few minutes passed and never
y nunca vimos a la persona, minutos más tarde saw the person, minutes later we heard when rolled a
escuchamos cuando rodaron una silla del comedor Y dining room chair And we confirmed that there was
confirmamos que había alguien en casa, en ese someone At home, at that time I went to see who was
momento yo salí a ver quién era y me sorprendí al no ver and I was surprised to not see anyone and and I
a nadie y me puse a pensar que habría sucedido? sin started thinking that it would have happened?
embargo no le preste atención y encendí el equipo de However do not pay you attention and I turned on the
sonido con volumen bajo y me fui a seguir jugando sound system with low volume and I went to continue
cuando de un momento a otro el volumen del equipo se playing when from one moment to another the volume of
the equipment was raised at that moment we felt
subió en ese momento nos sentimos asustados y
frightened and we called my mom to tell her what had
llamamos a mi mama a contarle lo que había pasado. happened.

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