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What makes you happy?

A. Write down ten things that make you happy in your life. A. Escriba diez cosas que lo/a
hacen feliz en su vida.

1. It makes me happy to eat

2. It makes me happy to play football with my friends

3. It makes me happy to play video games in company

4. It makes me happy to spend time with my family

5. It makes me happy to cook

6. It makes me happy to learn something new

7. It makes me happy to travel, to know places

8. It makes me happy to watch a sunset

9. It makes me happy to help people

10. It makes me happy to laugh

B. When you have finished, share the information with your partner. Ask your partner why
those things make them happy. B. Cuando haya terminado, comparta la información con
su pareja (compañero/a de clases). Pregúntele a su pareja por qué esas cosas los hacen

Because they distract me from the problems of life, make me see how important it
is to enjoy and learn at every moment and teleport me to my world of absolute

C. Now work in groups of four. Discuss and find out what are the most popular categories for
happiness, e.g. health, education, money, people, free-time activities, luck, appearance,
etc. Ahora trabaje en grupos de cuatro. Discuta y descubra cuáles son las categorías
más populares para la felicidad, salud, educación, dinero, personas, actividades de
tiempo libre, suerte, apariencia, etc.


If someone says being beautiful, put that under appearance.

If someone says having a well-paid job, put that under money.
Andres is happy Wendy is happy Andrew is happy Jose is Happy Andrés is happy Andrés would make Jose Would be
playing volleyball buying tech learning helping people enjoying multimedia him happy to win happy having a good
accessories content the baloto body
Wendy is happy Jose Is Happy Wendy is happy
riding a bike Andrew is happy Reading a Book helping people. Wendy is happy Wendy would make Andrew would be
buying what he watching series, her happy to find a happy losing weight
Mauricio is happy needs and when he Wendy is happy Andrew is happy movies, Good Person to and reaching the
playing football needs it. learning new interacting with documentaries, make her happy body he has
educational topics people of trust cooking and reading idealized
Jose is happy Mauricio is happy Jose would be happy
playing football to go shopping. Mauricio is happy Mauricio is happy Jose is happy playing to find a Treasury Wendy would make
learning about helping to play video games and hand it out her happy to reach
Jose is happy to go technology instruments her ideal weight and
on a trip Mauricio is happy Mauricio would be eat healthy
watching series, happy to have luck
movies, sharing, in love Mauricio would be
listening to music, happy to be a little
playing instruments, more something
etc. ©20I2 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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