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Inrroduction to Computer. the inermet and the Web 4 Chapter mission. Our current flat two-dimensional televisions wil eventually be rep three-dimensianal versions that turn uF living rooms into “theaters-in-the-round” or ¢ stadiums. Our business offices will enable video conferencing among col oF Sports ‘world apart as if they were sitting around one conference table. Consumers ee a buy pros from eletronic szrtons wil be able wos pret 3D images _ ve possibilities are intriguing and the Internet is su beforehand ase possibilities become reality. re 10 play a key role in making many of these possi ‘There have been predictions that the Internet will eventually replace the tele aystem, Why stop there? It coud also replace radio and television as we know thm na Tes not hard to imagine the Internet and the World Wide Web replacing newspapers wi completely electronic news media. ‘Many newspapers and magazines already offer We : cof rsons, some fee based and some ftee, Over 95 percent of printed materi i s pasty not online, but inthe future it may be. The e-book, an electronic text thas ae sean protected by the publisher, is on the rise and could well supplant the paper book. Wit deny e-book, students could watch animations of chemical reaction, and ison, 2 ok could be updated to include current evens, Increased bandwidth is making it pos.

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