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Human Resource


Topic: Training &

Training definition:
The continuous effort designed to improve
employee competency and organizational
performance. Training typically focuses on
providing employees with specific skills or
helping them correct deficiencies in their
Training Process:
4 phases of training
Phase 1: Needs Assessment & Establishing Objectives
The overall purpose of the assessment phase is to determine if
training is needed and, if so, to provide the information
required to design the training program. Assessment consists
of three levels of analysis:
1.Organizational Analysis: It is an examination of the kinds of
problems that an organization is experiencing and where they
are located within organization.
2.Task/Operational Analysis: An operational analysis identifies
the kinds of the skills and behaviors required of the
incumbents of a given job and the standards of performance
that must be met.
3.Personal Analysis: The objective of the personnel analysis is
to examine how well individual employees are performing their
 Performance gap i.e. the performance is not up to the specified
standards training is required to improve the performance there
are certain factors that should be kept in mind before conducting
training ,lets consider these factors:
 • Number of employees experiencing skill deficiency
 • Severity of skill deficiency:
 • Importance of skill
 • Extent to which skill can be improved with Training
 Determining Training Needs: Following sources can help
organization to assess either there is a need for Training or not.
 z Self-assessments z Company records z Customer complaints z
New Technology z Employee grievances z Interviews with
managers z Customer satisfaction surveys z Observation
 Establishing Training Objectives: Objectives are desired end
results. In human resource, clear and concise objectives must be
Phase 2: Delivering the Training

 The training program that results from

assessment should be a direct response to an
organizational problem or need. Approaches
vary by location, presentation, and type. These
are summarized below:
 1. Location Options
 a. On the job: Training is at the actual work site
using the actual work equipment
 b. Off the job: Training away from the actual
work site. Training is at a Training facility
designed specifically for Training.
Phase 3: Training Methods
1. Lecture: large # of people
2. Case study: the information provided in the case and make
decisions based on it.
3. Simulations: creating an artificial learning environment that
approximates the actual job conditions as much as possible.
4. Apprenticeship: new worker, called an apprentice, work alongside
and under the direction of skilled technician.
5. Internships
6. Coaching And Mentoring
7. Discussions
8. • Games
9. • Role playing
10. Computer-based
11. Multimedia
12. • Virtual reality • Video Training
13. Vestibule training
Phase 4:Evaluating Training

1. Participants’ Opinions:
2. Extent of Learning: post- pre test
3. Behavioral Change:
4. Accomplishment of Training Objectives:
5. Benchmarking
Training vs. Development:
 Although training is often used with
development, the terms are not
synonymous. Training typically focuses
on providing employees with specific
skills or helping them to correct
deficiencies in their performance. In
contrast, development is an effort to
provide employees with the abilities that
the organization will need in the future
HRD programs are divided into three categories
(1)Training: Training is the acquisition of
technology which permits employees to perform
their present job to standards.
(2)Education: Education is training people to do a
different job. It is often given to people who have
been identifies as being promotable, being
considered for a new job either lateral or upwards
(3)Development: Development is training people
to acquire new horizons, technology, or
viewpoints. It enables leaders to guide their
organizations onto new expectations by being
proactive rather than reactive.
 Human Resource Development Methods: Some development of the
individuals’ ability can take place on the job (Job Rotation, assistant-to-
position and committee assignment) and some times off the job methods
(Lectures, Courses, Seminars, Simulation, Outdoor Training) are to be used to
provide the development opportunity to the workforce. We will have brief
discussion on these methods.
 Job Rotation: It involves moving employees to various positions in
organization in an effort to expand their skills, knowledge and abilities. Job
rotation can be either horizontal or vertical. Vertical rotation is nothing more
than promoting a worker in to a new position.
 Assistant to Position: Employees with demonstrated potential are sometimes
given the opportunity to work under a successful manger, often in different
areas of organization. In doing so, these employees get exposure to wide
variety of management activities and are groomed for assuming the duties of
next higher level.
 Committee Assignments: Committee Assignments can provide an opportunity
for the employee to share in decision making, to learn by watching others, and
to investigate specific organizational problems.
 Lectures & Seminars: Traditional forms of instruction revolved around formal
lecture course and seminars. These offered opportunity for individuals to
acquire knowledge and develop their conceptual and analytical abilities.
 Simulations: Simulators are training devices of varying degrees of
complexity that duplicate the real world. Simulation refers to creating an
artificial learning environment that approximates the actual job conditions
as much as possible.
 Outdoor Training: A trend in employee development has been the use of
outdoor training. The primary focus of such training is to teach trainees
the importance of working together, of gelling as teams. The purpose of
these trainings is to see how employees react to the difficulties that nature
presents to them.
 Developing a succession planning program: Succession planning
programs are considerations of the job openings that presently exist in an
organization, the openings that are likely to occur in the future, and how
these positions might be filled. If positions are to be filled from within,
training and development will be needed to prepare employees for
promotion. If positions are to be filled by hiring from without, the
organization will need to make a careful analysis of the labor market and
the likelihood of finding qualified replacements.

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