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Media and Information Literacy

4th Quarter Examination

SY 2019 - 2020
General Instruction: Write your answers on a separate

I. Choose the correct answer from the box below. (10 pts.; 1 pt. each)

1. It usually refers to a group of relatively recent mass media based on new information
2. The recipient of the intended communication.
3. An intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived.
4. The verbal or print part of an ad that makes some claim of superiority for the product.
5. A phrase that follows the brand name and it is often at the end of a commercial or the
bottom of an ad.
6. Is a law in the Philippines that aims to address legal issues concerning online interactions and
the Internet.
7. Refers to the virtual computer world.
8. Is the attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card
details (and, indirectly, money) by disguising as a trustworthy entity in an electronic
9. A kind of defamation performed verbally.
10. A legal device that gives the creator of a literary, artistic, musical, or other creative work the
sole right to publish and sell that work.


Fair Use Libel


II. Write T if the statement is True. If it’s False, write F. (20 pts.; 2 pts .each)

1. A history teacher taped the original ABC news report showing Richard Nixon leaving the
White House after he resigned. She made it at home on her personal VCR and used her own
tape. She uses the entire news program every year in her classroom. This is fair use.
2. A teacher produces a student video that they sell at the end of the year to buy equipment for
the school. They use well-known popular music clips. The money all foes to the school and the
songs are fully listed in the credits. This is covered under fair use.
3. A responsible journalist must write a biased article for a politician.
4. Facebook is an example of print media.
5. An information literate person should first understand the question to figure out the type of
information sources he or she needed.
6. Both past and present technologies provide convenience and efficiency.
7. With or without technology, people need to communicate with each other.
8. All information found in the internet are reliable.
9. Media Literate individuals have the abilities to decode, analyze, evaluate and produce.
10. Information or details must be updated rarely.

III. Choose the letter of the best answer. (30 pts.; 2 pts .each)

1. What is fair use?

a. Paying the creator a fair price for the work c. Limited copying or distribution of published
works without the author’s permission

b. Using paid-for commercial products once d. Freeware that you obtain from the Internet
and not sharing them

2. What form of digital media uses file formats with the abbreviations JPEG, PNG and TIFF
a. Images c. Video
b. Photographs d. Audio

3. Refers to the abilities to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate,
effectively use, and communicate information in its various formats.
a. Information Literacy c. Technology Literacy
b. Media Literacy d. New Media Literacy

4. Someone is behaving inappropriately on one of the sites you’re using. You should:
a. tell the person off c. just ignore whatever it is
b. shut down your PC d. report to the moderator of the site

5. What is censorship?
a. When cyber bullying occurs. c. When someone tries to influence the
opinions or behaviors of others.
b. When false and deceiving information is d. When information is suppressed or deleted
used to trick others. to hinder freedom of speech.

6. An act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of an author.
a. copyrighting c. net addiction
b. plagiarism d. cyber bullying

7. Is it possible that different individual derives a different meaning from the message?
a. Yes, because he or she is coming from a c. Yes, because most of the time people don’t
different point of view and/or background. want to understand.
b. Yes , because sometimes information is d. Yes , because strategies in understanding
unclear. were not introduced.

8. It is a form of electronic communication through which people create online communities.

a. Mass media c. Transmedia
b. New Media d. Social Media

9. A media and information literate individual is someone who:

a. thinks critically c. thinks unethically
b. thinks irrationally d. thinks immorally

10. How did facebook changed our lives in a good way?

a. We care less about our privacy. c. Facebook has created online jobs and
b. Facebook changed the definition of friend. d. Facebook created negative effects on
culture as well as in

11. Video Games can also be considered as type of media. Why is it possible?
a. Because it affects human behavior like c. Because video games has features that
social media did. enable communication.
b. Because it’s been a means in which people d. Because Millenials must be in a trend.
are entertained.

12. Which of the following can influence public opinion?

a. Socioeconomic status c. Major world events
b. News media d. All of these can influence public opinion

13. Which one of the following would NOT be considered one of an advertiser's intentions?
a. to persuade c. to make a profit
b. to inform d. to criticize consumerism

14. A media literate teacher who intends to use a degraded 1950s image of Huks would
a. use cartoon images to represent the Huks. c. not use the picture at all and do his/her best
to verbally describe the
b. print the picture and put designs around it d. enhance the quality of the image through
so that students Abobe Photoshop.
will be interested.

15. Max has been given Medicine X by his friend to remedy pain from arthritis. Max who is
information literate would
a. try the medicine for the next 2 days. c. search Medicine X on the internet and read
about out its dosage, side effects and
b. let another friend use it to see if it's d. throw it away because it might be a poison.
----- GOOD LUCK -----

Prepared by: Mr. Christian Faith C. Zebua LPT

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