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To create a digital marketing strategy of a dental business first we need to understand its nature.
So, in case of other businesses while creating a marketing strategy we need an approach where we need to
convince that what is being sold is worth customer’s money even if they don’t require it. Whereas when
we are creating a marketing strategy for a Dental Clinic we need an approach where we need not to
convince as everybody knows they have to visit a dentist. There is no such push element as for other
businesses, so while creating a marketing strategy for dental clinic the content plays a very vital role as a
marketing strategy. Now let’s come to the strategy –

 Actual Strategy –
Identify your audience: On the basis of demographics (male or female, age groups etc.)
and target locations (Radius wise or city wise).
Know your competition: Who are the competitors available, what offers are they
providing, what strategies they are adopting for marketing, what services of dentals are
they providing etc.
Offers: Providing family packages, age group packages, etc.
Personalized Content: Targets on the basis of names, emails, and phone numbers.
Go for PPC: We can also go for PPC in this dentist business marketing, while PPC is not
recommended for new businesses, but in case of a dental business we can do so.

 Campaign Strategy –
Attract new clients: So people nowadays take health problems very seriously, it’s not an
impulsive decision like buying a shirt, buying a phone cover etc. People like to do a lot of
research and they turn down to Google for research.
So, to attract new clients through Google we need to-
-First form a Basic Website which is SEO friendly (identify your keywords).
-Second is the need of Google my business (see the location orientation of business)
-Third is to create Blog to provide information and generate lead.
-Fourth is to create a YouTube channel and post videos of ads and previous satisfied
customers and their experiences.
Retain old Clients: To retain old clients and make them remind and schedule their
appointments we need to build trust and confidence. To do that we need to establish
relationship and trust, that would happen by-
-By posting customer testimonials, customer experiences, by posting result of work.
-These testimonials can be posted on Website via text and videos.
- Testimonials can be posted on YouTube via videos.
- We can also do E-Mail marketing here as we will have emails of various queries on our
website and previous customers also and we can reach them that it’s so long we have
seen you, book an appointment etc.
Post Covid-19 offers: After we get out of this lockdown we can use this as an
opportunity by giving offers that come for checkup and see how healthy your teeth’s are
we can give offers on that as during this 2 months lockdown period people have been
eating a lot inside their homes and haven’t got themselves checked from a very long
period. So we can advertise these offers via E-mails, Facebook, Instagram stories, and on
the website too.


In the end of all the posters we will be adding contact details of the clinic. Also we can make clinic tour
videos and customer review videos etc.

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