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25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gospel: Mt. 5: 1-12

“Do I not have the right to do as I please with what is mine? Or are you envious because I am

“Is there really late vocations?” a valid question in the context of priestly and
religious vocations. However this question is also relevant to and for all of us, “Is there really
late in responding to God’s initiative in our lives?

In the Gospel, Jesus proposed the parable of the tenants to portray The Reign of God look
like. The Master of the vineyard summoned people in different times and hours. At the end of the
day, all tenants received an equal salary or “reward” so to speak. Due to this “impractical”
division of salary the tenants who worked earlier grumbled against the seeming bias of the
master. But they were responded by the master, “Do I not have the right to do as I please with
what is mine? Or are you envious because I am generous?’.”

The tenants missed the point that, First, the Master was the owner of the vineyard and
because he is the head of his land, he has the capability of INITIATING the summoning and
mandating. In His initiative the tenants were able to participate in the work in the vineyard. And
secondly, they missed the true character of the master of the land; of his Generosity and since
he is generous he can give all of his’ for the sake of the “participants” in his vineyard.

Time and Hours are not the parameters of God on imparting his assistance and graces,
rather the Response to His Loving Call matters most to him. He wants us to realize that there is
something more in us and he do not like to force us to perceive it, but through our constant
assessment on the value of our life then, in a gradual manner we may be able to perceive it and
grasp it.

The lesson we may draw from the Gospel this Sunday is this, God qualifies and not
quantifies in spite and despite of our capacities and limitations. He is waiting for us and yet He is
with us . Amen

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