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School : SMP N 8 Padang
Subject : English
Grade/Semester : VII/I
Text type : Transactional and Interpersonal
Language Skill : Listening and Speaking.
Time Allotment : 4 x 40

A. Standard of Competence:
1. Listening
Understanding meaning in simple conversation for transactional/interpersonal
purposes both interactive/non interactive, in formal/informal situation to communicate
with the nearest environment or in academic context

2. Speaking
Expressing meaning in simple conversation for transactional/interpersonal
purposes, formally/informally, to communicate with the nearest environment or in
academic context.

B. Basic Competence:
1. Listening
1.1 Understanding correctly and efficiently the explicit meaning of simple transactional\
Interpersonal conversation containing Greeting for known/unknown people,Introdu-cing
ourselves/others, command/prohibition, Asking and giving information, Gratitude,
Apology and politeness

1.2 Understanding correctly and efficiently the implicit meaning of simple transactional/
Interpersonal conversation containing greeting for known/unknown people,Introdu-cing
ourselves/others, command/prohibition, asking and giving information, Gratitude,
apology, and politeness

2. Speaking
1.1 Expressing meaning in simple spoken language accurately, fluently and acceptable in
transactional and interpersonal conversation.

1.2 Doing communication with the nearest environment or in academic context by asking
and giving information, expressing apology, expressing thanks, politeness.

C. Sub-Basic Competence
Understanding correctly and efficiently the explicit meaning of simple transactional/
Interpersonal conversation containing asking and giving information
Understanding correctly and efficiently the implicit meaning of simple transactional/
Interpersonal conversation containing asking and giving information
2. Speaking
2. 1.3
Expressing meaning in simple spoken language accurately, fluently and acceptable in
transactional and interpersonal conversation with asking and giving information
Doing communication with the nearest environment or in academic context with

D. Indicators
 Understanding the expressions of asking and giving information
 Responding the expressions of asking and giving information
 Expressing the expressions of asking and giving information

E. Instructional Objectives
At the end of the session, the students are able to:
 Respond the transactional dialog “asking and giving information” accurately,
acceptable with social around.
 Express the transactional dialog “asking and giving information” accurately,
acceptable with social around.

F. Instructional Material.
“wh” question.
What = to ask the name of people, job, hobby, phone number, etc.
For example ;
A : What’s your name ?
B : my name is agung.
A : What’s your job ?
B : my job is doctor.
A : What’s your hobby ?
B : my hobby is swimming.

Who = o ask about someone that be a subject and be a object.

For example :
A : Who is your English teacher ?
B : Mrs Purnamawati.
A : Who is Mrs Purnamawati.
B : my English teacher.

Where = to ask place.

For example :
A : Where do you come from ?
B : I come from Padang.
A : Where were you born ?
B : I was born in Padang.
A : Where do you live ?
B : I live in padang.

Preposition of the place :

For example ;
A : Where is the ball ?
B : The ball is on the box.
The ball is behind the box.
The ball is in the box.
The ball is under the box.
The ball is next to the box.
The ball is in front of the box.

When = to ask the time.

For example :
A : When are you going to go to Medan ?
B : Tomorrow morning.


William Chen

Flower street no 34, Padang.

Playing tennis and Listening to

G. Teaching Method
 Total physical response

H. Teaching learning activities


 Respond teacher’s questions in order to make a comfortable situation in the class.

 Respond the teacher’s question about the attendance and student’s readiness.
 Respond teacher’s question about the last lesson and relate it with new topic that
is going to learn.
Main activities

 Read the card and answer the questions from the teacher (task 1)
 Discus the topic with the teacher together
 Decide true or false the statement that is given based on the text heard (task 2)
 Chose the correct answer (task 3)
 In pairs, try to discuss about the topic that being learned.


 Pay attention to the summary of the topic that has been learned.
 In group, give comments and the meaning about the dialogue that has been
 In pairs, make a dialogue based on the clue that is given by the teacher (task 4).

I. Learning resources

 English students worksheet for innovative learning class VII

 English on the sky class VII
 English 1 for the first year junior secondary school class VII
 Oxford dictionary the seventh edition
 Postcard second edition

J. Assessment

Indicators technique Types example

Read the card and Oral test Oral Teacher reads the questions
answer the question and students see the card and
(task 1) answer the questions
Decide true and false Oral test Students see the picture and
statement listen the teacher’s statement
(task 2) and decide the statement is
true or false
Choose the correct Written Students choose the correct
answer answer in multiple-choice
(task 3)
Create the dialog Oral test performance Create the dialog in pair
K. Instrument
Task 1.Read the card and answer the questions from the teacher

William Chen

Flower street no 34, Padang.

Playing tennis and Listening to

The answers
1. ……………………………………… (What is the name of the card?)
2. …………………………………….... (What does he do?)
3. ………………………………………. (Where does he live?)
4. ………………………………………. (Where is he from?)
5. ………………………………………. (What is his hobbies?)

Task2. Listen to the teacher’s statement “true” or “false” for them.


The ball is in the box True or False.


The ball is under the box True or False


The ball is in front of the box True or False


The ball is beside the box True or False


The ball is behind the box True or False

Task 3.Choose the correct answers by crossing a, b, c or d.

1. Anto : …………………………….
Tessa : I live at Bung Hatta street no 56.a
a. What’ your name? b. Where are you from?
c. Where are you? d. How do you spell your name?

2. Sari : Hello my name is Mita

George : I’m fine
a. What’ your name? b. Where do you live?
c. How are you? d. What’s your hobby?
3. Ridha : What is your mother’s job?
Nurul : She is a ………….She teaches English.
a. Janitor b. Teacher
c. Librarian d. Headmaster

4. Yola : …………is the pen?

Iqbal : It is on your table
a. How b. What
c. Where d. When


Fla : Where is the ball?

Ulfa : It is …………….the box
a. Under b. In front of
b. Behind d. On

Task 4. Choose one topic to make the conversation based on the topic that is
learned, in pair.
 At canteen
 At library
 In classroom
L. Scoring guide:
1. For task 1, score 2 for each correct answer.
2. For task 2, score 2 for each correct answer.
3. For task 3, score 2 for each correct answer.
Maximum score
1. For each part = 10

Maximum score = 100

Score = 10 X 100
M. Scoring rubric for speaking

Aspek Score uraian

Ucapan 3 Benar sema,sesuai denagn standar ucapan yang berlaku
2 Hamper semua benar dengan 2, 3 kata yang kurang tepat
1 Banyak membuat kesalahan
Tekanan 3 Benar semua dengan aturan yang berlaku
2 Hampie semua benar dengan beberapa yang kurang tepat
1 Bayak yang kurang tepat
Intonasi 3 Benar semua sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku
2 Benar dengan 1,2 intonasi yanhg kurang pas
1 Banyak intonasi yang kurang tepat
Kelancaran 3 Lancer tanpa hambatan
2 Lancer dengan sekali ragu
1 Tersendat-sendat

Maximum Score = 12
Score =10X 100
For ex :
Correct answer = 8
Score = 8 x 100
= 66,7
Score of Guide
Range of score Qualitative score
85-100 Excellent
70-84 Very good
55-74 Fair
<54 poor

Approved by Padang, September 2009

The Head Master of SMP 8 Padang, The teacher

Ernawati Syafar Reny Ester, S.Pd

NIP. 195710201977032002 NIP: 196504191989032004

SMP/MTs : SMP Negeri 8 Padang

Grade/Semester : VII/I
Kind of Texts : Transactional and Interpersonal
Theme : Asking and giving information
Aspect/Skill : Listening/Speaking
Time Allocation : 4 x 40

A. Standard of Competence:
1. Listening
Understanding meaning in simple conversation for transactional/interpersonal
purposes both interactive/non interactive, in formal/informal situation to communicate
with the nearest environment or in academic context

2. Speaking
Expressing meaning in simple conversation for transactional/interpersonal
purposes, formally/informally, to communicate with the nearest environment or in
academic context.

B. Basic Competence:
1. Listening
1.1 Understanding correctly and efficiently the explicit meaning of simple transactional\
Interpersonal conversation containing Greeting for known/unknown people,Introdu-cing
ourselves/others, command/prohibition, Asking and giving information, Gratitude,
Apology and politeness

1.2 Understanding correctly and efficiently the implicit meaning of simple transactional/
Interpersonal conversation containing greeting for known/unknown people,Introdu-cing
ourselves/others, command/prohibition, asking and giving information, Gratitude,
apology, and politeness

2. Speaking
1.1 Expressing meaning in simple spoken language accurately, fluently and acceptable in
transactional and interpersonal conversation.

1.2 Doing communication with the nearest environment or in academic context by asking
and giving information, expressing apology, expressing thanks, politeness.

C. Sub-Basic Competence
Understanding correctly and efficiently the explicit meaning of simple transactional/
Interpersonal conversation containing asking and giving information
Understanding correctly and efficiently the implicit meaning of simple transactional/
Interpersonal conversation containing asking and giving information
2. Speaking
2. 1.3
Expressing meaning in simple spoken language accurately, fluently and acceptable in
transactional and interpersonal conversation with asking and giving information
Doing communication with the nearest environment or in academic context with

D. Indicators
 Understanding the expressions of asking and giving information
 Responding the expressions of asking and giving information
 Expressing the expressions of asking and giving information

1. Question (ice breaking)

1. What is your name?
2. Where do you live
3. What time do you wake up every morning?

2. Card name

William Chen

Flower street no 34, Padang.

Playing tennis and Listening to

3. Read the card and answer the questions from the teacher

William Chen

Flower street no 34, Padang.

Playing tennis and Listening to
The answers
1. ………………………………………
2. ……………………………………....
3. ……………………………………….
4. ……………………………………….
5. ……………………………………….

4. Listen to the teacher’s statement “true” or “false” for them.


The ball is in the box True or False.


The ball is under the box True or False


The ball is in front of the box True or False

The ball is beside the box True or False


The ball is behind the box True or False

5. .Choose the correct answers by crossing a, b, c or d.

1. Anto : …………………………….
Tessa : I live at Bung Hatta street no 56.a
a. What’ your name? b. Where are you from?
c. Where are you? d. How do you spell your name?

2. Sari : Hello my name is Mita

George : I’m fine
a. What’ your name? b. Where do you live?
c. How are you? d. What’s your hobby?

3. Ridha : What is your mother’s job?

Nurul : She is a ………….She teaches English.
a. Janitor b. Teacher
c. Librarian d. Headmaster

4. Yola : …………is the pen?

Iqbal : It is on your table
a. How b. What
c. Where d. When

Fla : Where is the ball?

Ulfa : It is …………….the box
a. Under b. In front of
b. Behind d. On

6. The summary
“wh” question.
What = to ask the name of people, job, hobby, phone number, etc.
For example ;
A : What’s your name ?
B : my name is agung.
A : What’s your job ?
B : my job is doctor.
A : What’s your hobby ?
B : my hobby is swimming.

Who = o ask about someone that be a subject and be a object.

For example :
A : Who is your English teacher ?
B : Mrs Purnamawati.
A : Who is Mrs Purnamawati.
B : my English teacher.

Where = to ask place.

For example :
A : Where do you come from ?
B : I come from Padang.
A : Where were you born ?
B : I was born in Padang.
A : Where do you live ?
B : I live in padang.

Preposition of the place :

For example ;
A : Where is the ball ?
B : The ball is on the box.
The ball is behind the box.
The ball is in the box.
The ball is under the box.
The ball is next to the box.
The ball is in front of the box.

When = to ask the time.

For example :
A : When are you going to go to Medan ?
B : Tomorrow morning.

Task 4. Choose one topic to make the conversation based on the topic that is learned,
in pair.
 At canteen
 At library
 In classroom

Approved by Padang, September 2009

The Head Master of SMP 8 Padang, The teacher

Ernawati Syafar Reny Ester, S.Pd

NIP. 195710201977032002 NIP: 196504191989032004

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