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Spot Test
(Chapter 1 to 3)
STPM 2013(U)/2014 Q16

STPM 2015(U)/2016 Q16

STPM 2013(U)/2014 Q17

STPM 2018(U)/2019 Q17

STPM 2013(U)/2014 Q16

(a)T, G, A, C
(b)(i) Thymine, Cytosine (ii) 24%
(c)RNA – single stranded polynucleotide, DNA – double
stranded polynucleotide
RNA – nucleus, cytoplasm and ribosome, DNA – nucleus,
mitochondria and chloroplast
RNA – Uracil, DNA - Thymine
STPM 2015(U)/2016 Q16

(a)Water potential is the potential energy of water and the

tendency of a solution to lose water where water diffuses
from a region of a higher water potential to a region with a
lower w. potential.
(b) (i) Because the sucrose solution does not have a cell wall
and central vacuoles/cell components to produce pressure
(ii) -0.78MPa (show steps of calculation)
(c) (i) Water diffuses into the cells from the solution by
osmosis, from a higher w. potential (-0.5MPa) to a lower
w. potential (-0.78MPa).
(ii) Pressure potential = 0.25MPa
STPM 2015(U)/2016 Q16

(iii) The cells are turgid.

(d) The cells become plasmolysed / undergo plasmolysis.

STPM 2013(U)/2014 Q17

(a)P: Golgi apparatus Q: Lysosome R: Food/phagocytic vacuole

(b)Name: Autophagy Importance: A process that is carried out to
destroy worn-out organelles and to turn over/replace the
destroyed organelles for new organelles and cell formation.
(c)Membrane of Q is resistant to hydrolysis by own hydrolytic
enzymes whereas the membrane of R is not resistant to
hydrolysis by the hydrolytic enzymes of Q.
(d)The hydrolytic enzymes cause the breakdown of the cell itself
through self-destruction known as autolysis.
STPM 2018(U)/2019 Q17

(a)Both are facilitated diffusion, occurring through transport

proteins, where substances move from a higher conc. region
to a lower conc. region, down a conc. gradient without
energy expenditure/ without using ATP.
(b)X: pore protein (accept also channel protein) Y: carrier
(c) Hydrophilic, water soluble, small and uncharged substances
(d)Process Y
(e)Glucose binds to the binding sites in the carrier protein. The
carrier protein changes its configuration and releases
glucose molecule on the other side of the plasma membrane
down concentration gradient.
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