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Vision: A PREMIER UNIVERSITY delivering

“Excellent nursing education that

world-class education that promotes
sustainable development amidst climate
Benguet State University provides graduates with self-
direction, competence and

Mission: To provide quality education to


enhance food security, sustainable La Trinidad, Benguet “The College of Nursing is committed
communities, industry innovation, climate 422- 2127 to provide a strong academic and
resilience, gender equality, institutional professional foundation for the
development and partnerships. practice of nursing.”

NCM 112
Care of clients with problems in Oxygenation, Fluid and Electrolytes, Infectious, Inflammatory
and immunologic response, Cellular Aberrations, Acute and Chronic.


NAME: [ ] SCORE:________
SECTION: [ ] DATE: _________


Part 1: Anatomy and physiology review

1. Number the following organs in the order of the pathway of inspired air. Number 1 is the first organ after the
environment and number 13 is the last organ before the alveoli.

a. ________ Carina
b. ________ Larynx
c. ________ Glottis
d. ________ Trachea
e. ________ Epiglottis
f. ________ Nasal cavity
g. ________ Bronchioles
h. ________ Oropharynx
i. ________ Nasopharynx
j. ________ Alveolar duct
k. ________ Laryngopharynx
l. ________ Mainstem bronchi
m. ________ Segmental bronchi

2. What keeps alveoli from collapsing?

a. Carina
b. Surfactant
c. Empyema
d. Thoracic cage

3. What accurately describes the alveolar sacs?

a. Line the lung pleura
b. Warm and moisturize inhaled air
c. Terminal structures of the respiratory tract
d. Contain dead air that is not available for gas exchange

4. What covers the larynx during swallowing?

a. Trachea
b. Epiglottis
c. Turbinates
d. Parietal pleura

5. Why does a patient’s respiratory rate increase when there is an excess of carbon dioxide in the blood?
a. CO2 displaces oxygen on hemoglobin, leading to a decreased PaO2.
b. CO2 causes an increase in the amount of hydrogen ions available in the body.
c. CO2 combines with water to form carbonic acid, which lowers the pH of cerebrospinal fluid.
d. CO2 directly stimulates chemoreceptors in the medulla to increase respiratory rate and volume.

6. Which respiratory defense mechanism is most impaired by smoking?

a. Cough reflex
b. Filtration of air
c. Mucociliary clearance
Vision: A PREMIER UNIVERSITY delivering
“Excellent nursing education that
world-class education that promotes
sustainable development amidst climate
Benguet State University provides graduates with self-
direction, competence and

Mission: To provide quality education to


enhance food security, sustainable La Trinidad, Benguet “The College of Nursing is committed
communities, industry innovation, climate 422- 2127 to provide a strong academic and
resilience, gender equality, institutional professional foundation for the
development and partnerships. practice of nursing.”

d. Reflex bronchoconstriction

7. Which age-related changes in the respiratory system causes decreased secretion clearance (select all that apply)?
a. Decreased functional cilia
b. Decreased force of cough
c. Decreased chest wall compliance
d. Small airway closure earlier in expiration?
e. Decreased functional immunoglobulin A(IgA)

8. The abnormal assessment findings of dullness and hyperresonance are found with which assessment technique?
a. Inspection
b. Palpation
c. Percussion
d. Auscultation

9. Palpation is the assessment technique used to find which abnormal assessment findings (select all that apply)?
a. Stridor
b. Finger clubbing
c. Tracheal deviation
d. Limited chest expansion
e. Increased tactile fremitus
f. Use of accessory muscles

10. When does the nurse record the presence of an increased anteroposterior (AP) diameter of the chest?
a. There is a prominent protrusion of the sternum.
b. The width of the chest is equal to the depth of the chest.
c. There is equal but diminished movement of the two sides of the chest.
d. The patient cannot fully expand the lungs because of kyphosis of the spine.

Part 2: Match the descriptions or possible etiologies with the appropriate abnormal assessment findings.

_____ a. Finger clubbing 1. Lung consolidation with fluid or exudate

_____ b. Stridor 2. Air trapping

_____ c. Wheezes 3. Atelectasis

_____ d. Pleural friction rub 4. Interstitial filling with fluid

_____ e. Increased tactile fremitus 5. Bronchoconstriction

_____ f. Hyperresonance 6. Partial obstruction of trachea or larynx

_____ g. Fine crackles 7. Chronic hypoxemia

_____ h. Absent breath sounds 8. Pleurisy

Part 3: Identify the following items

Figure 1
Vision: A PREMIER UNIVERSITY delivering
“Excellent nursing education that
world-class education that promotes
sustainable development amidst climate
Benguet State University provides graduates with self-
direction, competence and

Mission: To provide quality education to


enhance food security, sustainable La Trinidad, Benguet “The College of Nursing is committed
communities, industry innovation, climate 422- 2127 to provide a strong academic and
resilience, gender equality, institutional professional foundation for the
development and partnerships. practice of nursing.”


1. This is the organ of smell with receptors from cranial nerve I (olfactory) located in the upper areas. This organ is
rigid and contains two passages separated by the septum. _____________________
2. It is a leaf-shaped, elastic structure that is attached along one edge to the top of the larynx. Its hingelike action
prevents food from entering the trachea (aspiration) by closing over the glottis during swallowing. It opens during
breathing and opens and closes synchronously during coughing. _____________________
3. Also known as the “voice box” and is located above the trachea, just below the throat at the base of the tongue. It is
controlled by the recurrent laryngeal nerves and it is composed of several cartilages. _____________________
4. It connects the nasopharynx with the middle ears and open during swallowing to equalize pressure within the
middle ear. _____________________
5. It is located behind the mouth, below the nasopharynx and extends from the soft palate to the base of the tongue.
This is the common pathway of the respiratory and digestive system and it is used for breathing and swallowing.
Vision: A PREMIER UNIVERSITY delivering
“Excellent nursing education that
world-class education that promotes
sustainable development amidst climate
Benguet State University provides graduates with self-
direction, competence and

Mission: To provide quality education to


enhance food security, sustainable La Trinidad, Benguet “The College of Nursing is committed
communities, industry innovation, climate 422- 2127 to provide a strong academic and
resilience, gender equality, institutional professional foundation for the
development and partnerships. practice of nursing.”


2. ____________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________
9. ____________________________________________
10. ____________________________________________
11. ____________________________________________
12. ____________________________________________
13. ____________________________________________

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