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Caring for a Senior Dog: 5 Healthy Habits

As any dog lover and dog owner would know, senior dogs require more time, attention, and care than
younger dogs. As dogs get older, they experience bodily changes that we should address. It is
important to give senior dogs the best care and quality of life that it needs.

A dog can be considered senior depending on its breed. It is said that larger breed dogs age faster
than smaller breed dogs, but generally, most dogs become senior dogs at age 5-10. It is at this stage
that owners should bring their senior dogs to a veterinarian or a canine rehabilitation specialist
regularly to address the physical changes that they undergo.

Senior dogs undergo several signs of aging like behavioral changes, age-related diseases, periodontal
diseases such as teeth and gum infections, vision problems, changes in weight and eating pattern,
degradation or loss of senses, incontinence, osteoarthritis, and joint problems. These physical changes
can be hard on your beloved pet. Your senior dogs will have special needs such as a different diet, the
need to see a canine rehabilitation specialist and veterinarian more frequently, a modified, less
vigorous exercise routine and many others.

To help your senior dog get through the challenges of aging, here are 5 healthy habits you can do to
give our senior dog some extra care.

1. Canine Rehabilitation

While visiting a veterinarian regularly is a must, you must also bring your senior dog to a canine
rehabilitation specialist. A canine rehabilitation specialist is trained to reduce pain, accelerate
recovery, recondition body tissues, and increase the mobility of joint and muscles in dogs through the
use of physical therapy techniques.

Your senior dog is more prone to injuries and diseases that can debilitate them. Through the help of a
canine rehabilitation specialist, you can help maximize the quality of life at the same time add more
years to the life of your pet.

2. Give your senior dog the right diet

As dogs get older, their dietary needs change. Senior dogs experience constipation, dental problems,
loss of muscle mass and other conditions that may require a different diet. Also, since aging dogs are
less active and are often sedentary, they are more prone to obesity. Give your senior dogs dog food
with higher fiber content and food that are easily digestible.

Make sure to feed your senior dogs low calorie food to manage their weight. Since senior dogs begin
to experience muscle loss, make sure you increase their protein intake. For senior dogs who have
heart problems, give them a low- sodium diet.

3. Visit your veterinarian regularly

Since your senior dog is now more prone to diseases and illness, it s important to visit the veterinarian
regularly. Bring your senior dog to a veterinarian from time to time to undergo urinalysis, blood
exams and other routine health checks. By doing this, you can find out if your dog needs medical care
even before external symptoms manifest. Through early detection, you have a higher chance of the
disease being treated. As for injuries, most veterinarians work with a canine rehabilitation specialist
to provide physical therapy to your injured senior dog.
4. Maintain Good Oral Health

Good oral health is important in prolonging the life of your dog. Poor dental hygiene can result to
many problems such as plaque buildup, tartar, and cavities. Aside from infection, dental problems can
lead to serious problems affecting your dog’s major organs.

Some symptoms of dental problems to watch out for are:

 Drooling
 Bad breath
 Swollen gums
 Changes in behavior
 Crust buildup on the teeth
 Weight loss

To address your senior dog’s dental hygiene, start with brushing its teeth regularly. While cleaning,
look out for broken teeth or swollen gums. Give your dogs some chew treats that they can regularly
chew on. This can help stimulate its gums and clean his teeth. Bring your dog to a dental check-up
every so often to see potential problems early on.

5. Groom Regularly

Grooming your senior dog can be challenging as older dogs tend to be more sensitive and feel
discomfort easily. Here are some tools that you will need to groom your dog.

 Towel
 Clippers
 Shampoo
 Brushes
 Nail scissors
 Ear cleaner

When grooming your dog, be extra gentle and careful as older dogs get startled easily. Be careful
when bathing your dog and move its limbs with extra care. Keep your dog warm after bathing.

Don’t forget to clean and inspect your dog’s ears everyday. Also, keep your dog’s nails short and trim
the hairs around its feet when needed.

Show your love to your senior dog by following these tips. With these five habits, you can elevate the
quality of life of your senior dog and give them extra comfort and loving care in their golden years.

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