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The Social Nature of Representational

Engineering Knowledge

Wolff-Michael Roth

What we call “descriptions” are instruments Consistent with the social-psychological dic-
for particular uses/applications. Think of a tion that all higher cognitive functions are
machine-drawing, a cross-section, an ele- societal relations that come to shape those
vation with measures, that an engineer has who participate in them (Vygotsky, 1989),
before him. Thinking of a description as this chapter focuses on the social dimen-
a word-picture of the facts has something
sions of representations because these are
misleading about it: One tends to think
only of pictures, as they hang on our walls;
the origin of anything that we may attribute
they appear simply to portray how a thing to the mind. But because these social dimen-
looks like, what it is like. sions are what we subsequently attribute to
(Wittgenstein, 1953/1997, p. 99, mind, the perspective developed here also
my translation) is a cognitive one. However, rather than
speculating about hidden mental processes,
this approach allows us to study psycho-
logical functions in the very public arena
Introduction where they originate. We may express this
fundamental fact in the following apho-
The purpose of this chapter is to articu- rism: engineering representations are in the
late a perspective on the nature of rep- mind because they are integral to the societal
resentation in engineering that has been relations engineers entertain. Among those
developed on the basis of ethnographic and who study representations-in-use, the term
sociological studies across science and tech- “inscription” tends to be employed. Inscrip-
nology. It is a sociocultural and cultural- tions include diagrams, photographs, for-
historical perspective that has some decided mulas, and tables, that is, anything other
advantages over the “cognitive approach” for than language that features in scientific
the teaching of engineering, an approach research and communication. In this chap-
that has an exclusive focus on what goes ter, I move from the term representation
on in the mind and hidden from view. to inscription, because the latter allows us

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68 cambridge handbook of engineering education research

to eschew the frequent confusion between visualize and use gesture in their commu-
“internal” and “external” representations. I nication so that representation may be said
present some of the advantages for engineer- to be both internal and external: representa-
ing education that come with this way of tions generally and mathematical represen-
thinking about representational engineering tations specifically lie at and constitute the
knowledge. interface of body and culture (Roth, 2009).
Ours is a visual culture – the adage “a pic- Historically the development of a more
ture is worth a thousand words” is but one scientific approach to some specific prac-
indication of the truth of this phenomenon, tice coincides with the adoption of, and
even though, as the quotation suggests, focus on, forms of representations that for-
there is something misleading about equat- malize the existing, experience-based prac-
ing words and images. The visual nature of tical knowledge. The full split between dis-
knowledge is especially evident in the nat- ciplines, however, sometimes had to await
ural sciences and engineering, where many more modern times, such as that between
forms of representations of nature other scientists, architects, engineers, and master
than text abound. In fact, the sciences and builders (Garrison, 1999). For example, a
engineering would not exist in their present- historical study of the emergence of archi-
day aspects if it were not for visual represen- tecture shows that prior to the construc-
tations (Edgerton, 1985); engineering prac- tion of Gothic cathedrals, much of the
tices, whether oriented toward the design knowledge required existed in the embod-
of general application or specific scientific ied skills of the master builders (Turnbull,
applications, are essentially predicated by 1993). They worked with plumb line, ham-
the relations between image and logic (Gali- mer, and templates to produce wonderful
son, 1997). External representations (inscrip- buildings many of which have lasted to the
tions), especially in this age of computer- present day through wars and punishing cli-
aided drafting (CAD), are the predominant mates. The success of any such construction
means of going about designing and simulat- depended on the actual presence of these
ing the production of future artifacts (e.g., master artisans, who, with these very sim-
Christensen & Schunn, 2009), doing reverse ple tools, did all of the design work. But
engineering (Mengoni, Germani, & Man- with the increasing size of the cathedrals,
dorli, 2007), and the teaching of engineering the structural knowledge embodied in the
practices (Ibrahim & Rahimian, 2010). Visual craft knowledge came to its limit. A split
aspects embodied in external representa- occurred in the profession leading to master
tions epitomize engineering vision as pro- craftsmen heading the work at the construc-
cess: both as a way of seeing the world and of tion site, on the one hand, and to architects
envisioning alternatives (Bucciarelli, 2004). concerned with design and structure, on the
Thus, specifically the development of figura- other hand. Work with diagrams, which can
tive representations during the Renaissance be sent to the different work sites, means the
and the subsequent Industrial Revolution presence of the architect at the construc-
enabled the taking off of all formal, scientif- tion location no longer is required. His or
ically managed cultural practices (Foucault, her ideas could be made present again, re-
1975). Visual representations make possible presented, and stored (archived) indepen-
the objectivity of the sciences in the face of dent of the individual using them.
the inherently subjective nature that comes By the time of the Renaissance, the
with the individual execution, enactment, use of visual representations became more
and application of discipline-specific knowl- widespread and allowed, as apparent in the
edge (Husserl, 1939). These representations drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, more formal
allow knowledge to be “handed down” and investigations in proportions, structures, and
associated practices to be reproduced at design of artifacts (Kemp, 2007). His draw-
will in and by future generations of scien- ings on paper, the epitome of external rep-
tists and engineers. That is, engineers do resentations (i.e., inscriptions), served as a

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the social nature of representational engineering knowledge 69

primary tool for analyzing complex relations includes the reference section and abstract
in a variety of contexts that today would be (but excludes any table of contents).
attributed to design and engineering (tech- The 18 randomly chosen journal articles
nology). Thus, among Leonardo’s famous amounted to 327 pages of text, ranging from
drawings are those that pertain to flight gen- a minimum of 5.25 to a maximum of 93.5
erally and the study of wings more specifi- with a mean of 18.2 pages per article (SD =
cally. This split of thinking practices from 20.4). In these pages, there are a total of 855
material practices has paid off: labeled visual representations (or numbered
equations) yielding a mean of 2.61 per page.
There are fewer boiler explosions than for- The unweighted mean, which gives equal
merly, now that the thickness of the walls no weight to the mean inscriptions of short
longer is determined by feeling but by making and long papers, amounts to 3.07 inscrip-
such-and-such calculations instead. Or since tions per page (SD = 1.65). This is higher
each calculation done by one engineer got than the 1.46 mean number of inscriptions
checked by another. (Wittgenstein, 1958/1997,
per page reported for the study of ecology
p. 134)
journals (Roth et al., 1999) and more sim-
ilar to the 3.95 reported for Physics Review
The very fact that engineers work with
Letters or the 5.4 inscriptions per page in Sci-
external representations, mathematical or
ence (Lemke, 1998). By far the largest fre-
otherwise, allows checking by others whose
quency of representations fell to the cate-
practices, public as those of a third or fourth
gory of equations (Fig. 4.1). This number
engineer, also can be checked for consistency
is heavily biased by one very long paper
with those practices of engineering more
(N = 93.5 pages) with a total of 125 equa-
generally. tions averaging 2.3 equations per page; 7
articles had no equations at all but 5 arti-
cles had between 15 and 47. However, this
Survey trend is similar to that observed, for exam-
ple, in a selection of ecology journals in
As a way of exemplifying the pervasiveness which the mean number of equations per
of visual representations (inscriptions) in page ranged from about 0.02 to 0.60 (Roth
engineering – anything other than text, gen- et al., 1999). A comparative study in the
erally including numbered equations – I con- field of physics shows that the frequency of
ducted a survey of engineering journals from equations is much higher and equivalent to
the eighteen fields listed in Thomson ISI that in the extreme paper in this review;
Web of Science with the term “engineering” thus, in the journal Physics Review Letters,
in the name (e.g., agricultural engineering, the average number of equations per page is
engineering: aerospace, engineering: electri- 2.7 (Lemke, 1998). In mathematics-intensive
cal, or metallurgy & metallurgic engineer- engineering journals, there are 3–4 equations
ing). For each of these fields, I produced per page, whereas the survey of technical
a list sorted according to the impact fac- articles in Science reveals 1.9 equations per
tor for 2010. I randomly selected one of the page.
top five journals for inclusion in the survey In the engineering journals I surveyed,
(as long as my library had electronic access there is a large number of scatter plots and
to the journal) and then randomly selected line graphs compared to the remaining types
one article from the most recent of the 2011 of inscriptions (Fig. 4.1). The frequency of
issues available to me. I used a classification the photographs, micrographs, and drawings
scheme developed for the analysis of visual hides the fact that micrographs often come
representations in scientific journals and sci- in plates with several images side by side
ence textbooks (Roth, Bowen, & McGinn, or as inserts. This frequency is much higher
1999) to establish their frequencies in differ- than that reported for the ecology journals
ent categories. The total number of pages (Roth et al., 1999).

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70 cambridge handbook of engineering education research

Figure 4.1. Frequency of different types of inscriptions per page in

eighteen randomly chosen articles from 18 high-impact engineering

This brief overview shows how impor- 2000). We may conclude that representa-
tant inscriptions are, even though the pre- tions constitute a large part of what counts as
cise number and type of these may vary knowing in engineering. At the same time,
across journals and articles and their focus these representations do not go by them-
on empirical results and theoretical devel- selves, but rather they come with a large
opments. For a comparison, I randomly amount of language-based presentation.
pulled an issue of Science, Technology, and
Human Values off my bookshelves, a jour-
nal in which authors would write about From Representations to Inscriptions
knowledge construction in engineering and
technology. I found 4 representations in The term representation literally means
190 pages amounting to 0.02 representa- “making something present again” when it
tions/page. Similarly, I pulled 2 issues of the is in fact absent. Without this ability to
Journal of the Learning Sciences, a journal make present something that was or will
in which authors might write about learn- be present again no cognition of the kind
ing through engineering design activities in that distinguishes humans from other forms
middle and high schools. Here, I counted of life would be possible: there would be
a total of 49 representations (28 drawings, no memory of past events and no anticipa-
photographs, and diagrams and 21 tables) tion of and planning for the future (Husserl,
in a total of 322 pages, which amounts to 1980). There is some confusion around the
0.15 representation/page. These numbers are term, however, because representations may
similar to those that have been reported for be thought of as something in the mind
the Journal of Research in Science Teaching or as a text or visual encoding in some
(Roth et al., 1999). That is, there is an order medium (e.g., stone, tablets, paper, or mon-
of magnitude of difference between the per itor). To allow making clear and unambigu-
page frequency of visual representation in ous distinctions between the two, the term
engineering and those social science jour- inscription has been proposed: it denotes all
nals reporting about the psychological and those external representations that are not
social aspects of learning in the areas of sci- text – including graphs, tables, lists, pho-
ence, technology, engineering, and mathe- tographs, micrographs, drawings, diagrams,
matics. This may even point to an essen- spreadsheets, and equations (Latour, 1987).
tial gap between social science and (systems) Inscriptions are characterized by dif-
engineering, formality and informality, and ferent levels of abstractness along a sin-
prescription and negotiation (McCarthy, gle dimension that has the real world as

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the social nature of representational engineering knowledge 71

one extreme and language as the other collapses under certain environmental con-
(Latour, 1993; Roth, Bowen, & Mascio- ditions, as the infamous Tacoma Bridge or
tra, 2002). The resulting quasi-continuum the nuclear reactors of Fukushima in Japan
forms, within a particular research project, show. Sometimes, engineers get an appli-
a cascade of related inscriptions. Such cas- cation to work a first time but then find
cades come about as researchers – mid- themselves unable to replicate it on a sec-
dle school students (Roth & Bowen, 1994) ond attempt (Sørensen & Levold, 1992). At
or research scientists (Latour, 1993; Roth each stage of going from a more abstract
& Bowen, 1999b) – interact with the nat- inscription to a more concrete inscription,
ural world in some way to generate data additional contingencies enter on the tra-
(points), which then are transformed into jectory from engineering design to full-scale
graphs and equations. On the other hand, application (e.g., Bucciarelli, 1994). Theo-
a cascade may come about as design engi- retically, there is a gap in kind – in tech-
neers go from some rough and barely nical terms, an “ontological” gap – between
articulated idea – for example, building any two inscriptions. (In mathematics, the
a device that accomplishes a particular relation between the domain and the co-
task – through design drawings, prototypes, domain of a function constitutes a mapping,
and established applications (Roth, 1996a). not a self-identity.) This is especially the
That is, the work of generating knowledge in case when two neighboring or consecutive
the sciences and engineering tends to move inscriptions compared are of different kind,
from the real world in the direction of the such as a line graph with slope 1 through
production of graphs, equations, and text the origin and the function f(x) = x. This
(concepts, theories), whereas in engineer- gap exists even though competent practi-
ing and technology, designs tend to move tioners see a perfect equivalence between
from the state of general ideas through vari- graph and function. This equivalence is in
ous inscriptional phases (e.g., drawings, dia- fact hidden in and embodied by their prac-
grams) to working prototypes to the final tice (i.e., in the mapping process), but it
product in the world (Fig. 4.2). In the exam- does not exist for the novice, whose training
ple depicted, the purpose of the aerospace consists precisely in the process of making
engineering project is the production of the the relevant connections. That there are dif-
satellites depicted in the photograph with ferences between naturalistic drawings and
software that allows two of these to fly in photographs of the same natural objects has
tandem. From the initially vague idea, the been shown, for example, in studies of field
researchers use mathematics to develop the guides, where, interestingly enough, the for-
computer code that will control the flight mer provide greater classificatory help to
formation. The more abstract an inscription, new ornithologists than the latter (Law &
the more it tends to be able to summarize Lynch, 1990). Because there is no natural
and compact information. Thus, it is evi- continuity but an ontological gap between
dent that the presentation of a scatterplot any two inscriptions, work is required to
is a more economical presentation than a bridge any two inscriptions said to belong
table of values; the means with standard to each other. The example from ornithol-
deviations (error) or regression equations are ogy also allows us to understand why and
more economical (e.g., in terms of space on a how opportunities arise for teaching “repre-
page of printed paper) than tables or graphs. sentations” by focusing on the social aspects
The very advantage of abstraction in of inscriptions rather than on supposed
terms of generalization also comes with a (hidden) mental processes.
price: it leaves out the contextual particulars
that any practical engineering application
Properties of Inscriptions
has to confront – there are many examples
in which something that worked on paper Research conducted in a variety of con-
either does not work in the world or that texts including engineering bureaus has

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Figure 4.2. Inscriptions can be classified along a scale of abstractness, which ranges from the real world, on the one end, to conceptual language, on the other
end. Any two related inscriptions are separated by a gap. (Inscriptions used with permission of R. E. Zee & N. H. Roth, UTIAS Space Flight Laboratory.)
the social nature of representational engineering knowledge 73

identified at least eight characteristics com- the photograph of the bubbles on a mate-
mon to inscriptions. First, because inscrip- rial interface provides a territory with geo-
tions are expressed externally in material metrically delineable shapes wherein the
form, they are mobile: inscriptions can be object under study can be seen to move
sent easily using mail, courier, facsimile, through time and across space (Lynch, 1990;
or computer networks (e.g., Star & Griese- Suchman, 1993). Eighth, inscriptions are eas-
mer, 1989). Second, in the displacement pro- ily translated into other inscriptions that
cess, inscriptions are immutable: they do are again translated, forming the aforemen-
not change their properties or internal rela- tioned cascades of inscriptions (e.g., Fig. 4.2).
tions during transport (e.g., Latour, 1993).
Photographs, diagrams, or formulas sent via
Conscription Device
e-mail from one end of the country to
another – including those used in this chap- The focus on inscriptions also allows us to
ter – remain the same, though their signifi- understand and theorize the collaborative
cation may be different in the new context. nature of the work of engineers (e.g., Such-
Digital images can be made available, with- man, 1990); this collaborative context of the
out alterations, at any location where there work also constitutes an important site for
is electronic access (e.g., Lynch & Edgerton, the enculturation of new engineers (e.g.,
1988). Third, inscriptions are easily incor- Ibrahim & Rahimian, 2010). Thus, rather
porated into different contexts, including than having to rely on guesses what the par-
this chapter. They contribute to the multi- ticipants in a design session have in their
plication of signification, which arises from minds, participants to the session can gather
the presence of different forms of inscrip- around inscriptions and discuss or argue
tions (Bastide, 1985; Lemke, 1998). Fourth, alternative understandings and perspectives
inscriptions are easily rescaled to produce (e.g., Ehn, 1992). In this manner, inscriptions
larger or smaller images without changing are understood to function as conscription
their internal relations (Latour, 1987). A devices (Henderson, 1991): they enlist and
photograph, such as the one of the CanX- gather collaborators, focus their attention to
6 satellite (Fig. 4.2), may appear in larger a joint object, and thereby organize their
format in a report and then appear in minia- joint work. The inscriptions become the
ture format in a chapter of representation focal artifacts that allow engineers to hold
in engineering. Fifth, inscriptions are easily each other accountable for their expres-
combined and superimposed (Star, 1995). A sions and thoughts (Suchman, 1993). There
grid can be drawn on top of a photograph is no difference then whether we look at
of the bubbles on the interface between the designing activities of children, of high
two media, thereby allowing precise loca- school or university students, or at prac-
tion of the measurement sites; or diagrams tical engineers (Roth, 1998). Take the fol-
of atoms at aluminum and fluorinated car- lowing example from an upper elementary
bon interfaces may appear in scatterplots classroom where students were learning a
of data, allowing the coordination of mea- variety of scientific concepts through engi-
surement and structure information. This neering design projects. The fragment from
leads to the heterogeneous and composite the videotape followed a tug of war in
nature of layered inscriptions (e.g., Fig. 4.2). which, mediated by a block and tackle, the
Sixth, inscriptions are reproducible at low teacher won the competition against twenty
cost – from economic, cognitive, and tempo- sixth- and seventh-grade students. The dis-
ral perspectives. Thus, the lecture notes for cussion concerned the design of devices that
an engineering course are readily distributed give a mechanical advantage. There had
using electronic means almost instantly to already been a number of students on the
all students of the course. Seventh, inscrip- chalkboard providing alternative designs and
tions can be merged with geometrical infor- arguments for why the students lost and for
mation. Thus, the imposition of a grid over how to redesign the situation.

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74 cambridge handbook of engineering education research

Episode 1
01 Teacher: and where do YOU pull.
02 (1.58) (Several students chuckle.)
03 Shamir: and there is anOTHer bANister
04 (1.05) (Several students chuckle.)
05 here
06 (0.61)
07 and we pull
08 (0.81) (Writes “class,” Fig. 4.3a)
09 here.
10 (2.71) (Several Ss clap.)
11 Student: oh yeah.
12 Shamir: <<p>you khh is> (Gestures as in Fig. 4.3b,c)
13 Student: uhhh.
14 (0.57)
15 Aslam: but then mister doctor roth has nothing to PULL at
16 Shamir: thats just it.

In this situation, the participants to the decreasing the amount of interpretive flexi-
design situation – students and teacher – bility that his listeners can attribute to what
hold each other accountable in and through he is saying. Perhaps even more interesting,
the design drawings that emerge on the com- Shamir uses a hand gesture that moves along
mon representation medium, including the one of the “ropes” in the pulley configuration
force arrows and magnitudes that they layer he designed (Fig. 4.3b, c). The movement of
upon the design itself. In fact, the group has this gesture is in the direction of the “pull,”
decided to use the chalkboard because they that is, the force that acts in the system. The
no longer understood each other and there movement therefore bears an iconic rela-
was a conceptual confusion as long as they tion to the direction of the force. We may
were just talking (Roth, 1996b). In the end, say that he enacts the (mental, embodied)
the chalkboard was littered with alterna- schema that goes with and underlies the ges-
tive designs, some of which were discarded tural movement (e.g., Núñez, 2009). As a
as viable options including the one that reified whole, the gesture is an iconic signi-
Shamir was proposing. Aslam realizes (turn fier that stands for the rope (the signified).
13) that in the design Shamir has proposed, The presence or creation of pictorial inscrip-
the class is pulling against the wall and the tion, and the gestures it affords, contribute
teacher (Roth) does not have to pull to hold to the emergence of culture and engineering
his own. language (Roth & Lawless, 2002).
The presence of the pictorial inscription As conscription devices, inscriptions pro-
of the design provides opportunities (affor- vide an (external) focus of attention to inter-
dances) to the manner in which speakers action participants. Here they may function
articulate pertinent issues – even if, and as topic (e.g., when Shamir talks about the
especially when, the participants to the set- design) and as ground of the discussion (e.g.,
ting represent different communities and when Shamir expresses himself with a ges-
different levels of understanding (Ehn & ture the signification of which comes from
Kyng, 1991). For example, Shamir points its iconic relation to the figure). Inscriptions
(Fig. 4.3a) with his hand and fingers (tech- therefore serve a double function: they rep-
nically, he uses a deictic gesture) to a partic- resent the content of the issue at hand, and
ular location in the design, thereby increas- they serve as the context that is required for
ing the definiteness of the topic of talk and the constitution of the sense of the text.

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the social nature of representational engineering knowledge 75

Figure 4.3. One of a number of students has come to the chalkboard as part of a discussion about
the affordances of a block and tackle in a particular design situation. He labels a diagram to show
where certain forces act (a) and uses gestures (b, c) to show the direction of forces and where in the
design this act.

ferent (disciplinary) practices into alignment

Boundary Objects
(Star, 2010). This is especially true for those
The preceding example also exhibits an- instances in which scientific and engineer-
other important concept: inscriptions func- ing consultants work with their clients with
tion as boundary objects that coordinate peo- very different knowledge profiles and disci-
ple who have qualitatively different under- plinary practices (Hall, Wieckert, & Wright,
standings of the situation (Star, 1989). In 2006). Those individuals with competencies
the example it is the difference between in more than one domain, who appropri-
an everyday understanding of the forces in ately use inscriptions within two or more
a system brought by the children and the very different technological contexts, obtain
understanding of a physicist with a gradu- wizard or guru status (Star, 1995). Some-
ate degree. A typical example of a boundary times they are referred to as boundary span-
object exists in the design drawings of an ners: individuals who serve as the inter-
airplane used in a manufacturing company mediaries between developers and users of
(Henderson, 1991). The same set of engi- open source software (Barcellini, Détienne,
neering design drawings is used in different & Burkhardt, 2009).
departments of an airplane manufacturing Those who envision some interdisci-
company including the shop floor, engineer- plinary collaboration involving designers or
ing design studio, accounting department, engineers but who do not yet have a shared
inventory management office, and struc- language may also produce boundary objects
tural engineering bureau. That is, bound- (Broberg & Hermund, 2007). Thus, in the
ary objects allow the sharing of knowl- design of new workplaces, the system engi-
edge across knowledge boundaries (Barrett neers spent three weeks with the future
& Oborn, 2010). But this does not mean that users; they jointly produced inscriptions and
inscriptions are used in the same manner built mock-ups (Ehn & Kyng, 1991). In the
when they cross from one disciplinary prac- course of their collaborative work, the engi-
tice into another: they are used differently, neers and the future users established a
which is to say that the associated prac- common language anchored in and on the
tices also differ in the different departments. inscriptions and artifacts that they were
Boundary objects, therefore, allow the man- building together. As a result, they were able
agement of institutional and disciplinary dif- to overcome the gaps that naturally exist
ferences that interdisciplinary work brings between the languages of their respective
with it (Akkerman & Bakker, 2011). They communities: jointly produced inscriptions
constitute a normative force that brings dif- supported the building of bridges. Their

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76 cambridge handbook of engineering education research

function is to articulate and coordinate the the CanX-4/-5 Satellite Formation Flying Mis-
very different practices of engineering and sion (N. H. Roth, 2010).
user communities. That is, in such studies, As readers know from their experience,
the participants come to see the points of orientations for reading a particular piece –
view of the members from other commu- and, with it, for reading the inscriptions
nities and practices, which therefore high- it comes with – is provided by the title
lights the reflective and reflexive nature of of a piece of work (book, journal article).
inscriptions when they function as bound- This title organizes the reading of the text
ary objects. Thus, as one study in the field such that reading will approach the thesis as
of process control shows, boundary cross- an example of an engineering genre rather
ing and change in perspectives occur when than another literary genre (poem, scien-
boundary “objects facilitate communication tific novel). I use the term reading rather
between different activity systems by mak- than reader, because it is in any case an
ing explicit the knowledge and assump- anonymous culturally enabled reading prac-
tions mobilized in the interpretation of the tice that comes to be enacted in any particu-
object” (Hoyles, Bakker, Kent, & Noss, 2007, lar situation in which an individual engages
p. 335). with a text. This text in turn has motivated
the title. The title already orients readers
toward specific parts of the main text (Fig.
4.4). We therefore understand “target atti-
Cartography of Inscriptions: tudes” or “predicted and actual attitude tar-
A Framework for Producing, gets” in this aerospace engineering context
Reading, and Teaching Inscriptions rather differently than if the context had
prepared us for reading an experimental psy-
Inscriptions do not come alone but are inte- chological text or in an educational text on
grated into what is generally referred to teaching method, in which “target attitudes”
as the main text. It is certainly the ear- have very different significations (attitudes
lier cultural-historical origin of language that toward something that are to be studied
makes text the dominant form to estab- or attitudes toward something that need
lish signification generally and the signi- to be changed). Individual readers do not
fication of inscriptions more specifically. even have to think whether they are reading
Based on several studies of scholarly, edu- an engineering text, an online news feature
cational, and popular scientific texts I estab- reporting a new engineering feat, or a poem.
lished what we might call a cartography of This is so because the cultural forms of read-
inscriptions (Pozzer & Roth, 2003; W.-M. ing that we embody have devices built in
Roth, 2010; Roth, Bowen, & McGinn, 1999). that orient the process differently as a func-
These studies show that there a multi- tion of the particulars of the text at hand
ple ways in which different parts and (e.g., Livingston, 1995; W.-M. Roth, 2010).
kinds of text and inscriptions come to be The main text and graphs are linked
related in explicit ways and by means of in multiple ways. For example, the phrase
explicit markers. To understand an engi- “shown in Fig. 5.3” directs readers to look
neering text, students and other newcomers for a figure with the number “5.3.” This is
to the field need to be able to understand important, for there could be multiple fig-
this cartography (even if in an imminent ures and the one appearing on the same page
way) or they would be lost in the reading as the index may not be the one indexed by
much in the same way that a hiker or a the representation “Fig. 5.3” – in the present
tourist might be lost without a map of the instance, the figure in fact appears on the
novel terrain they enter. I work out some of following page. The main text also provides
the relations in the following example from a description of what the reader is to look
a master’s thesis in aerospace engineering for and how to read “Fig. 5.3.” For exam-
entitled Navigation and Control Design for ple, the text describes: “each line denotes

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the social nature of representational engineering knowledge 77

Figure 4.4. Main text, Cartesian line graph, and associated caption from a master’s thesis in aerospace
studies and the associated caption. (From N. H. Roth, 2010, pp. 61, 62. Used with permission.)

the normalized component of the com- tion potentially can be read in multiple
mended attitude vector in the GCI frame.” ways – even highly educated and success-
The main text further describes what would ful individuals from the same discipline
be ideally found (“the blue lines would be read graphs from undergraduate textbooks
straight or mildly kinked”) – thereby com- in different, often incongruent ways (Roth &
paring what is presented to an absent norm. Bowen, 2003); and professors may talk about
It also describes what each jump represents. inscriptions during lectures that are clearly
The text then orients competent reading to incorrect (Roth & Bowen, 1999a). Thus, it is
spikes, which, when it moves to the cap- precisely in the contrast of the caption open-
tion, it finds again: “Attitude spikes result- ing “Attitude spikes resulting from predic-
ing from the prediction scheme” (Fig. 4.4). tion scheme” and the closing sentence “The
This repeated description also constitutes an red lines denote a spike-free series of targets”
instruction for the reading to orient itself that readers can find the pointer to the
toward the spikes rather than toward the spikes as the phenomenon of interest. The
other, minor differences between the red caption then has at least three important
and blue curves. That is, whereas the spikes functions. First, it describes precisely those
may not be immediately salient in the read- features that are relevant to the overall argu-
ing, the repeated description/instruction ori- ment that the authors make in the main
ents the process in such a manner. This text. Scientists tend to do a tremendous
difference turns out to become especially amount of work so that their readers find
salient when the reader comes to the point in an inscription precisely what the authors
where the red lines are described as denoting intend for them to find (Bastide, 1985). Sec-
“a spike-free series of targets.” ond, and at the same token, the caption is
The caption is not a superfluous phe- an instruction that guides reading what to
nomenon that we could get away with leav- look for in the inscription and how to go
ing out. This is so because any inscrip- about finding it. Third, by looking at the

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78 cambridge handbook of engineering education research

visual aspects, competent reading finds the many ways through which instructions are
spikes. That is, the figure thereby authenti- gathered, combined, tied together and send
cates what the text is describing. back . . . before attributing any special qual-
The caption and inscription thereby ity to the mind or method” of the engineers
relate back to the main text in multiple (Latour, 1987, p. 258). Only when there is
ways. First, they validate, in a visual form, something left unexplained do we have to
what the main text claims: variations, which draw on hidden variables (cognitive factors)
the author attributes to “the variation due to explain the work of engineers.
to real-time updates of the commanded This position that moved the discussion
attitude.” The caption marker “Figure 5.3” from internal representation to inscriptions
allows readers concerned with these inscrip- has shocked quite a number of scientists and
tions first to find the relevant information in engineers when initially formulated. But it
the main text. Main text and caption there- actually provides us with some advantages
fore “collaborate” to establish the salience of for thinking about what we might want to
a particular perceptual feature, and this fea- teach in engineering and how we might go
ture, once discovered by the reading process, about it. This is so because if anything we
validates (reinforces) in a different manner wish an engineer to do and think is exter-
what the text has directed it to look for. nal first, then we do not have to theorize
how we get something into his or her mind.
All we need to do is allow future engi-
Advantages of a Social neers to encounter inscriptions and engage
Psychological/Pragmatic Approach in relations where they are used; and we
need to assist those on a trajectory into
For us, to speak about the external process
an engineering field to become competent.
means to speak of the social. Any higher psy- The real training in engineering is at the
chological function was external; this means advanced levels of graduate work, which is
that it was social; before becoming a func- precisely what has been reported for sci-
tion, it was the social relation between people. ence (Traweek, 1988). It is quite evident
(Vygotsky, 1989, p. 56) that up until the undergraduate levels and
even into graduate school, newcomers are
When discussing knowledge, psycholo- left on their own, to study and memorize
gists tend to focus on mental representa- engineering inscriptions and practices rather
tions. The problem is that no researcher than experiencing them first hand at the
has direct access to mental representation, elbow of someone who already is competent
what it might look like, and how it might in their use or in groups of engineers using
be used. A practice approach to scientific inscriptions. Use is important, as it rather
representation therefore is especially useful than some mental “meaning” is the pertinent
in teaching and learning at all levels of the and defining aspect of a representation/word
formal and informal educational processes (Wittgenstein, 1953/1997). A special orien-
(Roth & McGinn, 1998). The introductory tation to the reasoned use of inscriptions
quotation to this section provides us with may foster learning environments in which
help here, as it suggests that any higher psy- students’ competencies to produce, ana-
chological function initially is external; it is lyze, and interpret increase. Thus, one study
not just found in external form, such as, showed that eighth-grade students – who
for example, a diagram that engineers might designed and conducted investigations and
also generate – in less elaborate form – in reported them for the purpose of convinc-
their mind. Indeed, the quotation suggests ingly reporting their findings to their audi-
that the higher function is a social relation ences – outperformed, at statistically signifi-
first. It is therefore not surprising to find that cant levels, pre-service science teachers who
a text on how to follow engineers around had already obtained either a bachelor’s or
in their work suggests examining “first the master’s degree in science (Roth, McGinn,

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the social nature of representational engineering knowledge 79

Figure 4.5. Example of static structure with forces in a mechanical

engineering course.

& Bowen, 1998). The eighth-grade students and how they think (Schoenfeld, 1985). For
used more abstract inscriptions – includ- example, a configuration of some forces
ing plots, line graphs, and statistics – than around specific points in a structure may
the future teachers who, less than a year be given (Fig. 4.5). The lecturer then takes
after the study, took positions of teaching in the students through the example in a step-
middle and high schools. Detailed quantita- by-step fashion. This is important because
tive and qualitative analyses of the inscrip- the whole point is the showing, the relation
tion use among these eighth-graders exhib- that is thereby established between the lec-
ited the tremendous inscription-related turing engineer and his or her students –
competencies in contexts that push them to who should be encouraged to ask ques-
mathematize their experience (Roth, 1996c; tions because this furthers the level and
Roth & Bowen, 1994). intensity of their interaction. It is pre-
A very simple example of focusing on the cisely in the sequentially ordered interac-
external aspects of learning engineering is tion that the relation exists of which L. S.
through the teaching by examples. Thus, an Vygotsky speaks in the introductory quo-
engineering lecture on forces in structures tation. The demonstration involves further
might present two equations, one for forces inscriptions, which exist in shared space
(1) and another for the moments (2): and really precisely because of their mate-
riality (talk alone would be more ephe-
F = Fx i + F y j + Fz k (1)
Mi = Fi di (2) The lecturer might point to the symme-
try of the system, which therefore consti-
The lecturer might present a third equation
tutes an equilibrium condition. For point B,
for a static two-dimensional system that is
we can therefore apply the first of the three
in equilibrium:
sums in (3):

F x,i = 0; F y,i = 0; Mi = 0 

i=1 i=1 i=1

F x,i = 141.4 cos(45◦ )N
+ 0N − 141.4 cos(45◦ )N = 0 (4)
Rather than letting the students do prob- Because we now think in terms of relation
lems on their own, the lecturer might actu- involving lecturer and students, the lecturer
ally “apply” the equations to a real, concrete must not leave implicit anything that appears
situation. Thus, he or she would exhibit to go without saying, because it is precisely
what an engineer does with these equations the objective presence in public of every-
given a concrete example. Such an approach thing that we later want to be the higher psy-
has been successful for teaching mathe- chological function that counts. Thus, some-
matics at the undergraduate level, for it times lecturers might leave out the fact that
makes explicit what expert practitioners do the three “i’s” refer to the A, B, and C points

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80 cambridge handbook of engineering education research

where there are forces. Thus, Fx,1 is the force ated to capitalize on the possibilities arising
at A along the x-axis. It also has to be made from the social perspective on representa-
explicit that there is a negative sign in the tion than other fields, where knowing is rele-
third force, which indicates that it points in gated to the mental sphere alone. The nature
the opposite direction. of engineering knowledge of being contin-
This simple example is provided to high- ually present in inscriptions provides us
light the fact that inscriptions do not have with affordances that other fields where the
inherent “meaning” that students can some- prevalence of inscriptions is much lower –
how pick up or make in their minds. social sciences, humanities – just do not
From the social psychological perspective have.
articulated here, every higher psychologi-
cal function first exists in the form of a
concrete relation in material life. From a
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