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We would like to acknowledge, first and Aditya Johri would like to thank Barbara
foremost, the contributions of our fellow M. Olds for agreeing to work on this vol-
scholars. Without their hard work and ume and for her mentorship throughout the
efforts this volume would not exist. We also process. Aditya expresses his sincere grati-
thank Peter Gordon and Sarika Narula at tude to Sue Kemnitzer and Alan Cheville for
Cambridge University Press for their help in their intellectual guidance and support. He
bringing this volume together. Peter worked would also like to thank the U.S. National
tirelessly with the authors since their first Science Foundation that partially supported
meeting at the annual conference of ASEE his work on this project through Awards
2010 to bring this volume to fruition. R. EEC-0954034 and EEC-0935143. Any opin-
Keith Sawyer from Washington University ions, findings, and conclusions or recom-
was of great assistance during the pro- mendations expressed in this material are
posal preparation and served on our advi- those of the author(s) and do not necessar-
sory board. We also want to thank our other ily reflect the views of the National Science
advisory board members, Jack R. Lohmann, Foundation.
Karl A. Smith, and Wendy C. Newstetter. Barbara Olds would like to thank Aditya
Thanks also to Norman L. Fortenberry, the Johri for his intellectual leadership of the
Executive Director of ASEE, who helped project and for his tireless work to bring the
us gain permission to reprint material from volume to fruition.
ASEE publications and for writing the fore- In addition to the authors, the follow-
word for the Handbook. Chapters 3, 21, and ing individuals graciously agreed to review
27 have previously appeared in the Journal the chapters in this volume: Erin Crede,
of Engineering Education. David B. Knight, Lee Martin, Holly Matuso-
vich, Jacob Moore, Jay Pembridge, Olga
Pierrakos, Ken Stanton, Hon Jie Teo, James
Trevelyan, and Jennifer Turns.

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