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Schizophrenia: An overview

Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia
may seem like they have lost touch with reality. They may hear voices other people don’t hear. Schizophrenia symptoms
contain three categories; Positive, Negative and Cognitive. There are different causes of Schizophrenia this may be due
to Genes, Environment or Change in Brain Structures. Due to Schizophrenia the illness occurs in less than 1 percent
of the general population, but this range becomes 10 percent who have first degree relatives with the disorder, such
as parents, Brother or sister. Most people with schizophrenia are not violent; however, the risk of violence is greatest
when schizophrenia is untreated. There are different molecular mechanisms of Schizophrenia i.e. Neurodevelopment
Hypothesis, Dopamine hypothesis and Glutamate Hypothesis. It is important to help a person with schizophrenia
symptoms get treatment as quickly as possible. Here Two main types of treatment can help with symptoms: antipsychotic
medications and psychosocial treatments. Family and friends can help their loved ones with schizophrenia by helping
them get treatment and encouraging them to stay in treatment.
Keywords: schizophrenia, hallucination, glutamate hypothesis.

Introduction hallucinations (an experience involving

Shahid Rasool1,2,
Schizophrenia is a chronic psychiatric the apparent perception of something not
Muhammad Zeeshan
disorder with a heterogeneous genetic and present) and delusions (the action of deluding
or the state of being deluded). Patients may
neurobiological background that influences Zulfiqar Ali3,
early brain development and is expressed as a have experienced these symptoms but this
phenomenon may or may not true and now in its Alia Erum1,2
combination of psychotic symptoms such as
troubling condition. Schizophrenia has different 1
Department of Pharmacy, University
hallucinations, delusions and disorganization of Sargodha, Pakistan
and motivational and cognitive dysfunctions. main symptoms which can be divided into
Although Schizophrenia affects men and women different phases which are; Positive, Negative Department of Pharmacognosy,

and Cognitive symptoms. Positive symptoms University of Sargodha,Pakistan

with equal frequency. Schizophrenia is not as
common as other mental diseases it can be very are those which can be easily identified and not 3
Department of Paeeds, Gujranwala
disabling as approximately 7-8 individuals out seen in healthy people. Such symptoms include Medical Colleg, Pakistan

of 1000 will have this disorder. Schizophrenia Hallucination, delusion and abnormal motor
*Author for correspondence:
is a word used to describe a mental disorder behaviour having fluctuating degree of severities.
which has a spectrum of symptoms including Negative symptoms are can't easily identify

alterations in perception, thought and sense of a and associated with high morbidity rate. The
self-decrease in violation, psychomotor slowing most common Negative symptoms included
and displays of antisocial behaviour [1]. Avoilition, Alogia, Anhedonia and diminished
emotional expression. Cognitive Symptoms,
„„ Clinical characteristics being the newest classification. These ultimately
Schizophrenia has varied symptoms that impairing the individual’s communicating skills
generally begin in early adulthood and usually by disturbing his speech and attention [2,3].
continue throughout life. Most patients have
a history of behavioural dysfunction primarily „„ Aetiology
social and learning difficulties. Diagnostic Research has identified several factors
features of schizophrenia include auditory that contribute to the risk of developing

847 Clin. Pract. (2018) 15(5), 847-851 ISSN 2044-9038

Muhammad Zeeshan Zafa

schizophrenia. Scientists have long known appear the positive and negative symptoms or
that schizophrenia sometimes runs in families. both [7-9].
The illness occurs in less than 1 percent of the
general population, but this range becomes 10 „„ Dopamine hypothesis
percent who have first degree relatives with the The most widely contemplated neuro
disorder, such as parents, Brother or sister. Many chemical hypothesis of schizophrenia is the
environmental factors may be involved, such as dopamine hypothesis, which theorizes that
exposure to viruses or malnutrition before birth, symptoms of schizophrenia may results from
problems during birth, and other not yet known, excess dopaminergic neurotransmission
psychosocial factors (Schizophrenia). Scientists particularly in mesolimbic and striatal brain
also believe that brain structure of the people regions which lead to positive symptoms and
with schizophrenia is slightly different than finally changes into schizophrenia. There
healthy peoples. For example, fluid-filled cavities are many clinical shreds of evidence about
at the center of the brain called ventricles are schizophrenia that provides support for the
larger in some people with schizophrenia. Other dopamine hypothesis. In this hypothesis,
most common cause of schizophrenia evidenced the different evidence has appeared. The
that most people identified with schizophrenia first evidence that in schizophrenia patient’s
have increased in dopamine level but it's still dopamine came from amphetamine users.
not known that how everyone diagnosed with Amphetamine showed that too produces more
schizophrenia have too much dopamine [4,5]. dopamine and produces psychotic symptoms
related to schizophrenia [10,11].
„„ Epidemiology
Schizophrenia occurs throughout the world. „„ Glutamate hypothesis
The prevalence of schizophrenia approaches 1 In this Hypothesis, it is noted that
percent internationally. The incidence is about dopaminergic dysfunctioning may be associated
1.5 per 10000 people. Slightly more men are with glutamatergic dysfunctioning. In this
diagnosed with schizophrenia than women at an concept glutamate, dysfunctioning will lead
early age, but women are more common in later to opening effect in the thalamocortical loop
age. Typical age of onset in 18 to 25 for men which causes to appear psychotic symptoms and
and 25-35 is for women. On the other hand, a well-known dopamine concentration changes.
more recent review, which included data from Glutamatergic receptors consist of two groups
33 countries, concluded that the incidence of which can perform different functions and
schizophrenia varied by geographic location finally lead to schizophrenic symptoms appear.
[6,7]. In these receptors, major receptors are NMDA
(N-methyl, D-Aspartate) receptor which causes
Molecular mechanisms of Schizo-
schizophrenia among most patients by changing
phrenia dopamine level from the normal range [13,14].
There are different mechanisms related to
schizophrenia given below; Current treatment options for
„„ Neurodevelopment hypothesis Schizophrenia
Recently there are several treatment options
The neurodevelopment hypothesis of
used for to curing of schizophrenia and in
schizophrenia postulates that effects during an
embryonic or fetal stage in brain development practice. Mainly schizophrenia therapy is given
lead to defective neural activity and altered by indicating this with clinical reports and their
neuronal functioning later in life. The alterations ranges or severity. Patients with schizophrenia
observed in post mortem of a schizophrenic who can't receive their medications may
patient that neuro developmental disturbances increase the risk of relapse, which can lead to
mainly related to the hippocampal formation hospitalization. Therefore it's important to
and in the superior temporal lobe. The inform the patient about his illness and current
neurodevelopmental abnormalities developing disease condition. As you know schizophrenia
in utero as early as late first or early second is a severe chronic illness that requires lifelong
trimester and which leads to in young adulthood medication, therefore, its duty to maintain this.

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Schizophrenia: An overview

Main drug therapy used for schizophrenia is of SGAs with FGAs or other agents. Second
with antipsychotic agents [15]. generation antipsychotics (SGAs) have not any
prominent side effects but the major side effect
Antipsychotic agents for Schizo- is to weight gain. Moreover, high doses clozapine
phrenia has been associated with serious adverse effects,
First generation antipsychotics (FGAs) drug, such as seizure. So these are some major
Chlorpromazine which was discovered in 1950 antipsychotics which use commonly [18,19].
and used commonly because at that time this only
antipsychotic drug and used for the treatment of Augmentation and combination
schizophrenia. Chlorpromazine's intensity will therapies
reduce the intensity of schizophrenia. Also in Augmentation therapy is given with second
this class may other agents was also discovered generation antipsychotics combine with
by changing structure and activities which are electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) or mood
loxapine, fluphenazine, perphenazine, and stabilizing agents on the other hand combination
haloperidol, but these all agents have a major therapy is given with other antipsychotic agents.
side effect, extrapyramidal symptoms and this
Lithium is commonly used as mood
can’t be neglected. Therefore these drug no use
stabilizing agent. Lithium may improve the
longer. These FGAs drugs also called as typical
mood and behavior but doesn't have any
or conventional drug [16].
antipsychotic effect [16].
Clozapine is another medication of second
generation antipsychotic agents which was Mechanisms common drugs used
discovered in 1970 and is much better than in Schizophrenia
other agents. It is dopamine receptor blocker There are numerous drugs used for to
but blocks in less extent. Second generation treat schizophrenia and they have the different
antipsychotics (SGAs) are used as a first line mechanism of actions for to produce an effect in
treatment for schizophrenia and effective for this the body [19]. Especially antipsychotics are used
treatment. After this number of SGAs was also for Schizophrenia, therefore here mechanisms
discovered which can also have good efficiency related to antipsychotics given below:
for to reduce the severity of this disease? This
class first called as atypical antipsychotic „„ First generation antipsychotics
drugs, but now known as second generation First generation antipsychotics (FGAs) also
antipsychotics, was heralded as the first major known as, typical antidepressant, dopamine
advance in the therapeutics of schizophrenia antipsychotics or Classic antipsychotics. The
for 40 years. These drugs seem to have more exact mechanism of action is unknown, But
advantages on first generation antipsychotics there mechanism of action is that these are
[17]. phenothiazines derivatives and by binding
with D2 receptors present in brain and act as
In most schizophrenia patients, it is difficult
to implement effective rehabilitation programs antagonizers these also depresses the release
without antipsychotic agents. In the event of the of hypothalamic and hypophyseal harmones,
acute psychotic episode, drug therapy should be also blocking mesolimbic dopamine receptors.
administered immediately. So through these routes FGAs are blocking
dopamine receptors. Positive symptoms are
Clozapine efficiency may increases if given shown due to overactive of different pathways like
in combination with other therapies like its a mesolimbic pathway, mesocortical pathway,
efficiency enhances if given with risperidone. and nigrostriatal pathway etc... When dopamine
Clozapine is more effective than other neurotransmitter mechanism activated then due
antipsychotic agents. to this over activity of dopamine these pathways
Clozapine started given with monitoring are activated and produce positive symptoms of
of white blood cells (WBCs) count. By its schizophrenia shown in FIGURE 1. But FGAs
heavy dose if agranulocytosis occurs then must inhibiting the neurotransmitter dopamine
discontinue the clozapine. If schizophrenia in a receptor 2 activity due to which these pathways
severe stage then must be combination therapies are can’t activate and inhibited schizophrenia
are useful and which may be a combination [20-22].

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Muhammad Zeeshan Zafa

problem which faced is by repeated use of these

agents of normal doses causes super-sensitivity
in patients that not any further effect produced
in a patient, therefore we need to increase the
dose for to become cured or for producing an
There are many drugs which induce dopamine
level in body and cause of schizophrenia in
patients, for example, Cocaine, Amphetamine
etc. are those agents which improve dopamine
level in the body.
FIGURE 1. Mechanism Pathways for First
generation Anti-psychotics (FGAs). Conclusion
We concluded from this study that
„„ Second generation antipsychotics Schizophrenia is a complex, chronic mental
health disorder characterized by an array of
SGAs are also called as atypical antipsychotic
symptoms, including delusions, hallucinations,
agents. SGAs were discovered recently and
disorganized speech or behavior. Schizophrenia
improve schizophrenia treatment with fewer
risks. Many medications used for schizophrenia is a complex disorder that requires prompt
are having higher risks with low efficiency. treatment. Although patients can increase
SGAs like clozapine is a strong serotonin adaptive functioning through available
antagonist, with strong binding to 5-HT, pharmacological and nonpharmacological
2A/2C receptor subtypes. It also shows affinity treatment options, it is hoped that future
with dopaminergic (D2) receptors but with research will address gaps in treatment and
weak extent. Clozapine show two types of potentially a cure for schizophrenia.
mechanism of action in a combination form
as antagonistic effect at D2 receptors in the Author’s Contribution
mesolimbic pathway and 5-HT/2A receptor in MZZ and D.SR conceptualized the study
the frontal cortex. As the blocking of D2 and and supervised experimental work; MZZ and
5-HT receptors, there is a reduction in the AE extract and select appropriate data for paper
activation of mesolimbic pathways and frontal
from previous researches; D.ZA. wrote the paper
cortex respectively. D2 antagonism relieves
positive symptoms, while 5-HT/2A antagonist and checked by MZZ.
alleviates negative symptoms [23-25].
Conflicts of Interest
The use of these medications one major The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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Schizophrenia: An overview

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