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y & trksou Wu ery Erikson’s 8 Crises/Stages of Development ‘Trust vs Mistrust ‘The first step to wisdom begins when a person is born to when they are about 11.5 years old. Asa child, the parents are the most dominient figure inthe baby’s life. I-the parents nurture and love the chil, shoving them thatthe world i safe then the child develops hope along with trust. I the chilis under nurtured and abandoned then the child develops mistrust Conversely, if the cild is over nurtured the child ean develop toomuch trust. This process of gaining trust, may involve oxytocin a hormane in the ‘rain that is activated through socal interaction’. The interaction wth the parent may also include mirror neurons which are activated whet one Views an action that the child wil imitate, Mirror neurons alo take pact throughout the growth of the child and through the eight step. 2, Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt ‘The socond stage occurs between 1.0-2.5 years This is the time thatthe child learns to wall and becomes mere eutious about their surroundings Ifthe childs allowed to explore, with some limits depending on suey, the child begins to asert their Independence and have willpower and determination’. Throughout the eile’ exploring, they wil make some mistakes and when being scolded they experience same shame.nd doubt. Without this shame they develop impulsiveness and ean become oo risky. The willingness to take on risky endeavors involves the orbitofrontal cortex which isinvolved in decision making and the medial prefrental corte. In order to limita child's impulses, having impulse contol Involves the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, the lateral prefrontal cortex, and the inferior frontal gyres. The orbitofrontal cortex ean also beinvalved {nthe third stage ifthe child does nat experience alot of shame and becomes ruthless ‘a: Initiative vs. Guilt Stage three, aceurs between the ages of three or four to about the ages five or si; is called the pre-operational or the play stage. The child ean develop {nitatve. As the eld plays they have positive responses to changes, they take responsibilty, tryout ideas, and the child begins to find a purpose in life As the eld continues toexplore they can. make mistakes, we hei. scolded the child wil fel a certain amount of guilt. Although ifthere is too tte guilt the child can become ruthless while with too much te eld becomes inhibited, never try anything new in order to avoid the feeling of sil 4 Inferioity vs Industry(competene a Stage four bogins between five abd se and until 1-12 years old or so. ‘long ith parents, teachers and peers begin to interact with the child and Contribute to the eile’ learning and experiences, The child begins to Tear about success and soctal sil, With suceess there are decisis, before one canbe rewarded. Decision making with mmodiat ewan involves the limbic and paralimbie cortices o the dora cee sa forte Although with too much succes atone see ag eed ttosiy orto lite success ead to, inertia where echt and never makes any decisions, thinking that they ea nea Intimacy vs Isolation. Atstage: orbit frontal cortex. The regions that have been found between the different decision makings have yet tobe flly differentiated with what ‘occurs when the reward involves money. Generativity: ‘lage seven otcurs during adulthood, or when raising is. The person becomes less selfish, they want to contebute tothe wells of the = “genetionsto vomie'ana prevent tie il i Having to deal wi the problems they faced in life. Here empathy comes back into play but ‘more so, with mirror neurons of seeing others perform an action aid then, perform the aetion themselves. The actions now include tying to better the lives oftheir children, The parents cannot become too selfs they also need to keep the image of themselves as they make decision wth ‘immediate rewards and long-term consequences, Otherwise ties Dverextended, with no time for themselves to enjoy thei fe In the parents develop true caring 8 Integrity vs. Despair [The ial stage, stage eight begins during retirement at about sixyor even {ater these days tan individal decision. Around rerementa reco ‘Rpetiences some detachment from society a sense of uselestnea They experience fears that they never had to deal with while growing eo Giample falling down and not being able to stand up without half ken they hecome concerned with death, they despairabout the ine toy af (fase to exist. Through this despair they reflect, become preoceugied vith the past, ther fires, and regrets. The goings through satoblogghie ‘reminiscence involves the medial prefrontal cortex andthe vost ee brefrontal cortex. They reflect on experiences and self judgment wh Also involves the medial prefrontal cortex. Too much ofthe reflectors and they do not face the difficulties of old age. Too litle and ney denon {antempt or disdain about life. Or through these reflections they comme to {erm with thei lives, with the end oflif, accept their mistakes asd hanes no fears and obtain wisdom, ‘height stages to wisdom may not be the only path but it inolves the {nteratios ofthe limbic system and the prefrontal cortex. Tveugh the balance ofthe two portions of the brain wisdom ean be developed aifferent times in a person’ fe. Depending on their experienc ey ———_ aul develop wistom earleror nari ife For ene es some people are not parents bt can stil obtain the valuc orca {hrough caring for their spouse, fly members, or iends Bat trough {he eight stops a person gins many values that are usfl hreug i fe determination, hope and purpose riskson’s steps summarizeenys fo experiences that can lead to certain values and to wisdom, Thtggh the experiences other values may arise ora person may develop diereg Yalu How a person deals with the problems they fee an how they intemalize or react toa certain experience can determine what apeson adds or loses to their character Not evryone needs to fllow ico, steps or even be aware that they exist. Most ofthe vals we obainscem tobe more throug the unconscious than the conscious, Wher s poset conscious about thir actions or what values they want fo gain er theie actions they may try to exaggerate thelr actions and not fly-in {he value, Throughout le people can take n thelr epettensens ene ho them sed C

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