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Submitted by: Ashley Jane C.



Distance Learning
Distance learning is a way of learning remotely without being in regular face-to-face contact
with a teacher in the classroom.

 More than 270,000 undergraduate students are taking their first degrees via distance
learning, together with some 108,000 postgraduate students.
 In recent years the advent of the internet and widespread use of the computer has led
to a huge growth in distantly delivered tuition and study.

The Past

One of the earliest recorded examples of distance learning is reportedly an advertisement

placed in the Boston Gazette in 1728 by a teacher named Caleb Philipps, who was looking for
students who wanted to learn shorthand via weekly mailed lessons. Fast-forward a few
hundred years, and in the midst of flower power and flares, 1969 saw the institution of the
Open University in the U.K., which allowed learners to take courses from home. Since then, the
Open University has used an array of methods for teaching, from written materials to audio
formats, television programs, CDs and, finally, the internet. Instant, environmentally friendly
and an endless well of information, the internet changed distance learning forever.

The Present

Solutions such as the learning management system (LMS) have changed the way companies
train. Using techniques such as gamification, social learning and personalization, organizations
can ensure that learners are really absorbing content, no matter their location.

The features of an LMS are built to not only support distance learning but to enhance it.
Modern LMSs use functions like gamification and social learning to drive learner engagement
and knowledge retention. Let’s take a closer look at these two powerful techniques.

Gamification is the process of applying game mechanics to non game-related environments.
The objective is to engage the learner while supporting business objectives. It’s also a great way
to encourage healthy competition among colleagues. Elements such as leaderboards, badges,
challenges and experience points are all essential features of the gamified experience.

Since learners can access LMSs via laptops and mobile devices, you can set up a gamified
platform for distance learners wherever they are based. You can even convert virtual
experience points into real-life rewards, like vouchers. Some companies offer incentives such as
an extra day for employees at the top of the leaderboard. With an LMS, your sales team in New
York can be battling your sales team in London to see who can reach the top of the
leaderboards – a fantastic example of distance learning in practice.

Social Learning

Social learning is imperative when it comes to upskilling employees. Indeed, if you put faith in
the 70-20-10 model, 20 percent of learning should come from a social setting.

An LMS is the perfect vehicle for distance learners to use social learning. You can implement
discussion forums for them to share skills and give each other expert advice. You can also use
an LMS like a social media wall, where learners share videos, blogs, podcasts, infographics and
other content to teach each other about specific subjects. As long they have a device and
access to the internet, they can use social learning anywhere.

The Future

Fifty percent of college presidents predict that in 10 years, most of their students will take
online courses. Additionally, 25 percent of learners are expected to be online-only by 2020.
Remote learning is on the rise within the workplace, too.

Virtual reality is revolutionizing distance learning. It allows learners to become fully immersed
in the subject they are learning about, from their own homes. Instead of reading about ancient
Rome, for example, the technology is now available to let you walk around ancient Rome. And
though messaging apps can help employees in different locations communicate, VR takes
remote communication to the next level. Imagine training global employees in a virtual
classroom! Japanese researcher Jun Rekimoto even invented a “human Uber,” in which a
screen is attached to a person’s head, allowing a remote user to experience what he or she is
experiencing – such as a training program.

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