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Traditionally in the diploma colleges students are from their group.

The student thinks that he is a

my close friend so he is in our group

Although this process some advantages like exchange our ideas with our group members and
exchange our ideas properly but some disadvantages occur like

1) Some students claim that above average students.

2) Chatting at work hours with each other.
3) No respect each other and its work.
4) No committed about its self-work.

So I (ONKAR KALE) decide, the formation of group in other consideration like different qualities,
creative minds, problem solving etc.

By considering following qualities, I (ONKAR KALE) decide group members

Qualities are follows.

1) Perfect in PC operating.
2) Perfect knowledge about fabrication.
3) Discipline in work.
4) Commentated about our work.

Above qualities are appeared in following students

1) Kale Onkar Jalindar.

2) Sabale Prajyot Sanjay.
3) Nikam Arti Dhanaji.
4) Dombale Rohan Shivaji.

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