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This is a simple subject Verb Agreement Seat

work. Answer with honesty.

Man’s ingenuity (is / are) put to test when there

(is / are) problems he (has / have) to wrestle with
which (seem / seems) to defy solutions.
Everyone (knows / know), for example that a
scarcity of water (pose / poses) grave problems
especially for farmers who (needs / need) lots of
water for their crops. For that matter, neither
animal nor plant life (is / are) able to survive long
without water.
To solve this problem, man (has / have)
come up with two solutions. One of these
solutions (attack / attacks) the very source itself –
rain. Clouds (is / are) first seeded with a certain
chemical which some marines (chooses /
choose) to call “goop.” The seeded clouds then
(becomes/ become) heavy and (falls / fall) as
rain. For as long as there (is / are) a single cloud
in the sky, man with the aid of science, (is / are)
able to induce rain. So, do you think it (is / are)
The second approach to the problem (has /
have) to do with water storage. During the rainy
season when there (is / are) an oversupply of
water, man (stores / store) it in dams. This
(enables / enable) him to fall back on his water
reserve when the long dry season (sets / set) in.
Together with this, man (has / have) launched a
campaign for water conservation so that no one
(wastes /waste) this precious commodity and
everyone (gets / get) involved in alleviating the water
storage problem.

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