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Caysido, Christopher Nilo November 15, 2018

A16 – CWTS Chapter 2 - Filipino Citizenship Values

What does it mean to be a good Filipino citizen? Explain Further Your Thoughts
Being a good Filipino citizen means being a citizen that exhibits all the
characteristics of a virtuous individual, and not just the virtuous traits but all exhibits
all the unique Filipino values that we are known for. Like many of the values
posited by the module, this bear similarities to the philosophy of Aristotle on what
are the values or virtuous that will lead to happiness and a well fulfilled life such as
Justice, Equality, Honesty.
The video struck me as well on what it means to be a good Filipino citizen,
the video has created a social-experiment on the honesty by setting up the stand.
The social experiment showed that Filipinos for the most part are truly honest. But
being honest alone isn’t what made them Filipino Citizens, but it is the
thoughtfulness of other individuals, we Filipinos are almost Altruistic to a fault and
would think about the well-being of others before their own. This might be in large
part to the religious aspect of Filipino values This may not be the case every time
but most of the Filipinos such as the people in the video are good Filipino-citizens.
In conclusion being a good Filipino Citizen is being a Virtuous and
hardworking individual as well as being thoughtful to out fellow man and being
Altruistic which was the main philosophy of Christianity and Catholicism by helping
each other.

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