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Sep 7 , 2020

Purchasing and international supply chain

Tutor: Jaime Andres Garcia Cuello
Test 1
Time: 60 minutes

-Please be concise with your answers. I am looking for clarity of concepts, not quantity.

1. It is said that in the past nobody paid attention to procurement. Can you explain
the reasons for this?

2. Explain what is missing in this sentence and why what is missing is so important
for the role of procurement today.
“The purchasing function today is to be a strategic unit in charge of managing a secure
and stable supplier base, aligned with the requirements of the company in a way that
allows it to gain competitiveness and create / transmit value to their customers.”

3. Mention and explain two (2) of the lenses we reviewed the importance of
procurement through.

4. Is the following affirmation true or false? Explain your answer.

“ a given procurement organizational design will fit every single industry/company”

5. Mention and explain two ( 2 ) purchasing objectives.

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