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Bonus Track

Vocabulary (The Cranberries)


1. Choose the best option according to the context of the song.

a. The expression They are fighting refers to c. Violence causes silence can be interpreted as
  a competition.   Many people don’t care about violence.
  an armed conflict.  Many people are afraid to speak about violence.
  an argument.  Many people don’t know what to say about violence.
b. (Another) child is slowly taken probably to become d. Another head hangs lowly may refer to
  a politician.   people’s anger.
  a scientist.   people’s joy.
  a soldier.   people’s sadness.

2. The verse “It’s the same old theme since 1916” makes reference to a historical event known as “The Easter
Rising.” Complete this text about it using the appropriate tenses (Past Perfect, Past Simple or Past Progressive).

It (be) Easter Week, 1916. World War I (go on) when the Rising
(take) place in Ireland. It (be) planned by republicans with the aim
of establishing the Irish Republic. The participants (form) part of three groups: The Irish
Volunteers, The Citizens’ Army and The Women’s League.
The Rising started on Monday 24. Dublin was the center of the attacks. The rebels
(seize) several strategic buildings throughout the city. However,
by May 1 (one week later), the British Army (extinguish) the
insurrection. They (arrest) approximately 3,000 people.
Almost three years later, the elected members of one of the most important
parties in Ireland, including survivors of the Rising,
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(establish) the Irish Republic. The British Government

(refuse) to accept the legitimacy of the newly
declared nation, which led to the Irish War of Independence.

3. Answer:
a Have you ever felt like a zombie? If so, in what situation?

b. Do you agree with this idea: “Peace begins at home?” Why?

4. Complete the graph with ways of solving conflicts peacefully.
Solving conflicts
At home At school In your city In your country

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