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Customized Learning Path Plan 

Essential Question/Statement ​​(Think about your question.… Think about your problem…​) 
● In what ways has mind control been used to manipulate people and what are the lasting mental 
effects on the victims?  

What global skills am I learning? ​ (global skills) 

● Critical thinking 
● Communication 
● Creativity 
● Media Literacy 
● Growth Mindset 
● Information Literacy 

What am I learning? ​ (personal learning targets) 

● I can research brainwashing and determine what lasting effects it has on the victims brains. 
● I can research the brain, and figure out how brainwashing affects it. 

Why am I learning this? ​ (Because then I can… This helps me in the following 
● I love learning about why people react and think the way they do. I am fascinated by the way 
brainwashing is possible and that there are so many ways to do it. I also think it's amazing that the 
different types affect people in so many ways. I would love to have experience working in a psych 
ward and being a psychologist in one, and to begin looking into this more. 

What do I need to know? ​ (Vocabulary, Skills, Processes, 

● Anatomy and Physiology of the Brain 
● What parts of the brain are affected by certain situations 
● History of why brainwashing began and how they did it 
● Types of brainwashing 

How will I learn this? ​ (Read, Find, Choose) 

● Collaborate with Mrs. Gregorich to learn the parts of the brain 
● Read a book about the types and effects of brainwashing on victims  
● Research first hand stories of some victims of brainwashing  

What tools and resources do I need?​ (Textbook, Expert, Materials, 

● Read book provided 
● Research tools (google) 
● Ability to collaborate with Gregorich about the brain 

How will I show what I have learned? ​ (TedTalk, Product, Present, 

● I will create an interactive poster about how the different types of brainwashing and how it affects 
people differently. 

How long will this take? ​(Estimate how long each step takes, create a 
● Learn the anatomy of the brain (1-2 weeks) 
● Learn what parts of the brain are affected by certain things(3 days) 
● Read the book provided(1 week) 
● Start connecting the book with the parts of the brain (1 week) 
● Connect why the brain reacts the way it does to the reactions of the book(3 day) 
● Find out if the reactions are lasting effects(3 days 
6 weeks 

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