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My design is more performance focused. It is made from a magnesium frame, which is light and
durable.It is also a road bike frame, making it less portable than the other designs, but it is built
to go faster. It also has inverted tread tires, which allows it to keep traction off road and on
slippery surfaces, but also remain fast on dry roads. One key distinction between my concept
and other electric bikes is that it has a detachable solar panel which can be used to charge the

For my design, I focused on a sleek yet sturdy frame with long-distance mobility in mind. This
version of our product would be more on the expensive side in part due to the solid state
batteries included which are more efficient than lithium, but also much more expensive.
CHRIS- My design was based upon the main goals of this project being portability and cost
effectiveness. This design has a lot of original ideas and could be great for medium distance

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